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***The Best Way To Make $ In F2P***DISCUSS HERE***


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Buying a cheap rare item (anything but a Santa Hat), quit for a couple of years, then sell said cheap rare item, which by the time of sale, won't be "cheap" anymore.








I'm still at the "quit for a couple of years" stage atm.

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Buy iron arrows 10-15 ea re-sell for 25 ea. Get a member friend to post on forums or something, make 10-15gp profit per arrow.








1k arrows = 10-15k profit. (Plus 10-15k you bought




for..So 20-30k)




10k arrows = 100-150k profit (+100k or 150k.)




100k arrows :S = 1M-1.5M profit. :D (+1M or 1.5M)

I play World Of Warcraft.



Draka [Alliance] Squeeky Mage

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My rc lvl is low.








May I know how best to rc for profit ?








Your rc is high enough! Buy rune ess and then make airs without runners. You will get over 100k an hour.








Yeah but where to sell the airs, and what price to pay for the ess!

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A rune miner can mine 100 rune ores comfortably a day.








That is a guaranteed 1mill + a day.








Hence it is the easiest.








Don't argue, i've done it a few times.








Runecrafting though?? :roll:



2432nd to 99 mining

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Merchanting would have to be the best. Even with 99-smithing I prefer merchanting for money making. What you do is up to you but consumable materials and rares are the best to me.








Not viable, because you need to have a fair bit of money to start with.








If you were hacked out of everything, what would the best way to earn again?
















That is if you are 85 + mining, like me



2432nd to 99 mining

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IF you're a good merchant and you know what you're doing, than merchanting rares is the go. After that its raw materials such as Big Bones (which I found were the best raw material to merchant back when I played), Coal, Iron etc. God Armor and TT Stuff isn't the go for quick money and Rune takes too long to get a decent 500k, compared to raw material.








After that I'd say Smithing Rune.








And then Runecrafting at a high level.

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to most experienced all-time-f2p'ers banking lobs isn't hard. To a member who just drop subscrition and are used to banking in 5 seconds (cuz members are so dang spoiled, lolz) it will seem very slow. I recommend lob fishing, steel bar smelting, and merchanting things like coal. but lots of times with coal you have to switch worlds alot.


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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