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Topic or Topic Starter?


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When you look at a topic, do you reply because you want to voice your opinion? Or do you perhaps look who created the topic to see if the topic itself will be well laid out or correctly presented?








For myself, i'm a bit of both. If I see a name that I know is intelligent, i'll diligently read the original post. Alternatively if the topic interests me but I know the poster is a moron, I merely skim it and/or interpret it how I see it.




Call me prejudice, but if someone is going to make a topic on a subject with little to no knowledge, it's not a fantastic start, is it?

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And that's the reason why I wasn't offended when he called me a moron on another topic.








I read most topics, but I have a blacklist of thickos whose topics I don't look at because they lower my IQ.

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Well it depends. I tend to base clicking on a thread on the title, actually. I hate video game topics and I very rarely post on them, even if someone I admire/writes good posts has started it. A few times friends have 'recommended' (sp?) topics via pms, or suggested I post on them. However I do tend to readthe first post of most topics, and it's about two lines long I usually ignore them. So a mix of stuff... or if I see an unexpected kind of title but a person I think will have presented it well or whatever... meh a mix of stuff, I tend not to read topics by people I don't like unless the title is interesting. Interesting topic by the way, Cad. :wink:








Edit - come to think of it I'm surprised I opened this one.

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I haven't yet used this forum much, so maybe my opinion will change in the near future. But, this is how I see it so far...








I like to look at most threads to see what people have to say. I try not to discriminate against those whose writing abilities are shall we say, lacking, because they still may have valid points to make (I know my own writing is less than great at times). Yes, I have noticed that some peoples input seems to be mindless tripe, on the other hand, it also appears that there are a few people on here who just look for arguments, and put their points of view across in a manner which is demeaning to others.


The Poison Fairy

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I'll be more drawn to a topic when I see the topic starter is someone smart.




If the topic interests me, I'll post and try to make it an as constructive post as possible.(and if i have nothing to add, I won't post)




If I know the topic starter is a moron (and there have been alot of those around lately) I'll have a look, but I'll probably not post anything, as it is mostly a waste of text.




If I have no idea who the poster is, I check their first sentence. Grammar sure does say a lot about people.

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I try to look at topics which are about other people like the how old you are one, but they are kinda pointless one word post boosters. I mainly look at the topic maker, if its someone who I've seen around a lot then I read or post, but if they are one or two lined then I just ignore them.








I also like clean presentation none of this "ROFL the otha dai i went 2 the shop n ..." which I do sometimes but please, I need to cut down on it.



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I agree with you 100% Cadbury. Though I do read all the topics people post, I have a general Idea how good the topic is going to be when I see the topic title and the author.








I'm generally not surprised once I read and open the thread. :wink:












Oh and by the way I've joined your forum Cadbury. :)

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I'd only read a topic if i either knew the author or the title was all spelt right.








I can't stand reading things with spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes.




I'll often start my own topics if i knew they won't get flamed and spammed by idiots.








I'm sorry, but frankly, I'm unimpressed by your grammatical snobbery. I work with children with learning difficulties. A lot of them have extremely interesting points to make, but have trouble expressing themselves in the written word.








Can I also point out that twice you used "i" in the lower case, when they clearly should have been capital letters. I think you need to think about your own mistakes before you attack anyone else. We all make mistakes, even you!


The Poison Fairy

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This is a test post, I wanna see if I'm an idiot to your vieuw.




I usually only look how the post is spelled, if its spelled "liek this n stuff", I don't even bother reading it.








And for the above post, I hate the non capital I's to :shame: .

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I'd only read a topic if i either knew the author or the title was all spelt right.








I can't stand reading things with spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes.




I'll often start my own topics if i knew they won't get flamed and spammed by idiots.








I'm sorry, but frankly, I'm unimpressed by your grammatical snobbery. I work with children with learning difficulties. A lot of them have extremely interesting points to make, but have trouble expressing themselves in the written word.








Can I also point out that twice you used "i" in the lower case, when they clearly should have been capital letters. I think you need to think about your own mistakes before you attack anyone else. We all make mistakes, even you!








Sorry, I forgot to capitalise two I's...








How the hell am I a 'Grammatical snob'




I've stated my opinion, I've said what I feel.




So, There is nothing else to say.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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I'd only read a topic if i either knew the author or the title was all spelt right.








I can't stand reading things with spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes.




I'll often start my own topics if i knew they won't get flamed and spammed by idiots.








I'm sorry, but frankly, I'm unimpressed by your grammatical snobbery. I work with children with learning difficulties. A lot of them have extremely interesting points to make, but have trouble expressing themselves in the written word.








Can I also point out that twice you used "i" in the lower case, when they clearly should have been capital letters. I think you need to think about your own mistakes before you attack anyone else. We all make mistakes, even you!








Sorry, I forgot to capitalise two I's...








How the hell am I a 'Grammatical snob'




I've stated my opinion, I've said what I feel.




So, There is nothing else to say.








Sorry to get involved here... but like SuziAngel said, you can't complain about other people's grammar without capitalising your own I's. Really, you should know better... especially if you refuse to read posts with grammatical mistakes.

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How the hell am I a 'Grammatical snob'




I've stated my opinion, I've said what I feel.




So, There is nothing else to say.








If you don't see it, I pity you.


The Poison Fairy

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I'd only read a topic if i either knew the author or the title was all spelt right.








I can't stand reading things with spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes.




I'll often start my own topics if i knew they won't get flamed and spammed by idiots.








I'm sorry, but frankly, I'm unimpressed by your grammatical snobbery. I work with children with learning difficulties. A lot of them have extremely interesting points to make, but have trouble expressing themselves in the written word.








Can I also point out that twice you used "i" in the lower case, when they clearly should have been capital letters. I think you need to think about your own mistakes before you attack anyone else. We all make mistakes, even you!








Sorry, I forgot to capitalise two I's...








How the hell am I a 'Grammatical snob'




I've stated my opinion, I've said what I feel.




So, There is nothing else to say.








Sorry to get involved here... but like SuziAngel said, you can't complain about other people's grammar without capitalising your own I's. Really, you should know better... especially if you refuse to read posts with grammatical mistakes.








It's an I for christ sake..




I can't believe you picked up on something as tiny as that.




I've said all I want to say.








Why don't you wait till someone misses a fullstop from the end of a sentance and jump on them.









My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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