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In remembrance of Steve Irwin


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It's depressing to realize how rarely stingray attacks happen, and it happened to him in the worst place. It's like winning the lottery of death. It's really hard to believe how unlucky he was. :(




True, but in the end something was going to get him. It's like any death, there are common killers like alcohol, drugs, heart disease etc. but then there are many people that die from 'rare' disorders or forms of death. There are a lot of forms of 'rare' deaths, but collectively they make up a significant percentage of deaths.




My bet would have been that a crocodile would get him, but it looks like he fell into the 'rare' category. Anyhows, his father released a statement today, does anyone have a video link to it?




I saw it on the news yesterday but I'm having trouble finding a video link for it =\ But heres one for you Steve Irwin haters- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZP3VMgyzUU




Seriously how can you come here and flame a man that cared that much about animals.

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Guest TaDaraCampbell

quotes from my awsome teacher:


"I said years ago, he's going to die doing this, and he finally has".


something else real good to, but i forgot as i typed... and im really tired lol :D


ahh... i remember


"Someone will end up being greedy enough to sell this for profit"

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...i didn't know this until my science teacher mentioned it... i never watch the news, thats y i didn't know... it is pretty sad tho, i didn't really watch a lot of his shows but whenever i did watch, it would make all the the other animal show look dumb ( no offence to the people who watch other animal shows... )!




R.I.P. steve erwin... :cry:

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It's about time Steve Irwin stopped bothering and provoking those animals.




So many ignorant people :roll:




Care to elaborate? These creatures weren't sent here to have us disturbing them from their natural habitat just to find out a few facts about them. Crocodiles aren't meant to be wrestled, Steve, even for entertainment

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It's about time Steve Irwin stopped bothering and provoking those animals.




So many ignorant people :roll:




Care to elaborate? These creatures weren't sent here to have us disturbing them from their natural habitat just to find out a few facts about them. Crocodiles aren't meant to be wrestled, Steve, even for entertainment








He did it so that people would take an interest in these animals, he cared about them a hell of alot. He taught millions of people about those animals that if not for him would never have even known about them. He has also inspired alot of people to get involved in wildlife protection and has raised alot of money for wildlife protection. Yeah he really bothered those animals :roll:

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It's about time Steve Irwin stopped bothering and provoking those animals.




So many ignorant people :roll:




Care to elaborate? These creatures weren't sent here to have us disturbing them from their natural habitat just to find out a few facts about them. Crocodiles aren't meant to be wrestled, Steve, even for entertainment








He did it so that people would take an interest in these animals, he cared about them a hell of alot. He taught millions of people about those animals that if not for him would never have even known about them. He has also inspired alot of people to get involved in wildlife protection and has raised alot of money for wildlife protection. Yeah he really bothered those animals :roll:




Okay, thanks for the video of Steve disturbing a crocodile.




Wrestling crocodiles and disturbing habitats aren't the way to get people involved with them. And wildlife protection, what do we need that for? Wildlife protection shouldn't be invading the ecosystem of a forest, its about stopping the pollution of the environment and cutting down the trees, etc. The problem isn't with the animals. The problem is with the people who pollute mindlessly because they're so self-obsessed.




And wrestling a crocodile isn't going to stop the pollution, Steve.

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It's about time Steve Irwin stopped bothering and provoking those animals.




So many ignorant people :roll:




Care to elaborate? These creatures weren't sent here to have us disturbing them from their natural habitat just to find out a few facts about them. Crocodiles aren't meant to be wrestled, Steve, even for entertainment








He did it so that people would take an interest in these animals, he cared about them a hell of alot. He taught millions of people about those animals that if not for him would never have even known about them. He has also inspired alot of people to get involved in wildlife protection and has raised alot of money for wildlife protection. Yeah he really bothered those animals :roll:




Okay, thanks for the video of Steve disturbing a crocodile.




Wrestling crocodiles and disturbing habitats aren't the way to get people involved with them. And wildlife protection, what do we need that for? Wildlife protection shouldn't be invading the ecosystem of a forest, its about stopping the pollution of the environment and cutting down the trees, etc. The problem isn't with the animals. The problem is with the people who pollute mindlessly because they're so self-obsessed.




And wrestling a crocodile isn't going to stop the pollution, Steve.




First of all thanks for watching the video :D :roll:




Secondly, honestly I'm not going to bother anymore because no matter what I say people like you never give up. You're just going to keep arguing with me to try and put Steve down because it doesn't matter all the good he's done for the world because..HE WRESTLED CROCODILES!!!!!!1. It sickens me how you come to this thread and have to make a stupid comment just to enlarge your internet penis :wink: If you don't care about him then just don't post because he has just died and you could either show a little respect or just not post your ignorant opinion on him. Now, I'm going out for the weekend so I won't be able to read your witty reply until Sunday night. Toodles!

