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Jimmyd17's -Level 90 Magic & 82 Range- Dec. 10th

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Well, as it seems it has become time for me to create a new, better cleaner blog. This one will focus on mostly monetary goals with a hint of magic and a dash of skill. In my last blog I accomplished 99 cooking, 95 fletching, and managed to work my way up to 1550+ skill total and snatch myself a Green Partyhat. With this one I hope to get 99 fletching, 94 magic, 1600 skill total, and at least a Red Partyhat.















A Little About Me








I started playing Runescape Classic in late (Sept./Oct.) 2001 and did very little with the game. Played a bit on/off but took a break in '02 until about 2 months before the release of Runescape. When I started playing again I didn't do too much (again) but I did take advantage of the rune essence mines the first week and managed to buy a Santa for 300k before I quite yet again. Then in the summer of '05 I came back and I'm still here. I didn't do too much until a couple months after the release of barrows. Barrows is my calling if you haven't heard... I took full advantage of it after reading a superb guide written by Leesters and within only 2 months I had made over 140m from that little place. Well, as it seems I came into enough money to buy a Yellow Partyhat. And in my last blog I was able to trade up to a Green Partyhat. After I got the Green I decided to do a little skilling to get back on my feet. I fletched from level 87-95 in a few days and then moved on to cooking. Cooking was easy and didn't interfere with most of the work that fletching got in the way of (Homework/studying/messaging etc.) and in a couple weeks I had reached 99. I reached 99 the day after cooking capes came out and I've been wearing mine pretty much every since. And that brings us to this blog...












Starting Stats
















Current Stats




































This is a culmination of all that I've done the past few months. I know I don't have the most materials in the world, but the bank that I have does the job I need it too. I have the barrows equipment there, some cash, a stylish hat, some runes and a lot of extra space... I'm set.



















-Red Partyhat








-1600 Total Level -Done-








-Level 94 Magic








-Level 99 Fletching








-15m exp. Cooking








-Level 30 Construction via Genies (Level 27 w/ genies. Oak from there.)
















This is the current set-up that I use. I started doing this again on Oct. 29th and have enough supplies and cash to keep me going on for a looong time. Being my favourite past time of RS, I'll be living there a bit.
















As you can see I've got the power of Guthans on my side, he's never failed me yet and probably never will. ::' I usually start out on Arhim, range him and move onto Verac, Dharok, Guthan, Karil and then Torag (<-- All with magic dart). I'm like praying because I'm not really a risk-taker and would rather spend 15 prayer points than risk eating and shortening my trip. One of my little goals I've had at barrows for a while is to get level 90 Magic there. I hope this goes down pretty soon. As you'll also see, I'm pretty conservative with the runs per day I do. That's mostly because I'm pretty busy with school, work, sports and all the daily joys of being a teen in the Pacific North-west.








Barrows Trips








Trip #1 - 7 Runs (Torag Hammers)




Trip #2 - 6 Runs (Arhim Hood)




Trip #3 - 6 Runs (Arhim Hood & Karil X-Bow)




















Level 81 Defence








Level 81 Attack




Level 79 Strength




Level 77 Woodcutting




Level 40 Construction
















As a final closing note, I'd like you all to know that if you don't find the need to post, don't. Views are just as valuable as posts in my opinion so please don't feel obliged to post a reply. My friends is usually on so you could add me and psych me out there. ::' Also, CC is appreciated as well as HYT's and slaps...








Thanks for taking a look,









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Goodluck on your goals, i wanted to add you but friends list isnt working, i'll HYT you later :shock:









ooh eeh ooh ahah, ting tang wallawallabingbang m8

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your rght barrows are the best, Aren't you on a green already? If so then you are close ot the red and will achieve it :!:
Yeah, I've got a Green banked already and if I sold all of my barrows equipment I'd have ~18m cash. That's still a good 12m away but I'm going to try and keep the barriws stuff, so I have about 30m to go.








