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Ch-ch-check it out! (Prayer Complete! Huge update!)

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Thanks guys, it seems to be going pretty well. I have a lot of it all planned out. Gonna pest control until 90 combat, then keep pest controling and using my tickets on some herb packs. Then, sell the high level herbs and use the ranarrs and below. That will get me my herb, I also have enough logs for 70 fletching. Farming will be kinda easy to, I already have like a bagillion seeds sitting around.

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Thread cleaned for spam and unnecessary bumps. Keep this blog-like or it will end up on the Rate this board.


- "I am willing to die...I mean try" - Jewelfire (Want to go bossing?)
-"we tried, we cried and we died!" - Limparse (What happens to old farts and tarts on monster-hunts)
- "...and we found out that there are as many ways to get to warriors guild
...as there are elders trying to get there" - Lysi
*snods agely* sorry... *nods sagely* - Brammy

-"Equality is being treated the SAME as everyone else;

not having special treatment and unique things added in to everything." - Sy_Accursed

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  • 2 weeks later...

looks good, I mostly wanted to comment your sig.




It reminds me of the 3 "race" pkers who are standing in the wilderness, bored for once. They're looking at eachother like "Yeaaa... same old stuff, who wants to go first?"




It probably wanst intentional, but I found it neat.



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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Good luck and.... aaah nice blog and levels! Don't forget to see mine :P



Dragon Drops : Axe, Shield Left Half

Dk drops : Axe, Zerker (X3)

Barrow drops : Torag Plate (X3), Ahrim Robeskirt, Dharok Legs

GWD drops : Sara Sword, Bandos Tassets, Zammy Spear

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