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*WHY* Are Prices Rising?


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seing as i bought my first whip for about 5mill and just recently bought another for 1.9(because i wanted it now instead of looking for 1.8) prices have fluctuated but dont ever return to their starting prices. of course you cant count granite legs seing as that is just a fashion faze.








barrows prices are always going to fluctuate because jagex introduces new monsters or quests where having those barrows armors will help.








consider the keris dagger. the day it came out people who had probly never owned veracs or never will were arguing that the price would drop considerably because of the dagger. you can tell these people have never fought the kq because if they had they would understand the idea of a monster that prays.








it is sad actually that these people can try to price manipulate just becauses it has a little relevance to a new quest, but people cant talk about whip prices. i know from experience because i got a 3 day forum ban because i talked about not selling a whip for less that 2.1 mill(couple months ago)








when i am finished using my veracs at pc(look at my mage goal) i will sell it for about 200k more that i payed for it because i got a good deal. however i will have probly lost money in all actuallity because of the cost of repairs.








well hopefully ill get to use my veracs soon becauese i have to put money in bank so i can re subscribe membership. bank has been closed because of mlkj day.

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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Supply and demand. Back when autoers were so common, they would sell their "supply" at lower prices. Since Jagex has taken action against this, such as the essence thing, "supply" went down, and people "demand" it to help raise their skills. You may of hated autoers, but believe it or not, they actually held the economy together. Now it is ruined.

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Runescape tends to also lacking in certain aspects of supply and demand. Without having all 4 screws with things greatly.








High Demand + Low supply (Rares)




High Demand + High Supply (Wood, raw fish)




Low Demand + Low Supply (Plenty of these scattered about)








That leaves Low Demand + High Supply which is where a lot of problems stem from. The only things really that fall into these categories are Cooked fish and bows. Real world, When demand bottoms out, prices fall so the items sell. Cooked fish prices haven't dropped AT ALL in god knows how long. If the Price of a cooked lobster was 100 each and shark 400 each the supply would fall greatly as people would be MUCH more inclined to buy them other than when they were in a pinch, and the economy would take a step in the right direction.

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Cause the construction skill, u lose a lot of cash in construction. So the prices are going up. With the hunter skill u could gain cash. So the prices are going down a little bit...
yeah, that made no sense what so ever.








The reason prices are slowly rising is because good old inflation is kicking in again. A while back construction caused alot of deflation at first, and then stabilized the gold value for a long while, so our economy was doing great for a while there. But now the effects of construction are starting to disappear, so inflation is starting up again.








The actual value of items changed very little, so i don't see why people keep putting up the supply and demand concept in because it only applies to gold right now. Its great that everybody understands the supply and demand concept, but people still don't seem to understand the difference between where its changing :roll:

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I think and hope that this is just an economic swell in price, like what happens in RL...I can't afford paying even MORE for awhip! :ohnoes: :ohnoes: :ohnoes:












what does a whip cost? 1.9mil? not alot... people freak out when i told them i bought my whip for 6mil over a year ago, and trust me, i wasnt the first whip owner.












i wish prices were like they used to be... i would sure see alot less of people trying to show off then i do now.

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Its quite a complex answer - as MrMyk said, its all to do with inflation. Basically, inflation is when demand>supply. For instance rune sets and Guthan sets. As more and more people get 40 defence, and eventually 70, more and more people will want Rune sets and Guthan sets. However, there are not as many people making Rune sets as people want to buy them, so people have to pay more them. The same for Guthan - not many people do barrows properly, 24/7, so there aren't that many Guthan sets in comparison to people who want them. Because of this, people have to pay more for them, which is why the price gets hiked up.








This is the complex bit. As the price gets higher and higher, then people find it harder and harder to raise the required money to buy it, it being whatever it is they want to buy. Because of this, the price of things that they sell to raise cash, such as yews or bowstrings, gets hiked as well because they want to earn more money quickly. However, by doing this, other things get more expensive, and this carries on in a vicious circle.








In real life, the only real way to cap inflation is to increase the intrest rate, so in theory people buy less stuff as they cannot afford too, and so inflation decreases. However, it is virtually impossible to get 0% inflation, so it usually hovers around the 2-3% mark. Anything above this and governments get a bit edgy, as a rise in inflation is usually the sign of a decrease in the economy. So they have to step in and increase the inflation rate, which is whats happening in the UK at the moment.








Because, of course, this is impossible in RS, the next best thing they can do is to decrease the drop rate of expensive/rare items, which is what they have done.








Wow. :ohnoes: Did I write all that?

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Yes MCalgar, you're a supply&demand genius just like like eveyrbody else #-o








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1. Economics. a persistent, substantial rise in the general level of prices related to an increase in the volume of money and resulting in the loss of value of currency (opposed to deflation).

What you said is not inflation, and like some other people including me stated earlier, this is caused by the accurate definition of inflation, as you would know if you read some other posts before you made your own. My post is always open for debate.
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