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SECTION A----------------------------------------------












The wilderness is one of the fastest ways to get rich. Not only does it provide an endless amount of treasure, but it also pumps your heart, and can be one of the most fun things you can ever do in the game. You can go by yourself and venture for riches, or you can go with your friends as a clan. Going with a clan can raise your chances of success, but will lower your individual profit becuase of splitting the loot. Free to play PKing is much different than P2P PKing, so I will not get into it too much, but rather I will make another guide on how to improve your success rate in member worlds. You can go to the wilderness as a MAGE, a WARRIOR (MEELE) , or as a RANGER. The most experianced PKers will find that going as all 3 types is the best thing to do, but requires more training, and more money.








LOOK OUT! RUN! THERES A PURE! Nope, nothing to worry about! A smart player can outlast a pure, and kill it. Remember that pures will have NO DEFENCE, and NO PRAYER! They will have NO ARMOUR! Therefore, they will get hit frequently. In level 1 wilderness, you might worry about pures. level 1 wilderness is the WORST PLACE! So many people infest north of Varrock! Why? There is a 1 step interance in the non wilderness zone. YAY you wont die. Niether will your enemy! This is not a good place for training, or getting rich. It is a waste of food. A waste of everything. The real PKers venture out into the rune mines, runecrafting sites, training spots, mining spots, mage arena, and so on. You might not be able to teleport after level 20, but it adds a fare fight to your time in the wildy. You fight till death. You can get rich, with all his blood runes, rune arrows, rune armour, and so on, or you can loose yours. This is what makes you a true PKer. Of course, nothing wrong with freezing your victim, runing to level 19, and teleporting. In the deep wilderness, pures should not be such a problem. Its like trying to kill a guy with a combat level of 100 (you having 70) , but him with no defence. So the deeper you go, the less pures become a pain.








Getting your essentials:
















Cheep food, lots of it, and very fast, next to a range. Perfect for trips to the wilderness. Sometimes of course, there are 30 swordies, sometimes, 7. Switch worlds if you have to, this is the best way for fast cooked food. ( not long ago were there 70 swordies in the shop selling at 40 each).
















Bring 3 times the runes neccessary for your desired teleport locaction. Falador is good becuase it is close to the fish shop south of it.











Places to check out:




North Varrock 1-step-to-safty












1 on 1 edgleville's 1-step-to-safty:











Dark Night Fortress:












As far as your F2P world lets you go:








- rune miners will be here, switching worlds, looking for full rocks. If you can catch one mining, be prepard to be selling some valuable rune ore.




























What should I fight as...?:












bring ONE skimmy of the highest metal you can wield if you are PKing as a mage or ranger, for a sidearm. They are the perfect sidearm when arrows are low, or runes or low. If you are coming as a melee with another rune weapon, obviously this does not apply to you.








You can do one of the following. ONLY bring monks robe, blessed symbol, food and your choice of attack. You can bring Good armour for meele/arrow attacks, and have a set of green dragon-hide for fighting mages. If you have 50+ magic, come with alot of death runes and water runes for it can hit fairly high. I do not really like ranging, as it does not hit very high. You could if you wish, but I prefer to come as a cross of a mage and a warrior. I usualy bring a rune plate body and plate leg, an anti-fire shield, and i keep the best mage robes in my inventory. I use the anti-fire shield becuase it does not lower your magic attack value, hence no need to waste time unwielding it.








If you choose to only be a certain style, here are my recomendations:












-At least 100 death runes, + air-staff and side runes (which ever works for you)




-Full blue robes, with an anti-fire shield. a powerammy, becuase you need the extra defence bonous.




teleport runes, and runes to cast curse, and bind.
















- Full rune, and a weapon of your choice.




- Stat boosting potions




- Lots of food




- If you are able, bring a set of dragon hide to kill mages




teleportation runes.
















- Full dragon hide




- At least 300 arrows.








-teleportation runes




- Defence ammy
































A clan can be very difficult to manage.




I recomend to PK with CLOSE FRIENDS THAT YOU TRUST. The people who ask you to team up are craving for your armour! Always have a long distance attacker , and a close distance attacker. Many people don't realize the importance of a carriar. Get a good friend to come along with your clan. He will be the one person who you must protect. He or she will carry EXTRA food for your clan. If you are running out, he will provide you with food. Keep him out of battle, and he should not be wielding any weopons. Another food carriar would be even better. Somebody to carry your loot is even better than that! But it MUST be somebody you trust. If you are low on food, WALK back to the nearest bank. DON"T telport back unless you need to! If more than half your clan telports to safty, you should follow them regardless if you have full hitpoints. STAY TOGATHER! Make sure you have a level 3 carriar, so he cannot be attacked by your victims!




























