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ugh.....the new graphcis made me cringe...im not kidding!


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Emote screen = :shame:


This new emote screen is a pain in the a**




Lummy Tele = :)


Good, but I really dont see a need or point...




Sounds = :?:


I cant tell whether randoms are for me...If someone is attacking me...etc.




Graphic Updates = :shame:


I honestly hate it! The Dragons and Hillgiants especially suck, the new emotes they use are great! But I like to old design of the dragons/hillys themselves...




Equipment Screen = :thumbsup: + :XD: + =D>


WOOT!!! This is by far the best update they have done!




Run in the Settings menu = <.<


This is crap, so annoying, but, then again...


If you hold down CTRL and click on the map and you automatically run!!!

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I agree, the new graphics jagex upgraded in the game made me wanting to choke myself. I don't like the way they set up the running because it's harder to click run now and that's just gae. Also they made a new magic spell... lumbridge teleport... :!:




Well.. i guess i can get used to it, but please, change back the older version :!:

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I'll say it this way: AGREED.




Bring back the old command interface, Jagex!!!!!!!!!




Obligatory shared angry emotes: :evil: :evil: :evil:




~Mr. Devnull


I LOVE this place. Where else can you find idiots of such a magnatude as Tip.it?! The main benefit is: you know who played RS1 and who didn't.




Those that played RS1: Generally accept the new update, and appreciate the work Jagex put into it.


Those that haven't played RS1: Hate the new update, and are even QUITTING over it!




You guys need to get over yourselves. Why should Jagex care about you? Why should they even listen to what you say? They don't have to update weekly, they don't even have to do it at all! They are making so much money off of just the advertisements alone that they don't need your "business" to keep afloat. This is exactly how the community was when RS2 came out. Everyone was so excited before the update, but once the beta came out, people FLIPPED! This is funny as hell, it really is. I can now sit back and watch as you RS2 Products are running around like chickens with their heads cut off just because you don't have the mental capacity to learn that holding "Ctrl" and clicking will allow you to run. Haven't you ever read the Controls page on RuneScape.com? I guess you're just too focused on yourselves to even think that there might be something else to it.




Summary: RS2 Products are hilarious, and thicker than any kind of analogy I can come up with.




Uh...I'm an RS2 product...I like the update...Please don't stereotype.

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I like the free lumby tele....nearly 100% of the time I forget to bring a tele #-o But I liked the older interface :?

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Beggars are simply taking the role of your average downtown homeless person.

That is THE truth.

R.I.P. Narutotehfox, who is permanently locked

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even though I could wish for more color bands on the rocks




I personally like the whole narrow colours on the rocks, if they were huge like they used to be, would that be real? are rocks always glowing what ore they contain in real life?.... No they are not, jagex is trying to make this part of the game more relistic and, why do you think they have the prospect option there? for people to use it once, memorize the rock colour and ore, and than just forget about it?




That is my opinion in this situation.




I see you took what I said WAY TOO FAR OUT OF CONTEXT!!!




I am NOT asking for the rocks to just glow with ore... What I am asking for is to have more of the narrow lines than just a mere few, especially for those who have bad eyesight and such.




'Nuff said... Personally, I would think you'd find this point I have made VERY agreeable...




~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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face it...




runescape ----------> kiddyscape


:ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:




It's sad, isn't it? :( ... *sigh* -.- ... R.I.P. RuneScape :boohoo: ...




~Mr. D. V. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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i think the lumby tele is too convient cause its free but it evens out since it takes 20 seconds to draw a dang circle and read 1 sentence. also the emotes is too kiddish and shouldn't have its own tab; it should be combined with something else like the tools thing

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also the emotes is too kiddish and shouldn't have its own tab; it should be combined with something else like the tools thing




That's how it used to be... Many people wish for the old control interface style days to return (ESPECIALLY anyone older than Age 15, ME included), but Jagex seems to be moving toward the 7-year-old "Miniclip'per" audience... This is not good, as it means RuneScape will eventually die a most horrible death. :cry:




~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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This is THE worst update to happen in my time here! All the interfaces now look ugly and cartoonish. We don't need little dancing jesters to click on to use the emotes, they were fine before!




Don't fix it if it ain't broke, Jagex!




obligatory angry emoticons: :evil: :evil: :evil:




I'll say it this way: AGREED.




Bring back the old command interface, Jagex!!!!!!!!![/color]




Obligatory shared angry emotes: :evil: :evil: :evil:




~Mr. Devnull










Jagex must learn ''THIS''




===If it ain't broken dont fix it===




They might think it's an improvement but most of the RS fans don't...




''Improve only what needs improving'' <<

RSN- Lemontail

Pure Ranger Name- X Kaprisen X



Click here for my 99 Mining and Cooking blog!

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The main thing i dont like about this update is the emotes. THEY CHANGED MY EMOTES!!! Also the run thing is bad now. I really dont like any of it other than the lumby tele. As for the new guides




Theyve turned lumbrige into tutorial island part 2.




That really was needed, My magic and range are aweful because when I started I had no effective way of training them! I had to sell most of the equipment to afford armour because I didnt know what I was doing! The lumbridge updates are really great.



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