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The Payers Perspective


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It usually comes to ones attention that when it comes to P2P, F2P are greedy individuals. Why?








Why are free players greedy to the person who hands over 5 dollars? Because a free player is asking for "free stuff" rather than enjoy whats already been given to him.








In a Free Players eyes, the Paying Members are greedy individuals. Why?








Because they object to share the content. They want it all for themselfs, and if you don't join Jagex pay role, you should have no extra content either!








So who is right? Who is wrong? Will the debate between F2P and P2P ever stop?








I believe the answer is this. Each side just has the wrong perspective about the other and "no" the debate will never stop between the two.








So whats so wrong about each perspective? Lets take a look see. Well start with the Paying Members.








I'm sure, many times you have heard that free players are very greedy for not just enjoying the content being given. They are always asking for more stuff and when Jagex does give, they complain or beg for more. So the overall picture of a f2p from a p2p is "ingrateful little twit!".








My opinion on why a F2P thinks otherwise:








This game is free, which is true, but Jagex is not successful all by itself. What do you mean? Jagex is highly dependant on people for success. If there was no people to even join the game, their would be no game. Even as a free player, you contribute to Jagex success! You spread the word through friends who may pay in the future, or even click on ads. Even if you just join runescape and never pay, your doing something for Jagex! They gave you a free game from their hearts and you gave Jagex your time to enjoy it, which makes them happy. Without you, there is no community.








This is true, without a free player base community, the foundation of members would fall short. I hope one day P2P will see that nothing in life is free, and people are giving their time to play runescape, and telling others about it, which leads to more paying members. Just because they are not contributing finicially doesn't mean they aren't contributing.








This leads to Free Players wanting Content. Of course, they don't get as much content as one would like to see for them. The content for f2p is so staggering between P2P, that you could almost call it two different games.








Now lets take a look at the F2P's perspective of members.








Members are just rich boys or old men in basements who play the game hours apon end. They are blind to see F2P's contribution to the game and pull fits and threats to quit if Jagex was to ever follow through for Free Runescapers. The ever "just pay for it" quote is like a knife through the gut. Logic tells the Free Player "If I could I would! why can't this fool see it!?".








Yes, the F2P see's Members as greedy rich kids who want to hog all the content Runescape has to offer for themselfs, simpley because they have money.








In all reality, most members are not like this. They just feel that they gave money to get this content, and it would be unfair if it was just handed over to the free players for no cost.








So who stands right in all these mixed perspectives?








Both Members and Free Players contribute, so my final conclusion would be this. Give members their updates and give free players old content every 3 months or so.








Overall, I do hope 1 day the sides will agree that neither is a better (p2p) or cheap (f2p) player, and that they equally contribute to the game.

















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i never ask member for stuff if i ask them i say hey whats that ur wearing




I just think member are lLUCKY DUCKS.




and i agree equal

But seriously, I will kill you all

I am back for realz this time I promise now that I am a member :p

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Thank you for reconizing f2p for their place in runescape. Without us there would be a lot less people becoming members. Prices of raw materals would be very very expensive. You think 100 each per iron ore is a lot try 500. Steel bars 3k each. That is what the market would look like without nonmember gathering resources for members to use.

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I can see the arguements from both sides, and i agree with many of the points. allowing F2P to use some of the P2P skills and abilities (not all. That would be near impossible) could help with the arguements, and keep some F2P people who would have quit playing, because there would have finally been something new for them to do, and a potential way to earn more gold in-game.








The problem with that arises when members begin to complain that they have lost part of what they pay for. If, say, fletching became F2P, members would lose one of the major advantages they had over F2P, even if all the options weren't available to F2P players.



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Nice read!




I think that you're right about the perspective on both sides! F2P:ers should be happy with what they got now, and not just complain about more. I'm trying to not complain. But sometimes it's hard, I must say :( .



Add me if you so wish: SwreeTak

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mmmm the first thing i am gonna say, is its time for people to walk in both sets of shoes








I have... I am a rs player ( level 98 combat ) with a number of years under my belt in rs2 and rsc both as member and non member








now with any game its too easy to generalize that f2p players think that p2p players are rich or have rich parents.......however, what if thats not the case




in New Zealand where i live, it costs $12.00 to be a member ( exchange rate )




and yes i can afford to pay that, but not in all countries and situations, are people able to pay for P2P privileges








now if i look at the game.... F2p doesn't has the content of P2P... and sure its a cause of what you pay for, is what you get....and in the case of F2P... they are not paying, therefore they are not getting.... but what what point can Jagex strike the balance.??? ... simply, they can't








now i am happy to run as a F2P player for months.....trouble is I need extra bank space to stop myself getting overloaded...lol.... thats my fault and a few bad clicks lol