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It's about time Steve Irwin stopped bothering and provoking those animals.




So many ignorant people :roll:




Care to elaborate? These creatures weren't sent here to have us disturbing them from their natural habitat just to find out a few facts about them. Crocodiles aren't meant to be wrestled, Steve, even for entertainment








He did it so that people would take an interest in these animals, he cared about them a hell of alot. He taught millions of people about those animals that if not for him would never have even known about them. He has also inspired alot of people to get involved in wildlife protection and has raised alot of money for wildlife protection. Yeah he really bothered those animals :roll:




THAT was powerful...wow




that acually made me kinda sad :(


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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It's about time Steve Irwin stopped bothering and provoking those animals.




So many ignorant people :roll:




Care to elaborate? These creatures weren't sent here to have us disturbing them from their natural habitat just to find out a few facts about them. Crocodiles aren't meant to be wrestled, Steve, even for entertainment








He did it so that people would take an interest in these animals, he cared about them a hell of alot. He taught millions of people about those animals that if not for him would never have even known about them. He has also inspired alot of people to get involved in wildlife protection and has raised alot of money for wildlife protection. Yeah he really bothered those animals :roll:




Okay, thanks for the video of Steve disturbing a crocodile.




Wrestling crocodiles and disturbing habitats aren't the way to get people involved with them. And wildlife protection, what do we need that for? Wildlife protection shouldn't be invading the ecosystem of a forest, its about stopping the pollution of the environment and cutting down the trees, etc. The problem isn't with the animals. The problem is with the people who pollute mindlessly because they're so self-obsessed.




And wrestling a crocodile isn't going to stop the pollution, Steve.




First of all thanks for watching the video :D :roll:




Secondly, honestly I'm not going to bother anymore because no matter what I say people like you never give up. You're just going to keep arguing with me to try and put Steve down because it doesn't matter all the good he's done for the world because..HE WRESTLED CROCODILES!!!!!!1. It sickens me how you come to this thread and have to make a stupid comment just to enlarge your internet * :wink: If you don't care about him then just don't post because he has just died and you could either show a little respect or just not post your ignorant opinion on him. Now, I'm going out for the weekend so I won't be able to read your witty reply until Sunday night. Toodles!




You have no right to call me stupid and ignorant just because I have a different opinion than you. These are the forums where everybody is supposed to express their different point of views and opinions, and to be insulted by that, is just ridiculous. I'm not saying everything Steve did was bad. Yes he did help the wildlife, I just think the way he did it was very unorthodox. Don't tell me not to voice my opinion, and don't insult someone just because they don't agree with you. THAT, is the true definition of ignorant. :roll:

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i posted this on my churches forum




RIP steve...you meant so much to all of us you were always our favorite animal planet dude








you always put the animals before yourself...you acually cared about their wellfare






you will be missed...hopefully your up in heaven looking down at us now




heck you might even be glad you got to go through animal death other then natural






good bye Steve 1962-2006 father friend heroe buisness friend










http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqzPuICu ... ed&search=


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ik2C0tv2 ... ed&search=



these caught me




this is how passionate he was about his job:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE2hy7OA ... ed&search= :cry:




crikey....good bye steve :cry:




bye steve...we'll miss you :cry:


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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Fresh, stop being so arrogant about your right to voice your opinion and have a different perspective blah blah blah. This thread is not about your rights.




This thread is about remembering and honoring a man who surely did more for the world than YOU.




If you don't have anything good to say about him, why bother posting? Is there a reason to do that, except to start a fight?




He DIED. Show the same respect you would if a close friend's parents of yours died. Would you tell your friend "well, you know, he had it coming."?




And if you actually wanted an answer to your posts, don't back down from what your first post implied: That he had it coming, that it was better that he died. No, you weren't implying that he was unorthodox, you were implying that he was a jerk/idiot.




You generalized his behavior into one thing he did that stuck into your memory- wrestling crocodiles. Much of this wrestling was done either 1) in the zoo that he was director of or 2) What he did to humanely relocate crocodiles/alligators that were causing problems instead of killing them.




As for provoking the wildlife, it's not as if he was A) causing severe trauma in their lives or B) doing something no one else was doing. No, that's not a justification. But you definitely can't question his impact on worldwide conservation. And what exactly do you mean by provoke? They went on with their lives minutes after getting picked up by a guy. Can you even explain how he "invaded and disturbed" an entire ecosystem? Last time I checked one person didn't have the ability to do that, save for starting a forest fire.




Yes, you are correct in pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that people are the cause of environmental problems, and Steve's work in raising awareness and money for ecological efforts is simply amazing.




And your statement that "wrestling a crocodile isn't going to save the environment Steve" is, ironically, one of the most ignorant things I've ever seen typed by a human being or chimpanzee. YOUR mindset is why the rest of the world is apathetic about the fact that they helping destroy the environment they live in.






