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Robert Rdam's blog - It's over.

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You're good. <3:


Thanks! :D




You're good. <3:








Keep it up! :thumbsup:


Thanks man <3:




You're good. <3:








Keep it up! :thumbsup:




He aint good, he's the best. <3:


Thank you Heph! <3:




You rule man! :mrgreen:


You better add me in game! :thumbsup:


.....Or else :shame:


Naa, im joking :P


Good luck man!


Okay :ohnoes:




Thanks for the support guys! :D <3:


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Hey :)




Gratz on the levels youve achieved so far :shock:


And goodluck on the rest of your goals!




Care to check out my blog and make a post? http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=683809


Thanks and sure! :D




Bump! ^_^.




Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Gratz on the Torag legs and the best of luck with getting more barrows items!!! :D






Eugh, i'm gonna steal your luck.


NOO!! :evil: :evil:




Gratz on the legs dude :)


Thanks man :)








Full Verac ftw. <3:




And gratz on the Torag legs.


Indeed, now off to the big beetle! <3:




Nice barrow drops




And gratz on getting full Veracs <3:


Thanks dude. <3:


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Veracing is the best way to barrow =D


It's very effective, but I mainly use for looks and KQ! :D




Hey man, good luck on ur goals! :D :thumbsup:


Thank! :D


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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Woooot :D Nothing else to say: just big congrats!


Barrows had it coming, now it's time for you to show them pain :twisted:


Yeah :D


Also visiting the beetle again! Let's hope for shiny red armor! <3:


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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