Always have your inventory open, so you can use your food in time. When down to the last 2 food, and your enemy ate till he is full, I recomend opening up you spell book, and teleport when you only have 1/4 health remaining. If you are deeper than level 20, bind him, and run south until level 19, there you should teleport. Remember, the bandit camp is perfect for you pizza needs, and is cheep, and has all the ingrediants ready on the table. Sell some of your loot to the general store, and use the money to buy pizza base. If a group of people come, you might want to be ready to teleport. MAKE SURE you ALWAYS go to pray when you have 0 prayor. You have all the time you need. Use your food wisley. While walking around, don't eat till full health. Use a prayor to restore your health, on the way to a chaple. Then you can pray, and keep on restoring health. If you have no teleport spells, and you need to get to safty, LOG OUT! Come back another day, when your friend is willing to come to your aid and give you more supplies to get back saftly. If you are able to use the home telport, then use it at a safe place. If you used it before, and need to wait for the recharge, then LOG OUT as a suggested. There is nothing worst then loosing your loot afer all that hard work. If you are being attacked be a meele only, I suggest that you RUN away if you can, and log out ( keep pressing log out until you are able to) . Or, use snare or bind (not sure which f2p can use) and hold him for 5 seconds. Use that time to run away, and log out.




***If you die, do not cry. That makes it fun, dieing and winning. More times loosing your things up there, gives you a better feeling when you return saftly.
























As I mentioned earlier, the best tactic is to come with a group of friends, having 2 or 3 people make a level 3 account, and use it to give extra food to the fighters. There Should be at least 2 meele fighters. They will stop the victim/victims from proceeding towards the rest of your team. Have at least 2 mages, to deal powerful spells, bind spells, cure spells, and destroy armoured melee victims. Have at least 2 rangers to take out enemy victims, and have them take out the long distance attackers first. Have your carriars off in the distance, or in the middle of the fight (if they are level 3 and safe from the victims). It is good to have a plan for your clan, escape routes, exedra. Have a strong leader say out load support, which can morally give potential for a successful kill. You may wish bring and lure players deeper into the wild, and kill them there. (After all, this is the wilderness). If you don't have a clan, but have a group of close friends, then you can just give a name, becuase that is what a clan is. A name for a group of friends.








Lone wolf:




Hmmp, probably the most common use of your character. If you choose to play as this, then I advice that you wonder around the Dark fortress. There, are alot of single fighters wishing to have a bit of fun. Yes, you can teleport out of this region, but that is how things work. To prevent yourself from loosing your things, you would teleport also. But, if you wish to have a fight till death match, then just tell him or her to come deeper in the wilderness. You should play as all 3 classes here, killing him with your sword, and chasing him with your longbow. If you wish to come as a ranger, than this is one tactic lessly used. If you are against a warrior with armour, then attack him, run, attack him, run, attack him, run and so on. you can run faster than him and longer becuase your d hide is feather like. If you attack him once every 5 seconds, that is still good. Soon, he will run away, and you will chase him with your longbow. He will run to you, then you run back. Always staying a good 10 feet away from him. Mages can do the same thing, but i recomend bind, take hit, attack him, bind, eat, take hit, and so on. This is very effective when used properly. If you wish to try these things out, then do so on a monster.








The 5 minute team up: I do not recomend this, but you may do so. Find a similar level player, and ask him to team up. togather, you may fight and be friends, or turn your back on him or her, and thrust your weapon in search for the full rune he or she wears.








Hit and run for long distance combat: Make sure you train on a moster first. Make sure you don't have a heavy load, and keep run only when using hit and run. Attack, run away, attack, run away, exedra. Effective against fat melee armour.








That pretty much sums up player-killing. Please, add you additions, and I will credit your ideas.












SECTION B---------------------------------------------








The wilderness is very useful for training. It may be dangerous, but if you know what you are doing, then you should be fine. Remeber, most of the monsters are also found in non PvP areas. Some unpopular, GOOD training areas in the wilderness have the same experiance in the other places of runescape. Then why would I recomend going to the wilderness? A) You have all the monsters to yourself B) you have a bandit camp not to far from any point in the wilderness, and C) the feeling of adrenaline when PKers come your way is priceless.








Bring the same things you would bring to a PK trip ( rune skimmys hit often and fast, giving alot of xp, which is why you train in the first place)








Ice giants: Good drops, safe route , low defence, high hit points, no ice warriors ( I HATE THEM ). This is THE place to train. I don't recomend going to the wilderness for deamons, becuase it is too polulated there, plus PKing for rune ore, makes your time there miserable. There are plenty of deamons elsewhere. This spot here gives you cosmic runes. I got about 100 every trip. To get here, start from fally, and head north west until you can't go west or north anymore.












Greater deamons: The strongest, and best training monsters for high levels. Drops the most expensive drop in F2p, the rune full helm.
























Prayer: The wilderness is THE best place for bones in F2P! Bones everywhere! bone respawns, and chaos temple! Perect!. Just look at the map, (north of varrock). Even more north is a skelital yard with big bones.