Thanks for the replies and encouragement. ::'

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Woot go Jimmy :D








Nice to see you've started writing small, it looks a lot neater, don't you think? I'm sure you can do these goals easy :)








Bank pic? Even my blog has one now :oops:

Yeah, the smaller writing sure does look neater and it's easier to read. And the bank pic has been a coming thing for about 3 weeks now... :oops: I just haven't been able to find the time to clean it up a bit more and organize it. Although, seeing as how I'm beginning to limit the amount of things I do I think it'll be coming soon. ::'








Thanks for the replies and to whoever wants me to add them, it'll be easier if you'd add me. I'm not the most responsible person and when I say I'll do something I do, but... a little late. :anxious:








Plus, seeing as how this is hallowe'en I think I might be on a bit tonight, might not, depends if my brother pulls through with the bootlegged fireworks. :-$

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Yes Wurm, I've learnt of the way of the cookie well. :pray: All thanks to you ofcourse. ::' And yeah, that means I won't be wearing my hat as often. But it's actively collecting dust which makes me proud that something can be using it.








Well, I've posted a bank pic tonight and I've also added in my second barrows trip. All of my barrows items are/will be lined up (starting with the half key and (currently) ending with the Karils Coif, which I got before I decided to start posting a blog). All of the bloods, chaos, and bolt racks have been from the past 2 trips. Any questions, ask away.








Thanks to Lego for the minute pressure to get a bank pic up. I sure don't want to be different. :ohnoes:













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Level 81 Defence & 100 Combat




















Barrows Trip #3 - 6 Runs
















Today was alright. Had to stay home because I was sick, but I managed to cach up on a bunch of some of my 'international' friends that came to my school last year. Got a level today, a couple barrows items, and I'm starting to spend a little time at Pest Control in hopes of level 80 strength. I've found that with a cyrstal bow and the prayer combines to work pretty well. Tomorrow, I'll be swamped with my missed h/w from today, tomorrows h/w and some soccer. Might get on to get level 81 attack and 79 strength though. (~15k to 81 attack and not too many points from 79 strength.) Till later!









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Lol, in respect of teh Jimmeh, I shall type in this font size whenever I post in this holy ground. Anyway, you seem to be doing pretty well. You and me are kinda the same statwise. I have 16 con and I'm gonna keep it that way :) while you have 24....








I bet my cardboard shack house pwnz0rs ur s0x! Oh, raise your agility btw and drop me a pm when you do. I need someone to train with in the wildy... (and use as human bait) :twisted: .


^ Refresh for a new signature ^


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Thanks to Lego for the minute pressure to get a bank pic up. I sure don't want to be different. :ohnoes:








:wink: :D








Your bank is awesome, 10/10 :shock:








Congratz on all your barrows luck and 100 combat, keep up the good work :3>

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nice combat and barrows drops




and i also like many pic's \'




gratz on 100 combat and 81 def hope u get ur red p hat

Help me cast spells donate 3k or runes every 15min to The kuks

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Level 81 Attack
















Level 79 Strength
















Level 77 Woodcutting
















Here's the past two days of progress. No barrows done, but I did sell some stuff, buy a Dragon Axe and I've begun to cut the 19k oaks that I'll need from level 30 cinstruction to get level 75. I've cut 1k so far and I'm in the process of planking them. I also did a couple slayer tasks. They were 165 Bloodvelds and 10 Steel Dragons. Tomorrow, if I get on, I'll spend some time at barrows and try to get a few more trips in. I also spent some time with Unbeaten__1 at castlewars. Good times taunting the level 45 with the flag... ::'









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I came withing ~1.5k from the 25k nats. So, I made 23.5k but then I sold them and moved on to other things. And thanks to everyone else for posting.








Ddr, you have close to over 2x my runecrafting experience... that should count for an extra 74 levels? Gratz on 1650 TL! ::'








Tonight I won't be doing too much, maybe going back to barrows.

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