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[Hart|Blog] [93/99 Ranged! 51 Ruby hit, D Boots #28!]

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congrats on the sceptre hartlar.i wasnt happy with it turning off because it meant that i lost the 60k agility exp i hat got and i had to get it allover again :evil:




keep it rocking hartlar

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Daily Update


Holy shizzle! Is it a bird, is it a plane?! No, it is the return of my fabled daily update; by public demand. :lol:


Today has been quite eventful. I got up (fairly) early, as I always do on a Sunday. As I was doing my rounds at Pyramid Plunder, after hitting 64 Thieving, I was disconnected. It came to my attention that Jagex were having trouble with something, so I took that opportunity to take a break and get ready for later. I logged back on after RuneScape had finished its little hissy, and was surpised to find myself with a brand spanking new sceptre after a few more runs. Combined with 65 Thieving, I was ecstatic. ::'




This afternoon, along with my brother, sister and her friend, I went to watch the latest HP film. I think it was very good, even more so when the silence was broken by a loud fart along the aisle. None of our party, thank god. Also, somebody cried when Sirius got killed. That amused me, it sounded like they were being strangled.




All in all, a good day. :D

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Holy shizzle! Is it a bird, is it a plane?! No, it is the return of my fabled daily update; by public demand. :lol:


W00T and Lol!




This deserves a bump.








Page 3 just stinks.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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Daily Update



Today has been very, very good fun. Today I went paintballing with my school as part of activities week, and it was bloody good fun. I was absolutely cacking myself; I've been paintballing once before but never been hit. I was positive it would happen this time, at least once in the five games.



~Game One~


The name of ths game was simply Road. Our party had been split in to two teams of roughly 20, red and blue teams. I was red. The aim of this first game was into two categories:




-One point for touching the blue cannister


-Three points for carrying it through the opponents base unscathed




Not an easy challenge. We both started on one side of the "Road" (aka beaten pathway). Clutching my gun nervously, I ran for cover knowing my classmates and teachers would show me no mercy. Adrenaline filled me quickly, I was aiming well and even managed to smash a round into the shoulder of my science teacher. :D


I didn't get hit, just yet.



~Game Two~


This game was brilliant. It was called Fort, and our team was delegated to stay within and protect the fort. If a member of the blue team managed to get our flag without being shot they would win. Before we even started I felt some pain, as I shot myself in the foot (literally). Laughing it off, as it was immensely funny, I proceeded to my usual position of shouting orders at everyone. Again, my aim wasn't too bad. The other team were making little attempt to storm us, so I decided to help my mate fend off two marksmen hidden in a bunker. Bang. One round painfully exploded on my head. Well, all I can say is that I'm glad the teachers were lenient about the language we used when we got hit. :lol:




~Game Three~


Our turn to go on the offensive, this time the blue team were defending the bridge. There were two ways to storm it, so we decided to send a large group down the left flank; in an attempt to attract the most attention. A smaller unit (with me) went down the right to sneak up the side entrance whilst two marksmen went up into the tower. The plan worked well; or at least it would have if we had been given more time. We picked off the people defending the bridge and made our way up. One of our party was hit; so our accompanying P.E teacher made a miraculous run across no man's land and joined us. I jumped up, and shot someone in the head.


"Boom! Headshot!"


I couldn't resist. :lol:



~Game Four~


This was much, much more difficult. We had to defend the bridge. They stormed us in two large groups; picking our party off one by one. As I shouted at the group of girls cowering in the corner I felt a round burst against my shoulder. The marshall ushered me into the dead mans cabin, I allowed myself to feel utterly pissed off. If everyone had been actually doing something, we could have won that round. :XD:




~Game Five~


This round was called Lego, no idea why though. I didn't enjoy it at all; I ran out of ammo far too quickly and got a painful shot in my wrist. I decided to do my suicide run I promised myself I would, only to find most of the noise had been people firing blanks. They must have run out of ammo too. \:D/




All in all, a brilliant day out. :D

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Was annoying trying to hit this, some absolute idiot wouldn't hop after I asked him politely, so I had to share with him whilst deflecting his pathetic abuse. Then some more people came along which made it even worse. I don't take kindly to being asked 'y u so fat.' <.<





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Ohh sounds like you had a great day playing Paintball!!!!




Off to the Space Centre today you tell me? Have a great day, will look forward to hearing your update Sir Hartlar!! \'






Shey <3:


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Daily Update


National Space Centre today, it was quite good fun. The coach journey was a bit boring, but after about two hours we were there. The building itself was impressive, and when we entered we were immediately ushered to the cinema after a toilet break. The film was very interesting, and rather funny. It explained alot about the changes space can have on a human body; and what astronauts do to prevent extreme long term damage.


After that we had lunch, and we were given a free reign to look around the place before our simulator ride. The museum was quite interesting, and I enjoyed it. The simulator was awesome.




Mining is getting a bit boring, so I am going to do some fun stuff tonight. :-w

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oh my paintballing is so nasty but that protection gear they give you is prctically useless lol.i have about 5 scars from where the paintballs impact have blistered my hip underneath the chest plate.they wont go away but its a reminder of the best night with my freinds ever.paintball with glow in the dark paint at night is the best \'




glad to see youre having a great time hartlar.keep it rolling.

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This afternoon, along with my brother, sister and her friend, I went to watch the latest HP film. I think it was very good, even more so when the silence was broken by a loud fart along the aisle.




Im Sorry :oops:


Retired as of August 23rd with 91 Firemaking and 6m xp in it.

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That's my goal too, I've just been side tracked and am taking it slow. Goodluck, don't get too bored.




Heh, thanks. I bought 20k Fire Bolts and I have 0 cash left now. I hope it was a wise move, although going back to Barrows will be something I'll have to do eventually I guess. I'm considering taking the downgrade of my red mask to a blue, or maybe even a Santa. What do you guys think? :-k

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That's my goal too, I've just been side tracked and am taking it slow. Goodluck, don't get too bored.




Heh, thanks. I bought 20k Fire Bolts and I have 0 cash left now. I hope it was a wise move, although going back to Barrows will be something I'll have to do eventually I guess. I'm considering taking the downgrade of my red mask to a blue, or maybe even a Santa. What do you guys think? :-k


keep the red mask.afterall a freind gave you it and think where you would be without it.dont sell it and good luck with 99 mage.

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Note the new goal, I'm gunna need a ton of support so get posting people. :XD:


You just can't resist that, Good Luck! And I really like your daily updates, I've seen several, but yours is so hawt!

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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^^Thanks for reminding me. :shock:




Daily Update


Activities Week is drawing to a close people. Tomorrow is a 'Year 9 Activity Day' and on Friday its the last day of term; so basically one mother-beast of an assembly. Today though, was fun. Rocket making. A bit misleading, but whatever it was great.


We had the best physics etacher taking us for the day. We split off into groups and were each to design a car. It was supposed to be a design we though would go the furthest, but it ended up being a competition of which would make the biggest explosion. It was great fun, ours was an orange and yellow drag racer filled with tissue paper. The rocket would go off, and because our teacher put some thermite in the end, it made an explosion after the rocket stopped. Ours burned well. \'

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