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Are we enslaved by fashion?


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I'm supportive of wemon over men.












I haven't seen a guy change his clothes as fast as "mens fashion" changes.




Although 95% of my female friends change their entire wardrobe as fast as fashion trends for females come and go.

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Enslaved? That's a little extreme. I don't know, I suppose that there are people who say that they don't care about what other people think, and wear whatever they like. I also suppose that those people are liars. Still, enslaved is a pretty big word to use.

A mind not to be changed by place or time.

The mind is its own place, and in itself

Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.

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we kind of are enslaved by others opinion's if would want to be nude in public i could not if i would put on a dress (im a boy) i would get look'd at i dont want either of that but the only reason i probaly dont is cause i been raisd to find it weird if some one do's that that's why i wear as much black as possible (and i aint a gothic nor a emo)

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That's honestly what I think as well. The fashion companies thought "how ugly can we make clothes and still have people buy them?".








I call them roadkill boots.








It's even worse when you realize that they are called Ugg boots. They gave everyone a really nice hint as to what they're up to.

You crampin' my style.

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That's honestly what I think as well. The fashion companies thought "how ugly can we make clothes and still have people buy them?".








I call them roadkill boots.








It's even worse when you realize that they are called Ugg boots. They gave everyone a really nice hint as to what they're up to.

Ugg boots are fine, it's just [developmentally delayed]ed American fashion houses STEALING them from Australia and tarnishing them beyond belief.
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Ugg boots are fine, it's just [developmentally delayed] American fashion houses STEALING them from Australia and tarnishing them beyond belief.








Maybe the time for an aussie global level revolution has finally came?


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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Ugg boots are fine, it's just [developmentally delayed] American fashion houses STEALING them from Australia and tarnishing them beyond belief.








Oh...silly me...I thought they were ugly. Apparently that's just an illusion caused by the fact that they were a design stolen from Australia. Those darn optical illusions!

You crampin' my style.

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Some people I would say definatley are. Look at celebrities for example, they spend a ton of money on silly clothes! People will do anything to fit in. If you can't afford the clothes then your not good enough. It's absolutely horrible.




People will do anything to fit in, absolutely anything.








So I don't think were enslaved by fashion.....








Were enslaved by people.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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Ugg boots are fine, it's just [developmentally delayed] American fashion houses STEALING them from Australia and tarnishing them beyond belief.








Maybe the time for an aussie global level revolution has finally came?








I hope I don't live to see the day. :P










Me doing staff.

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Oh...silly me...I thought they were ugly. Apparently that's just an illusion caused by the fact that they were a design stolen from Australia. Those darn optical illusions!
Used in the correct context, there is nothing wrong with them. But it's when they're made to be some kind of fad day-wear that they start looking like crap when people are wearing them with anything :uhh:
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Oh...silly me...I thought they were ugly. Apparently that's just an illusion caused by the fact that they were a design stolen from Australia. Those darn optical illusions!
Used in the correct context, there is nothing wrong with them. But it's when they're made to be some kind of fad day-wear that they start looking like crap when people are wearing them with anything :uhh:








Honestly, I think the only people who should get away with boots like those are snow people and Eskimos. They don't look like they belong in the Outback or on Steve Irwin or anything :?


Gamertag: King Arizona

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I'm not really affected by fashion, given that I go to a private school. What are people going to say? " Oooohh! That leather belt is off da hook!"








When fashion did apply in my life, I just wore whatever was comfortable. That normally meant loose cargo pants ( I don't low-ride), sneakers, a comfortable t-shirt, and maybe a loose-fitting sweater if it was cold.

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not my fault everyone looks alike








Are you saying everyone, including you?








Because I'm sure you look like every other scene person. You all really aren't different, no matter how much you try.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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not my fault everyone looks alike








Are you saying everyone, including you?








Because I'm sure you look like every other scene person. You all really aren't different, no matter how much you try.








way to steriotype pal.








The new "scene" includes what? long black hair? Long sides with a middle length front and a [bleep]ed up back? Tight shirts and girl jeans?












There is no scene buddy. People dress how they want to. Im sure I can find people who dress the same as you, but I dont run around steriotyping you and calling you a scenester and a follower.












Watch your tongue.

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not my fault everyone looks alike








Are you saying everyone, including you?








Because I'm sure you look like every other scene person. You all really aren't different, no matter how much you try.








It's covernation!


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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What the? You just called yourself scene and looking like veryone else, know there's no such thing as scene and everyone is different? :|








if you read, I said that people call me scene.








And I never said everyone is different.








I said there is more than one group of people who dress similar.

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way to steriotype pal.








The new "scene" includes what? long black hair? Long sides with a middle length front and a [bleep]ed up back? Tight shirts and girl jeans?












There is no scene buddy. People dress how they want to. Im sure I can find people who dress the same as you, but I dont run around steriotyping you and calling you a scenester and a follower.








You really took that in the wrong way.








When you said "everyone looks the same", I was asking if you included yourself in that everyone. Because I didn't know if you were the type of person that thinks everyone looks the same, except you and your group of friends that wear girls pants and thick-rimmed glasses. I don't know if you are that type of person.








And I never said that I dress different...? What are you talking about? Your post makes hardly any sense at all.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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way to steriotype pal.








The new "scene" includes what? long black hair? Long sides with a middle length front and a [bleep]ed up back? Tight shirts and girl jeans?












There is no scene buddy. People dress how they want to. Im sure I can find people who dress the same as you, but I dont run around steriotyping you and calling you a scenester and a follower.








You really took that in the wrong way.








When you said "everyone looks the same", I was asking if you included yourself in that everyone. Because I didn't know if you were the type of person that thinks everyone looks the same, except you and your group of friends that wear girls pants and thick-rimmed glasses. I don't know if you are that type of person.








And I never said that I dress different...? What are you talking about? Your post makes hardly any sense at all.








Hmmm ok -.-








Because I'm sure you look like every other scene person. You all really aren't different, no matter how much you try.








You referred to me as being a scene person who looks the same as everyother scene person, no matter how hard I try.








Its quoted right in front of you.








You never said you dress different? Are you slow? You just reffered to "my group of friends who wear girl jeans and thick glasses" as a "group" of people.








Therrefore, you excluded yourself from that group, meaning you're not what all you steriotyping punks call " a scene kid"








Go steriotype elsewhere.








And I never mentioned thick glasses anywhere in my posts, so you're steriotyping again.

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Lawl. I never said I wasn't stereotyping, I stereotype all the time, and I'm rarely wrong.








All I'm saying is that if you all think you look different, think again. You're the exact same as every other nonconformist like yourself. I never said I look different from everyone else, all I said is you don't.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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