Mining: What can I say? You aint getting rune from Mining guild, thats for sure. North of lava maze, beside red spiders, 2 rocks. Switch worlds while waiting for the rocks to turn blue.
















Meh, coal? Mith? you name it




















SECTION C----------------------------------------------








BE NICE :x When your victim has his last view of you, say something nice, like good fight! Dont say bye you noob froob or whatever the word is nowadays. The wilderness has the tendancy to bring the mean out of nice. Don't forget that the rules still apply to you whether in the mouth southern part of the world or the most northern. Report verbal abuse, and racial comments like always. If you see somebody training, to bother em or not is up to you. Me? I would start tickling him with the end of my skimmy! :mrgreen: :-w
































































































HAPPY PLAYER KILLING :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Getting chicken legs when I say... BOO!

How about now... WILDERNESS!

Not to worry, Not to worry!


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Guest Nezikchened

Good guide, it is wilderness, not happy with teleporting etc? Go to duel arena!




And you might want to add not to get pushed back for the aggressive words of PKers. (One of my friends quit, because of those.)

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Why should I discourage it? I think that teleporting out of a fight is pretty fair. If you dislike the idea, then you can go even deeper. Don't you think? Please explain.








Ps I added a survival section

Getting chicken legs when I say... BOO!

How about now... WILDERNESS!

Not to worry, Not to worry!


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Why should I discourage it? I think that teleporting out of a fight is pretty fair. If you dislike the idea, then you can go even deeper. Don't you think? Please explain.








Ps I added a survival section












Just what we need, another person advocating teleporting :roll:








Sorry but did you honestly have to do this?








It really would make a lot more sense if you gave people the CHOICE as to whether or not they wanted to teleport. I didn't bring teles on my first trip ever, and you know what? It went pretty well too...








On a side note: Your first time pking should be a learning experience where you learn how to do things by making mistakes. It is also the time when you decide for yourself whether or not teleporting, PILE JUMPING, crashing, DM running, protect praying, etc. is wrong or not. When someone just pushes you one way, it isn't much of a choice now is it?








I do think those things are wrong...








Teleporting-If you don't want to risk items, why pk?




Pilejump-At least have the guts to attack the person when they're actually fighting you and not someone else?




Crashing-if your clan can't win in a fair run in, isn't much of a clan.




DM running-Don't dish out what you can't take




Protect praying 1 vs 1 in a fair fight-They're extending the courtesy of giving you a fair fight, step up and do the same?








And there you go..

122 F2P combat

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Im sorry, but I can't help but saying that this is just a bunch of ideas and tips which I believe are good. Sure, I don't mind you saying those things...




but, there ideas and tips are only my recomendation. People have the chice to follow them, or not follow them. That is fair enough. If you do not wish to use teleport, then I cannot do much about that. You think it is more fair that 80 percent of PKers stand 2 feet away from the non wilderness zone in north varok? running 2 feet south to safty? You think that is much better, than using teleports and binds and prayors in the deep wilderness? I do not know why they made prayors. Oh yea, something along the line of helping you with combat, is it not? If you are unable to use protect from meele, and I am, that gives me the advantage, and I WILL use it to my advantage, just like the way it was meant to be. Im sorry, but I think your response to this topic is complete bs. No offence.

Getting chicken legs when I say... BOO!

How about now... WILDERNESS!

Not to worry, Not to worry!


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i dont think you should tele but im not mad at you bc you say to do it. i understand why but you got one thing wrong:the part of what ranger should wear.it is certainly not a def ammy rather power ammy and for melee most people use str ammy but ammy of power is used to.

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8/10 gd guide, however there's at least 2 probs:




1) Grammar & spelling is a bit wrong...not too much though, just run it through a program like Word.




2) Green drags cannot be found anywhere other than the Wilderness (except Elvarg lol).

Returned 10/03/2010 after a two year break.


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However, good guide. I do agree with you on the prayer front, if you have an advantage, you are entitled to use it. AS they say, in the wilderness ANYTHING goes.


Who cares if you wear a santa hat..... That's no achievment.


Who cares if you can have 520M, if you have no friends, as well as no reason to play Runescape?

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Yea, I should be sorry. Im not a flammer, but something else happened that got be a bet hot. My bad. :D Ill try to improve this guide, and make in-depth everything. This is my first guide, and I'm going to improve it alot.

Getting chicken legs when I say... BOO!

How about now... WILDERNESS!

Not to worry, Not to worry!


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Acceptable replies will consist of compliments, corrections, and suggestions to the guide information only.




It is not necessary to rate the guide or insult the author. If you don't like the guide, make suggestions as to what might improve it.








It would be okay to say something like, "You might add that prayer and teleporting are generally frowned upon in the pk community." But it is the author's right to choose not to make changes. (I myself agree that the game allows you to use all advantages available - they are as much a part of the game as pk'ing.)








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it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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