I am not lacking for anything as a F2P player... as the quests in P2P and skills are becoming so numerous, that I need another 100 odd bank spaces just to hold all the junk i collect as a P2P player








now i noticed the argument that without F2P to harvest coal, and logs etc... the prices would arise.....but on the other side of the coin....if F2P had some of the abilities and skills of P2P ... the price would arise as demand would rise on both F2P and P2P








as a final note and cos I am writing a post, not a novel.... its only a matter of time before P2P hits the wall and Jagex has to decide if they increase P2P membership price or they start cutting down on the game content cos of rising costs, the massive amount of data needed to run the game and the needs and demands of players for more and more and more








stuff it all... I just wrote a novel, damm it..... never post in the forum if you have been drinking....lol... I am near my late 30's so I speak as a adult, and a mature person when i saying drinking and posting doesn't mix :shame: :P :oops:

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i have never begged any1 for something f2p or p2p. there are alot of honest f2ps out ther and the ones that beg just guve us a bad rep. I also think thought that f2p deserves a couple more updates every once in awhile we r the foundation of runescape



*cough cough* They can't charge me for breaking into my own house *cough cough*

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I don't care if F2per's (like me) think they deserve updates or not. Well, we might, we might not, but the sky will fall first. Otherwords, good luck on getting a new update. Personally, I think they should hire some more people for Customer Support to start with, and ditch the weak law-language responses!


Thank the world for spell checkers.

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I stand here as the greedy p2per I'm afraid. If free to play get any major content, then lest face it, you are less likely to become a member. Free to player contribrute minimally. Therefore they get minimal content. Without the members, there is no game. Therefore members get everything.








It is unfortunate that some can't afford to pay for members, or aren't allowed or whatever, but that is not the fault of Jagex and jagex should not be made to decrease their own profits and potentially irritate the members, their base income, simply because they feel sorry for the free 2 players. The game is run by the suits now, and payers come before the players.








But, tis my opinion and I'm entitled to it.

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There has been plenty of other topics like these. What have the accomplished? Basically, nothing because people are still ranting about that and you proove it. Watch, this will end like the other topics, and in a few months time, another one will sprout up.








Oh and uhh p2p contributes to the game more than f2p does. Does f2p give Jagex millions of dollars to keep their game running? I know f2p makes ads worth more and stuff, but p2p is where Jagex gets their pay checks.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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I can see the arguements from both sides, and i agree with many of the points. allowing F2P to use some of the P2P skills and abilities (not all. That would be near impossible) could help with the arguements, and keep some F2P people who would have quit playing, because there would have finally been something new for them to do, and a potential way to earn more gold in-game.








The problem with that arises when members begin to complain that they have lost part of what they pay for. If, say, fletching became F2P, members would lose one of the major advantages they had over F2P, even if all the options weren't available to F2P players.








i agree that they should add a new skill to f2p (btw im p2p) but if they add fletching, p2p would lose a skill that is a very profitable skill, maybe a skill such as construction would be fine really how many ppl care about their house now? it was popular for the first 2 weeks then it just died down and settled in as any other skill :?



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I never said "all". I am only posting what I generally see in heated F2P vs P2P debates.








You know if you want to tell me that i'm wrong, atleast post something on the subject at hand! <.<









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i agree that they should add a new skill to f2p (btw im p2p) but if they add fletching, p2p would lose a skill that is a very profitable skill, maybe a skill such as construction would be fine really how many ppl care about their house now? it was popular for the first 2 weeks then it just died down and settled in as any other skill :?








If t'were anything it would have to be a new skill entirely. Construction has far too many member bits and bobs attached, such as glory on a wall, castle wars stand, etc. And believe me the free to plays aren't getting glories. No way.

I hoped you enjoyed my post. If not, you may wish to jot down the name below and make obscene phone calls.



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Hey, I believe that members do deserve the updates since they pay. I myself are going to start getting P2P as soon as I get my stats to a better level. But I also think that F2P people should get something. Not something brand new but maybe some of the junk that members had for a really long time. Maybe expand some of the skills further or hte land. Or give us an old member skill like fletching. Fletching would really help the F2P rangers since mages can make runes, warriors can make weapons, but rangers have to buy thier weapons.


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maby theifving or Farming come on FARMING i wanna grow corn and cabbges and tress give us somethings if u know what i am saying :wink: :wink:

But seriously, I will kill you all

I am back for realz this time I promise now that I am a member :p

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As a casual f2per (I could easily afford the game, but I play so sporadically I'd waste a lot of money), I don't really complain much about the content, because I haven't even reached the peak of the stuff available in f2p (though I'm getting there), but one thing that bugs me is the lack of new f2p quests. Skills are fine, though I think construction or slayer would be pretty fun for a while. But the fact that p2pers get new quests every month (or less), and f2pers are lucky to get two in a YEAR is really annoying. I want more to do than randomly killing monsters or fishing/mining endlessly.








I think TateModern made some of the best points here. I think you all are overrating Jagex's commitment to the f2p element. They shouldn't add content because we want it. We're not even consumers of their product per se, we're a bunch of freeloaders! Personally, I'm happy with what I have as an f2per (cause If i had all the member stuff I'd never get outside).




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Actually, fletching would be the only practical one to take over since the others have a big part of the stuff you can do in the Member only area. Such as all but 1 of the slayer masters are in Member areas. Also, You said how we got a quest or two a year....I looked at the quest list for RS1...it is the same as the one we got now.


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