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A newly made sig


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well this is actually only my second full size sig that i have finished. Took me 3 hours on the grass, just get tired of making 2 px lines all over the places so it may seem that one side has more grass then the other. Any one have a better method for doing grass that looks good? Also if you dont know the little brown thing in the water is a snail. And yes I know the arms look weird.








































c/c or comment.




if you want to see my first sig then click here

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I'm liking the duck and the flowers. The rest needs some work. You need the shading to not stand out too much. The grass could probably go with a new start. I found that choosing three shades of green and making small patches. I would shade the face and make the mouth and ears more noticable. You could put more hair to show more of the ear and choose a darker colour for the mouth. Anatomy is a problem but if it helps you could get a friend to lay down in the way you want in the sig or something, and quickly sketch it to get the basic idea. Water is pretty hard to shade right so I can't really help you there. You could add ripples around the duck and flowers. Hope I could help. :D

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fixed a few things:




added more contrast with water




pants are shaded with more colors




removed grass, left green for now untill i can get the shading if it down




extened hairline




increased lip area and shaded aroud lips




made person slouch a little




fixed up shading around face









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Maybe he could be leaning against a tree or something :-k












^^^ He is looking up in shock with his mouth open, give him some thing to be worried about, like an atom bomb or a plane with iraq written on the side :).








What the hell is wrong with you?

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Maybe he could be leaning against a tree or something :-k












^^^ He is looking up in shock with his mouth open, give him some thing to be worried about, like an atom bomb or a plane with iraq written on the side :).








What the hell is wrong with you?








Eh? What you mean whats wrong with me lol?




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The shading on the guy is nice, IMO.








As long as the rest of the sig has that amount of contrast and strength then it will look good.








The lillypads should also be at more of an angle, they look flat atm and it makes gives the whole picture a messed up perspective.

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