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Blood Rune Theiving


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does world hopping help. im just throwing this idea out there and dont no if it works

lost rights to my dark red text >:(



Barrows sets: guthan, verac, dharok, maybe ahrim eventually <- lost to a hacker whole stole everything of worth from my bank

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There are 4 chaos druids on the ground floor of the tower. You could kill them for herbs whilst waiting for the chests to restock.




There are also a number of ogres in the basement - they are useful for prayer leveling and also drop a fair number of mid level seeds.



Quod liet ingratum est; Quod non licet acrius urit.

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I would probably just recommend killing bloodvelds for blood runes over shadow warriors. As for times to get 1K blood runes...well I think it could be done in 6-8 hours from blood rcing.




Yep, I got 100+ blood runes from one task of Bloodvelds. I've also heard the last monster in the Stronghold of security (Anakous I believe) drop lots of Blood runes.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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I would probably just recommend killing bloodvelds for blood runes over shadow warriors. As for times to get 1K blood runes...well I think it could be done in 6-8 hours from blood rcing.




Blood rcing has not been released yet man......


and if it was possible, probably same time as nats so like 1,900 per hour with all pouches. I am dreaming of this update :)

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That tower has a bunch of ogres, and rocks you can hide behind. Great of range training. You can thieve bloods in the meantime, but you get teleported outside of the tower each time you steal them. So it's tedius and annoying. Bloodvelds are the way to go for bloods. But the tower is quite useful for other things.


Ruby Amulet/Rune pure in training.

Current :: 66a/47d/79s - Goal :: 62a/44d/90s

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i personally fight the ogres there whilst awaiting restocking the chest (2 there)


the big bones they drop plus the odd herb/limp/str/water seed they drop is a nice bonus.


if you are too high for them to att you, then there are alot of safe spots for you to range then easily

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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heh i remeber doing that on rsc and selling blood runes for 3k per, that was slow and crap cash even then due to the time it takes for the runes to respawn and overcrouding. Best method for thieving if u need cash is seeds you get a chance of rannar seeds, snapdragon as long as u are consistent and sell in big quantity's this can be very profitable.

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Barrows gets alot of bloods, plus other loot you can sell and buy more bloods, unless you're selling the bloods. I've been doing it with veracs, all runes are loot. :D Saving the minds for salarin slaying, selling everything else except guthan and dharok parts.

- Pfft, my goals are FAR too "fluid" (ie. I have ADD) to be recorded in my sig.

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