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Shane Keithe Warne - we salute a true hero


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s.k.warne has just announced he is going to retire after the fifth and final ashes test in sydney.for any one who follows cricket this is absoulutely shattering (especially for australians) because he is the greatest bowler in our history....the worlds history actually. he has bowled over 6500 overs which is around 39,000 balls for 699 test wickets which is just outstanding it might not seen like that many compared to the balls he has bowled but we are talking about test match cricket here that is a fricken lot! unfortunatly another bowler by the name of Muttiah Mularitharan is only just behind him by around 20 wickets, and he's still got plenty of cricket left in him and he will proberly beat it, and congradulations to him if he does =D> not taking anything away from mulrali but he will never be known as the worlds greatest bowler even if he does overtake warne.




stats wont mean crap to everyone if he does beat warnes record because everyone will always know he(warne) will always be the world greatest bowler cricket has ever had.




ahh i've had enough now dunno if you feel the same way but regardless he is my no.1 hero












Made the title a little easier on the eye








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I don't think you could have possibly messed that word up more..








Anyways make your title more.. easy on the eyes, and easier to understand...








I don't know anything about cricket so I have no idea what you just said.

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everyone will always know he(warne) will always be the world greatest bowler cricket has ever had.








here here mate, Shane Warne is the best bowler the world has ever seen, Best of luck to him for his last two tests,








we salute a hero of the game of cricket! =D> =D>








I don't think you could have possibly messed that word up more..








Anyways make your title more.. easy on the eyes, and easier to understand...








I don't know anything about cricket so I have no idea what you just said.








why are you even posting if you dont know cricket? ANYONE who knew ANYTHING about cricket would recogine the man in the title and the enormous achievements he has in the game of cricket.

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Good on him. Amazing bowler, that record is amazing.













I don't think you could have possibly messed that word up more..











Oh yeah? He could have spelt it backwards. :)

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He is a hero because hes good at cricket? what has this world come to

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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He is a hero because hes good at cricket? what has this world come to
How does 'best spin bowler ever' sound? You're an american right - I'm sure you people have "heros" because they're awesome at baseball, amirite? :uhh:
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He is a hero because hes good at cricket? what has this world come to
How does 'best spin bowler ever' sound? You're an american right - I'm sure you people have "heros" because they're awesome at baseball, amirite? :uhh:








They aren't my heros =p.

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Yeah i found out about this today, such a disappointment :(








Warne is 10 times the bowler Murali is, he throws the ball, and will never get the same respect that Warne does








At least we got the Ashes back though :)
















anyway.. its a shame he retired - he was one of the worlds best








good for England though!

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good for England though!








I don't know about that, apparently he'll be spending more time with his kids. Think how good they could be... :ohnoes:








Anyway, I salute him, he's an amazing bowler, an absolute legend of the sport.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Sure he's an amazing bowler and it's a shame he's retiring, but I wouldn't call him anywhere near 10 times the bowler Murali is, Murali is also amazing, also Warne was banned for a year for drug use and has been involved in about a million scandals during his time in the Australian team.








As a cricketer, Warne's a Legend.




As a rollmodel, not so much, but I suppose that'll mean he'll just be more widely remembered :P

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He is a hero because hes good at cricket? what has this world come to
How does 'best spin bowler ever' sound? You're an american right - I'm sure you people have "heros" because they're awesome at baseball, amirite? :uhh:








They aren't my heros =p.








I hate baseball, so no. I dont think anyone is a hero because they are born at being good at a form of entertainment. I agree with Nadril

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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He is a hero because hes good at cricket? what has this world come to











clearly you dont understand the game of cricket or the legends that have played the game over the years.








If anyone else has these kind of comment, please, dont post here (i think i speak for the author of this post when i say this.)








they are born at being good








sports stars have to work seriously hard to get where they are.. think of mike hussey (if you were familiar with australian cricket, you would know who he is.)

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MacGill isn't that great...











i disagree. he has commonly been regarded as the 'second best spinner' and the like. if it werent for warney, he would have been in the team as a perm. fixture over the past decade or so.

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He is a hero because hes good at cricket? what has this world come to















they are born at being good








sports stars have to work seriously hard to get where they are.. think of mike hussey (if you were familiar with australian cricket, you would know who he is.)








No, they really dont. If you are good enough to play professionally (like these guys are)it doesnt matter if they win or lose in school, they can just do what ever they want. They dont have to worry about paying fees for college, keeping up grades etc

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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I hate baseball, so no. I dont think anyone is a hero because they are born at being good at a form of entertainment. I agree with Nadril
That's not the point, there are people all over the world who are "heros" for being good at x sport, so your "what has the world come to" is a pretty weak statement.
















On the topic of MacGill, I'd say he needs to lift his form a few notches to effectively be the 'second best spinner'. He can be great, but he tends to lack consistancy sometimes. And when he's on a low-ish streak, he's not overly damaging.

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warri0r45 wrote:








He is a hero because hes good at cricket? what has this world come to
























they are born at being good












sports stars have to work seriously hard to get where they are.. think of mike hussey (if you were familiar with australian cricket, you would know who he is.)












No, they really dont. If you are good enough to play professionally (like these guys are)it doesnt matter if they win or lose in school, they can just do what ever they want. They dont have to worry about paying fees for college, keeping up grades etc











im just going to leave this argument at the fact that you wouldnt understand the game of cricket... these people (take mike hussey for example) have to work very hard, for years before they get selected in the australian team. Even then they are under constant pressure to perform and maintain thier spot.








But hey, lets not argue, lets keep this post about the retirement of Warney. ok?








looking foreward to the boxing day test!! :D

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yeah too true warrior








+ don't post on this if you are just gonna correct mistypes and be a $mart@ss by saying stuff like "i don't see why he is a hero just because he was born good at something" .....yeah maybe hero isn't the best label for him, maybe something like champion or legend i dunno but in my eyes he is a hero that's just my opinion and i'm happy for you to have your opinion aswell but unless you don't know anything about cricket and your just here to be a pest don't bother.

Why Do We Kill People Who Kill People to Show That Killing People Is Wrong?


They say when you die your life flashes before your eyes.....make it worth watching =]

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warri0r45 wrote:








He is a hero because hes good at cricket? what has this world come to
























they are born at being good












sports stars have to work seriously hard to get where they are.. think of mike hussey (if you were familiar with australian cricket, you would know who he is.)












No, they really dont. If you are good enough to play professionally (like these guys are)it doesnt matter if they win or lose in school, they can just do what ever they want. They dont have to worry about paying fees for college, keeping up grades etc











im just going to leave this argument at the fact that you wouldnt understand the game of cricket... these people (take mike hussey for example) have to work very hard, for years before they get selected in the australian team. Even then they are under constant pressure to perform and maintain thier spot.








But hey, lets not argue, lets keep this post about the retirement of Warney. ok?








looking foreward to the boxing day test!! :D








ONOZ! THEYS HAVE TO WORK HARDER AND THROW THE BALL HARDER!!! IF THEY DONT GET BETTER THEN THEY WILL ONLY BE MAKING A FEW MILLION A YEAR!! ITS AN OUTRAGE!!!!seriously, do they have to work 3 constant jobs in order to pay school fees like a lot of people do who end up not even making as much in their lifetime as these players make in a year

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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