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Best way to diet


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1. DON'T EAT BREAKFAST BARS - Those things have like 50 tea spoons of sugar in them!






2.GO RUNNING/CYCLING/SWIMMING- This will make you lose 2x as much wight 2x's as fast.






3. Eat 6 small meals aday instead of 3 big ones.




4. Drink a pint of water during everymeal


Engl1sh of RSAlliance

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uhh, a lot of you guys seem to be forgetting that the OP is different from all of you. Of course, most dieting tips work for most people, but people with exceptions, like those with high metabolisms that manage to stay underweight while loading on snacks, should not be trying to contradict the "universal tips" that others suggest just because they weren't lucky enough to be born with high metabolisms and whatnot




as for me, i'm one of those "exceptions", so theres not much i can say, but i do know drinking lots of water helps a LOT, albeit it is something everyone should do on a diet or not

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Yeah it's better to fill your stomach with then with snacks and even if you are on a diet you shouldn't miss breackfest cus it's important but if u don't have time just eat 1 tosted bread and you'll be on your way..


Like me lol :thumbsup:




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Just drink water, it's the secret. I think you're meant to drink 2 litres a day or something though :uhh:




Yes, yes yes- definitely water. No cola, no fanta, no lemonade, no BEER, no bubbly or any kind, no milk, fruit juice or squash. But the two-litre-a-day thing- don't take it too seriously, it's crap. Have a good glass whenever you're thirsty or every four hours. Including water-in-food intake that's probably about 1.2 litres per day...but whatever you do don't try and get a certain amount, let it flow...Literally!






I strongly suggest taking up Badminton. It's a brilliant sport, very easy to get good at, and it's an amazing energy-sink, and I can guarantee you come away feeling on top of the world. I play roughly two hours of badminton three times a week with my dad, and it's great fun...probably how I stay thin with everything I eat!


Sorry to go on but I'm sure every leisure centre in the country has badminton courts. I used to think it was a little girl's game, but I got proved wrong.








Edit; NO LUCOZADE!!!! No no no no no no no no...I know it says 'energy refueller' or something, and it means it...Like, 37 sugars in every 500ml bottle. Keep away... :uhh:

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Milk is an important source of calcium, just don't go for full fat milk. Squash and such is fine, as long as it is around 1 part squash to about 10 parts water. Alcohol has loooadss of calories as fore mentioned, so stay clear :P.



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Edit; NO LUCOZADE!!!! No no no no no no no no...I know it says 'energy refueller' or something, and it means it...Like, 37 sugars in every 500ml bottle. Keep away... :uhh:




Lucozade should not be used to replace the fluid lost when suffering from diahorrea :mrgreen:


On another note, if you are taking reasonably heavy exercise and think you need an energy drink, choose Gatorade. That's the only drink with the correct balance of sugars to actually act as an energy supplement.

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My metabalizm (i know ive spelt it wrong) is really good




I used to be on, i dunno 5 packets of crisps a day, chips 14 times a week


burgers about 4 times, tons of choccy




was size 12 for about 2 years but im sick of being size 12!!, before my diet, i was 9 and a half stone, i am now, 8 stone and 13 pounds.




I have a belly, my diet will continue till its flat :D, i now do situps and stuff to get rid of it, but not alot coz it tends to hurt but i tend to do 10-15 now coz i jus started when i wake up and when i go bed, and hopefully i can build tha up, i drink 2 litres a day of water, and i probs have fizzy (diet coke) usualy, once, with my evening meal as a treat!




It seems to be working, im going to try more salads, coz right now im eating alot alot alot of chicken, chicken currys (homemade) chicken salads,stuff like that, ima try just a salad and maybe a little salad cream to dip the non tasteful lettuce in, thanks for your help!




i seen the tv shows, where people get really fat and stuff, i just didnt want to be like tha, so soon as i was about to get a little bit overweight i dieted, now everyone around me seems to want to lol! coz theyre like your not fat, im like i dont need to be fat, i want to look good and feel good. so now alot of people i know are watchin what they eat its fun.




For you who dont know, a stone is 14 pounds, so 10 stone is approx 140 pounds, i was 9 and a half. and im a small girl 5'2

Im A Girl, But It Doesnt Mean Im Single, Id Love new Friends Though <3 I hate being chatted up so dont try it, not saying im so irresitable you will, just if i had a dollar/pound/euro, for every time i got hit on id be a millionare


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Well your best information you can find just googling. But the most important thing probably is to have breakfast. That starts your metabolism up early in the morning. Ideally just skip lunch. Just have a late breakfast/brunch. Don't have a huge dinner, just a regular size one, and have a small healthy snack before you go to sleep. Do all that, and also exercise a lot.


I don't know how hard it might be only going on two meals a day. That's all I have during the summer because everyone in my house is just too lazy to make lunch, and we get up so late that we have breakfast at like 1, then dinner at like 6-7. I just stay up really late and usually go to sleep when I start getting really hungry. I'm the opposite though. I'm trying to gain weight - combine the fact that I probably still don't eat enough with my really fast metabolism and I'm pretty far underweight. Next year in college things'll change for me though. :P

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Keep your calorie intake at about 1000-1500. Any higher and you know what happens, lower can deplete your energy. Average calorie expendures are about 1.5k for an average person.




Losing more than a few lbs a week is dangerous. Even though it's slower weight loss, better safe than sorry.




Make sure you always have 10%-20% (I think) body fat on you. This is important incase you run out of carbs and your body needs energy.




If possible walk 30 min everyday, or jog 30 min every other day. Maximum exercise time should be 1 hr. If it takes you too long to recover after you excercise, i.e. tired or such, shorten exercise time.

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its all about the exercise imho.


breakfast is important, as many people have said, for starting up your metabolism. i dont think you should skip lunch though.. your supposed to eat regularly, in small amounts afaik.


i wanna gain wait too. i have really bad eating habits, but i do quite alot of exercise, so my fast metabolism means i cant really gain weight, regardless lol.




the bodyfat thing.. i have like 2% bodyfat i think, tho thats probably not reliable.

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Try and stay away from red meats,sugary substances,cheese and ice cream




So no soda


No chocolate


Steak(or any other form of red meat)


Ice cream


Fast food(except subway)




Try and get an hour or so of jogging in per day,even if its only 6 or 7 km.


Try the subway diet?

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i am now, 8 stone and 13 pounds...


and im a small girl 5'2




Your BMI is 22.9, A healthy BMI is between 20-25. Why do you need to lose any more weight? It's important that you maintain your current weight and fitness, however losing any more weight will push you towards the underweight side of things and that probably isn't too good for a growing body (assuming youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re a teenager).

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