Summary: Get off your high horse. Reconsider your ignorant statements. At least have the cajones to back up what you typed earlier instead of putting a different spin on it. And show some respect for a man who left a grieving wife and children behind.

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Chris leave Freshwacka alone.




Just because her opinions are different you don't have to call her ignorant. If we all had the same opinions the world would be extremely boring. Also people die every day. Why not make a thread about all of them?


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Fresh, stop being so arrogant about your right to voice your opinion and have a different perspective blah blah blah. This thread is not about your rights.




This thread is about remembering and honoring a man who surely did more for the world than YOU.




If you don't have anything good to say about him, why bother posting? Is there a reason to do that, except to start a fight?




He DIED. Show the same respect you would if a close friend's parents of yours died. Would you tell your friend "well, you know, he had it coming."?




And if you actually wanted an answer to your posts, don't back down from what your first post implied: That he had it coming, that it was better that he died. No, you weren't implying that he was unorthodox, you were implying that he was a jerk/idiot.




You generalized his behavior into one thing he did that stuck into your memory- wrestling crocodiles. Much of this wrestling was done either 1) in the zoo that he was director of or 2) What he did to humanely relocate crocodiles/alligators that were causing problems instead of killing them.




As for provoking the wildlife, it's not as if he was A) causing severe trauma in their lives or B) doing something no one else was doing. No, that's not a justification. But you definitely can't question his impact on worldwide conservation. And what exactly do you mean by provoke? They went on with their lives minutes after getting picked up by a guy. Can you even explain how he "invaded and disturbed" an entire ecosystem? Last time I checked one person didn't have the ability to do that, save for starting a forest fire.




Yes, you are correct in pointing out the blatantly obvious fact that people are the cause of environmental problems, and Steve's work in raising awareness and money for ecological efforts is simply amazing.




And your statement that "wrestling a crocodile isn't going to save the environment Steve" is, ironically, one of the most ignorant things I've ever seen typed by a human being or chimpanzee. YOUR mindset is why the rest of the world is apathetic about the fact that they helping destroy the environment they live in.






Summary: Get off your high horse. Reconsider your ignorant statements. At least have the cajones to back up what you typed earlier instead of putting a different spin on it. And show some respect for a man who left a grieving wife and children behind.


Quoted. For. Absolute. Truth.




Freshwacka - Shut the [bleep] up. Nobody cares.

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To be an Aussie is to be free. To be an Aussie is to be a mate. To be an Aussie....is to be courageous. The ANZAC spirit inside us all still lives on to this very day. Leading our lives with our hearts and our heads. We pride ourselves in doing what we love and we never forget what brought us to the top. Yet there comes a time with things just have to end. When eveything has to stop. This time, is called Death.




Death is swift and acts upon those least expecting us. Sometimes it can affect few, and other times affect many. This week, i believe, death has affected everyone in Australia. Whether you lived in Sydney...or in Mt Isa the news of deaths of great Aussie Heroes will always. Because they are Great! Because they have done something that has changed the course of a nation.




I hear it quoted all the time that "Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die". So lets all remember them. Remember the Heroes who lost their lives this week doing what they love best.




Steven Robert Irwin was born on February 22, 1962. Son of Robert and Lyn Irwin, Steve from an early age was into wildlife. He first jumped on a crocodile at age 9 and from then his career sprouted. Taking over management of Australia Zoo in 1991, Steve went into wildlife conservation also meeting his future wife Terry while performing a crocodile demonstration. Steve has influenced, i believe, everyone in the world in the last 15 years. He died on Monday 4th of September (Mine and Ks_Jeppe's birthday) after being stabbed through the heart by a stingray barb. Steve was 44. May he ever stay in our memories. Steve Irwin - Crocodile Hunter - 1962 to 2006 - You bloody hero




Peter Geoffrey Brock was born on 26 February 1945. He quickly rose to fame in his career of motorsport, racing a variety of cars and categories in his early years. He gained fame for his 9 wins of the Bathurst 500 / 1000 during the 70s and 80s. Brockie changed the hist ory of motor racing in Australia during his career and eventually took on the role of Team Owner and manager of his new V8 supercars team "Team Brock" in 2002. His dedication to the sport has not just influenced racing enthusiasts but everyone in Australia, possibly the world. He died on the 8th of September doing what he loved best...Racing. May he ever live on in our hearts as one of the Greatest Motorsport Heros Ever! Peter Brock - Racing Driver - 1945 to 2006 - King of the Mountain




Having personally met both of these outstanding Australian rolemodels i cna tell you that both of them had an extremely positive outlook on life, taking their jobs seriously yet always having that Australian Humour about them. So farewell you Heroes, You bloody Legends, we will not forget you...




R.I.P Steven Robert Irwin and Peter Geoffrey Brock

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