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Locked posts to end of forum?


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I know there's a mod floating around that sorts posts so that locked posts are displayed at the end of the topic listings.




I realise the problem with recent topics "vanishing" after they get locked, but this is more so thinking about the occasional "lock spree" after spam, it the topics stit around on the first page wasting space untill they get knocked off. And, it'd also make cleaning up somewhat easier for the admins when they want to clean up a forum of ghost pages also :P

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Why do Mods even lock spam and useless posts anyway?


Surely if it's just spam it should be deleted straight away, no?




The one instance where a post should be locked, I feel, is when someone has asked a question in the wrong part of the Forum, and therefore needs to see that their topic has been locked and read the Moderators comment and click on any link guiding them to where it should be posted..




..Um Bong0 :-s


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  • 2 weeks later...
Why do Mods even lock spam and useless posts anyway?


Surely if it's just spam it should be deleted straight away, no?




The one instance where a post should be locked, I feel, is when someone has asked a question in the wrong part of the Forum, and therefore needs to see that their topic has been locked and read the Moderators comment and click on any link guiding them to where it should be posted..




..Um Bong0 :-s




Agreed, but instead of locking the threads of misguided Tip.It'ers, maybe move the thread and then pm the creator about the move. The problem with this would be that one who was interested in this thread and following along with it would be unaware of the move and thus would be left clueless as to the location of the thread. I'm am not too sure about this, but I'm sure this has contributed, else I would not have posted, wasting your time as well as yours.

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Agreed, but instead of locking the threads of misguided Tip.It'ers, maybe move the thread and then pm the creator about the move. The problem with this would be that one who was interested in this thread and following along with it would be unaware of the move and thus would be left clueless as to the location of the thread. I'm am not too sure about this, but I'm sure this has contributed, else I would not have posted, wasting your time as well as yours.
You can chose to leave a ghost topic in the forum a topic was moved from. So if people come looking for it, they'll get redirected to the new location. The ghost can then be deleted at a later time.




Which, IMO, is how most "wrong forum" posts should be handled. Especially if they're remotely decent, just misplaced. I rarely see topics get moved. Just locked with "wrong forum" messages. That or people just don't leave ghost topics anymore *shrug*

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At the OoC boards, we always moved topics. That way, we could reference troublesome users in the future.


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It needs to be moved to a private forum rather than deleted so it can be used as evidence in bans & ban appeals.




Then can't the Mods just fully remove them from public boards and put it into the Mods section instead of leaving the topic locked at all?


You know, like when there's a topic which serverly breaks the rules and gets removed completly, why not do that for all..


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If there's been a 'spam spree' then most mods will remove the threads from public view.




If a thread has been posted in the wrong board then it will be locked. If we just moved every topic to the right boards ourselves the users would never learn and in the long run would make a lot more work for the mods. When they realise that their wrongly placed topics get locked instead of being moved the learn from that and so post in the place next time.


If the thread can't easily be placed or it's ambiguous then I would move it to the right board.




If we removed all locked threads and pmed the users as to why, this would mean a lot more work for us.




I really don't think locked threads is really a problem, well maybe in the general p2p board but the turn over in threads on there is very quick that you hardly notice.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Why do Mods even lock spam and useless posts anyway?


Surely if it's just spam it should be deleted straight away, no?

It needs to be moved to a private forum rather than deleted so it can be used as evidence in bans & ban appeals.






Just what I was thinking...




But to the comment about people who are "interested" in the topic, spam or not... If the post was let to hang locked for, oh say, 1 day, so that people who wanted to see it could, then it'd be moved to a new forum. Given, the spam messages could be moved immediately, but people talking about glitches, for example, usually have their posts locked after an hour or 2, and by that time the conversation is well underway, and people will want to know what happened.


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

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