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No! No! NOOOO!! What are the chances?????


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I love clues. In fact, treasure trails are one of the major reasons I like this game. I always get a big burst of excitement when I see I've gotten a clue drop.




But two simultaneous clue drops? Wow!




I was doing cave horrors for slayer. I dds spec'd one, taking it past half damage, but before it could attack me back, another one attacked me. I killed the second one, and it dropped a clue. Hooray! Then, before picking up the clue, I finished off the first one. The first one dropped a clue too! On the ground at my feet were two clues!! I picked one up, and then clicked the second one. "You already have a clue scroll," the game said.








I snapped this screenshot at that point:






I took both clues back to the mos'le harmles bank (via an awkward series of dropping and picking up) to see if one could be deposited and the other picked up. No dice. I picked the one with coordinates outside the wildy, and sadly watched the other one disappear at my feet.

There are 10 types of people in the world:

* Those who understand binary

* Those who don't

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Greatest J Mod Quote Ever / My bug collection / Raise your agility! / What exactly is "Anti-scam"?

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Yeah, it happens every now and then, expecially in multicombat areas. It's similar with the pouches for runecrafting.

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for bumping this up, but...




Things like this can definitely happen, given the rate of clues. Once, I went to kill turoths for slayer, and the first one dropped a clue. After doing the clue, I went back to turoths again, and the 6th one dropped a clue.




Things like this could be replicated fairly easily if you keep dropping and picking up a clue scroll to prevent the first one from disappearing.




I wonder if it would have been possible to do both by "juggling" both clues all the way through the trail. Even if it were possible, it'd probably take like hours, lol.




I can definitely relate to similar things in real life, though. For example, I'm kinda a party animal, and I like dances and such. Dances are relatively rare in college (although more common than in high school). Well, there's two of them on the 27th, and as the laws of physics state, we can't be at two places at once. :P





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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