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!!!!pink p-hat !!!! to the best sig!!!


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hello ever1!!! i really want a great sig. i got pink p-hat for the best !!!!! so every1 make ur best sig,. i want either a 3d, or a really good pixle pic








i want my man, acount_Great, in wildy, fighting a guy named folloman. folloman is almost dead and his armour is all ripped upp , and he's alittle bloddy.








in the background i want, greater demons and a lava stream going on the left side of me...








in armour i'm wearing , full rune, with b-axe and kite, red gloves , red cape and a str ammy, my boots are black\grey .








and under the pic, i want my best stats. check the highscores, and take the best...








you guys lay it out, for me to play it out.....








Good luck every1. i'm going away for 1 week, so i'll be back next friday, every1 gets to then. if i don't have any pics then i'm gonna high lv alchemy the pink p-hat :shock:

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Before I do anything major, here is my idea.








Please remember this is a very rough sketch. Only the early preliminary stage.
















Good? bad? And also is it day or night?









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I'm kinda n00b, and have never held a party hat before, so I don't know if green is better, or pink, but wateva, it doesn't matter...












But TJ Quality... That's a whole different story I guess ;)

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Private Message TJ and/or MisterXMan :D




I'm sure one of 'em 'll wanna come yes? ;)




But I guess I shouldn't call 'em in, so other pixel sig makers have a chance... Pink P Hat :o

No, don't call them! :lol:








I can see you... 8)




But i can't see the p-hat so...*sits down and waits*








About Y0ur M0's sig that was a great payment for sure, but MrX got something more just some days ago :)




However...it's all up to the buyers (the best ones eheh) to give those kind of extras to the set price.




Y0ur M0's sig still has a special place in my heart, dunno why...probably the monkey ;)




I don't think both me and MrX will enter this. 1 of us should waste a lot of time...so might be the good time for a colab :)

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Seeing as this guy's offering so much, with only 23 posts, it's possible he'll run off with a non-sampled sig, or remove a sample and run off with-out payment, to use the sig on other board, correct?




Yep, that's what I was thinking.

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Seeing as this guy's offering so much, with only 23 posts, it's possible he'll run off with a non-sampled sig, or remove a sample and run off with-out payment, to use the sig on other board, correct?




Yep, that's what I was thinking.








mmm...thought it was me entering the competition :roll:




Lol J/K , not doing a line till i see the hat myself, but there's no need to be racists against those that have low post counts ;)

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If you are serious about the pink phat, and it's RS2, I'll give it a try too. Yeah I also want to see the hat.








Colab eh, Jeppoz, sounds interesting. I think it would be a nice try, very interesting. I'll PM you what I got in mind for this.








Also, to acount: Could you leave this contest open until everyone has posted their sig? Not all of us has time during the week for sigmaking but we will all make sure the time is spent well and is worth the wait. :)


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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