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Are noob callers worse than noobs?


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theres alot of un called for noob calling in the game true. It's not the new players that are always the noobs (I call them newbs), it's the people who have iq's bellow say 90. I dont know, when I first started, I had some funny ideas about the game but after a week or 2 I got the hang of it, but I didn't beg, or follow, I figured it out myself. So ya, many people call people noobs for stupid reasons, I was fighting someone and he called me a noob because he couldnt kill me.








So ya,annoying and/or stupid people are noobs. noobs are not people who you dont want to admit are better than you.

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So ya,annoying and/or stupid people are noobs. noobs are not people who you dont want to admit are better than you.




I would say in THAT particular case, the noob is worse than the noob-caller...








Which tells me that the ultimate question of this thread, "Are noob-callers worse than the noobs?", has A VERY GRAY-LINED ANSWER...








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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I think that noobs are a thousand times worse than noob-callers. Noob-callers are only bad when they call new people that don't know what they're doing noob. When I say noob I mean plainly 'idiot'. To me an idiot is a scammer, spammer, jerk, and name-caller, therefore, noob-callers are also noobs, and that fact destroys my whole argument... Huh...




**The Old Nite has died of cancer.Please add this to your signature so we will remember this legendary runescaper.**

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No. If it really is a noob, The noob caller is in all his right to call the noob for a noob, because than he or she is just correct.




True :thumbsup:




**The Old Nite has died of cancer.Please add this to your signature so we will remember this legendary runescaper.**

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I like this idea actually, and strongly believe that noob callers are worse than noobs. Mainly because I don't believe that Runescape has many noobs in the first place.








Its an overused phrase like 'LoL'. How many people are actually laughng out loud when they type that? If you get LoL from me, I actually am. But following this pattern, though many people call people noobs, it doesn't actually mean that they are. Its a debatable topic! :P


Thanks Choas for the Avatar and Petry for the sig (You know who you are) :)

Optimistic Elder in Runescape's only cult, The Order of Cabbage.

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This happens to everyone. You aren't a noob. They call everyon noobs when they don't get what they want. And sure, I've called someone a noob back because I said I didn't have coins and they wanted me to buy it... <.< noob.








But the situation needs to be assessed before you should say "noob" to someone.












Yeah.. i agree... they just call u noob just because u wont buy it or sell it...












but if the word "noob" got ban from the internet, there wont be any competetive... that would be not so fun anymore!




But still... i think this word should be use wisely...








I dont walk around and calling ppl noob...




i call ppl noob when they are calling others noob... thats my motto...




I call them newb or newbie when they are kinda new in runescape.. i rather help them then calling them noob making them more stupid..








Noob means they are incapable in playing the game...




Refuse to buy an item they are selling doesnt mean im Noob.... U can call me jerk, stupid.. but noob, it just hurt me.. so i just shout in front the computer screen (whatever i want)... rather then start cursing in the chat box and get reported... hehe



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Here is the basic definition of 'Noob':








One who begs, makes unfair trades and/or calling someone one noob when the other is not a noob in this definition's stance.








Now, there is 'Newb'








Newbs are Good, These are the brand new players, level 10 and below who don't beg/whine.

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Here is the basic definition of 'Noob':








One who begs, makes unfair trades and/or calling someone one noob when the other is not a noob in this definition's stance.








Now, there is 'Newb'








Newbs are Good, These are the brand new players, level 10 and below who don't beg/whine.








WHat if a "newb" calls another "newb" a "newb" ?

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Here is the basic definition of 'Noob':








One who begs, makes unfair trades and/or calling someone one noob when the other is not a noob in this definition's stance.








Now, there is 'Newb'








Newbs are Good, These are the brand new players, level 10 and below who don't beg/whine.








WHat if a "newb" calls another "newb" a "newb" ?








Then the first 2 are noobs and the 3rd is still a 'newb'

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Its hard to be a noob in a game as fool-proof as RS.








So IMO, if you see something doing something stupid, he really is a noob, as common sense will get you as far as you want to go in this game.








yes, but it depends too...








Not all players are noob...








Those macroers are noob... (if that's what u meant by stupid)








Stupidity could be natural for them... but its sad that u just call them noob. Just because they are naturaly stupid...
















Here is the basic definition of 'Noob':








One who begs, makes unfair trades and/or calling someone one noob when the other is not a noob in this definition's stance.








Now, there is 'Newb'








Newbs are Good, These are the brand new players, level 10 and below who don't beg/whine.








1. noob








Shortened form of "newbie," the most hilarious insult ever invented, in which a person who uses a computer game too much is ridiculing one who does not, for being "new" at the game, which of course they once were. Generally speaking, the speaker of this "insult" is one who should be on the receiving end of most insults. Commonly found in allegiance with "1337$1'331<," or "leetspeak," the accepted language of computer gaming geeks which takes a ludicrous amount of time to type.








(A good deal of this definition is opinionated, given. But the definition still resides within.)
















'Noob' is an offensive term rarely applied to people that are actually new to a particular online game or community. Different online social groups consider different types of people to fall under the category of being a 'noob'. For instance, people who type with correct syntax will often label people who substitute words such as 'you' and 'are' with 'u' and 'r' as being quite 'noobish'. Immature players in video games will often label their opponents as "noobs", regardless of whether they have lost or won.








Generally, however, people use 'noob' as an applicable insult for anyone who happens to piss them off. A person will also often use this term to describe people that they feel are beneath them. Many times, during online arguments, players will pull this term out of their [wagon] as an insult when their own 'wit' is running dry.








A newb is quite different from a n00b, being that a newb IS a new player. Not only are they new, but they ask politely for things, are respectful, and are pleasant people.








In an online Fantasy MMORPG, n00b








Player A: hi plssss halp me 2 get 2 place wher i kan lvl up plsss




Player B: ... Uhh? Wow, try learning how to type, noob.








In an online Fantasy MMORPG, newb








Player A: Hi, can you tell me of or help me get to a place where I can level up, please?




Player B: Sure! :)








1. n00b








A inexperienced and/or ignorant or unskilled person. Especially used in computer games.








Haha that n00b got pwned.








2. n00b
















1) A person who is new to a game




2) A person who, regardless of experience, lacks the skill or copmetence to be competitive in a certain game




3) Someone who tends to whine or complain when being beaten at a game - often done by accussing more skilled opponents of hacking




4) One who may talk trash, claiming to be elite at a game, only to be beaten down by a better player, or will turn down any games when challenged by better players.




















1) To act or behave in the way that a n00b would




2) Behaving as if lacking experience, skill or knowledge












NOTE: Can be used with a number of connotations. Often is used mockingly or in a manner of jesting. Other times is used seriously, but is often considered a brainless or weak insult when used alone as a supposed malicious insult. Is generally considered rude and deragatory unless a person is displaying disregard and general apathy towards other players - in this case, skill may be a non-factor (see definitions 3 and 4).
















This n00b just charges in at the enemies and gets owned in the first 10 seconds of the game.








v. Look at this guy n00bing it up - I've never seen anyone die so fast, so often.








3. n00b








An individual that plays a particular multiplayer game less than 15 hours a day, thus causing him/her to be less skilled at that game than the person calling him/her a n00b. N00bs are usually classified as having a job, an active social life, and possibly a lover. These things are reviled in the "gamer" community, which means that n00bs are hated with a passion in thier circles. The term is usually used in Counterstrike servers and Battle.net, where many mouthbreathing "elite gamers" and internet tough-guys can be found.








Normal player: hey, how do I beat (x) if I'm using (y)?




"Elite" gamer: lololol ur a n00b u suk lolol pwned get sum skilz nub [bleep]




Normal player: Uhhh....what?








4. n00b








The derogatory word used to label someone who is new to a particular game/forum/server/where-e ver. Many people misuse the word, insulting new members by calling them 'n00b's.








The word 'newb' is sometimes confused with this term - 'newb' standing for 'new beginner'. Whereas a n00b means one of two common terms.








1) A new member who is acting stupidly.




2) A member who is acting stupidly, regardless of level and/or experience.








1) "Lol, u level 1 n00b stfu pwned."




2) "Wow, that guy's been here for 4 years and he still acts like a n00b."























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I was fighting Hill giants in world 55 NOW!!








I am weilding my Full RUne Gold Trimed armour








There was this level 75...








He said "Nice armour, but not a good as mine"








Sight, his wearing a normal full rune armour....








For my opinion, actually its no different... just that mine is more fancy then his..




I'm not saying his poor or what..




But he is just being rude saying that...








Do u think Noobs says such things like that??



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Well, I was playin on my new pure, he's only lvl 35 right now, and a lvl 58 starts followin. He says, "buy your ammy" I say,"nfs, sorry i only have 1"




Then he called me a nooblet.








I think sometimes we have more problems with runescape because of people calling lower lvls noobs, and not the noobs!











So right it is......




You speak the truth man...

A long as there are tests,there will be prayer in public schools.

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to tell the truth, people who say noob all the time doesn't bother me much, kinda makes me happy, knowing that all of those people are immature, angry, bitter little people with nothing else to do but try and insult people. and eventually when they finally grow up and get a life, they will realize that they were being stupid.

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i know what you are thinking i was fire striking/cursing at lessers for age xp than there was a guy of lvl 55 saying selling 2laws i had some cash with me so i wanna buy them i say how much ea he says 2k i say to him no way mate 500ea max. than he says omg ****ing noob you suck this and that i said lmao than not than he says stupid lvl34 noob(yes,iam pure -.-)than i said your the noob being proud about full rune i have 1.5m than he said i own you noob i said come fight in wildy then!he:nah waist of my time! #-o












omg i hate such noob as this runescape must do something about this :s

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The thing that gets me is the level 110's who still go around aclling people noobs. I'm lvl 106, and I learnt, a loooong time ago that calling someone a noob automatically nominates yourself as one! Are these people completely stupid, or do they really get a kick out of calling someone 70 levels below them a noob?








It is honestly the most frustrating thing in Runesape for me. Some kid comes up and starts picking holes in things oyu do or say, you begin owning him in th argument, he calls you a nnob. End of disussion, thee is nothing you can say to combat that. If you call him a noob for calling you, you are being hipocritical. Cuss him out and you get reported.








Refuse to trade with someone because you know all they are going to do is try to sell you their bronze med helm? You are clearly, a noob. They say that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit: this is false, noob-calling far srpasses sarcasm in the encyclopedia of trogladite wit.

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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*Yawn* More noob-topics... Seriously, why even make them? Smart people don't call people noobs, stupid ones do and stupid people that try to act smart make topics about it. Flame away.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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