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Redesigning the Wilderness


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Right now food is pretty much adding that to your hit points, it's rediculous. You shouldn't be able to spam down 5 sharks to get back up to full hp within a second. Food is for healing, yes. Right now you can't win a fight unless your opponent lags, you get incredibly lucky or they run out of food.








It's fair - people hit rapid 40s with whip and double 35's with the dds special


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I've been doing some pondering on the subject, and I've come to the conclusion that I was wrong. Wrong and stupid. And wrong.








With a with a wildy full of pures, you NEED to be able to eat food fast. Flame me all you want for this, but I think that pures are accounts made by people who aren't skilled enough to win a REAL fight, so they make accounts designed to deceive people (the amount of staking str pures in the dueling arena borders on scamming, but that's just my opinion <.< ) . The real Achilles Heel of pures is their low attack and low (if any) defense. The only way to beat them is to last long enough to make their low attack and defense work against them. And how do you last against someone hitting double 30's with a dds? By eating food. Lots of it. Fast. Once their special attack is used up, their effectiveness is lowered drastically.

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I've been doing some pondering on the subject, and I've come to the conclusion that I was wrong. Wrong and stupid. And wrong.








With a with a wildy full of pures, you NEED to be able to eat food fast. Flame me all you want for this, but I think that pures are accounts made by people who aren't skilled enough to win a REAL fight, so they make accounts designed to deceive people (the amount of staking str pures in the dueling arena borders on scamming, but that's just my opinion <.< ) . The real Achilles Heel of pures is their low attack and low (if any) defense. The only way to beat them is to last long enough to make their low attack and defense work against them. And how do you last against someone hitting double 30's with a dds? By eating food. Lots of it. Fast. Once their special attack is used up, their effectiveness is lowered drastically.








Yeah, hence the terms "safer noob" and "def noob" :|


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I'd remove the ability to tag team. Once you click a person, woether it takes a while to run over to him or not, you are IN COMBAT. Thus, you cannot be attacked, nor can anyone attack your prey.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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With a with a wildy full of pures, you NEED to be able to eat food fast.








So you'd rather just not have anyone die? Deffense hardly matters because your not going to be able to kill anyone with the current way food works, pure or not. They just run away.








Flame me all you want for this, but I think that pures are accounts made by people who aren't skilled enough to win a REAL fight








That's funny (and this is coming from someone who devoted a lot of his skills evenly and used magic a lot). What exactly is a "real" fight anyways? One that goes on for ages with NO ONE winning? Right now the wilderness is pretty much just eat until you have a food or two left and run. Unless you get incredibly lucky or your enemy wants to die you don't die that often in the wilderness.








so they make accounts designed to deceive people (the amount of staking str pures in the dueling arena borders on scamming, but that's just my opinion








If you don't know how to look someone up on the highscores list I pitty you. They aren't "deceiving" anyone. Scamming!? Give me a break. I can easily turn this around and say that someone who focus's purely on deffense is "scamming" the pure out of an easier kill.








The real Achilles Heel of pures is their low attack and low (if any) defense. The only way to beat them is to last long enough to make their low attack and defense work against them. And how do you last against someone hitting double 30's with a dds?








You SHOULDN'T last. With a 3 second between eating rule defense becomes a much LARGER role if you want to survive between these eats. A pure may find him self unable to deffend him self after a good string of hits.








By eating food. Lots of it. Fast. Once their special attack is used up, their effectiveness is lowered drastically.








This is exactly the problem. Please note that you still have HP left over, and a shark heals one. If someone opens up with 60 damage they should have a good chance of winning the fight. They shouldn't just have to sit there and watch their opponent heal through a special like nothing...












The fact is right now people need to make pures for the wilderness because its the only way to win a fight. Otherwise you jsut get healed.








And, please, if you don't want to die -- don't go into the wilderness.

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You make some excellent points, Nadril, but I just don't think that you should give pures any MORE power than they already have. Because of their low combat level, they can attack people that don't stand much of a chance against them. The ability to eat fast is a sort of fail-safe against pures attacking a normal player. I take offense to people being called safers just for brining food, because I feel that pures are worse since they make a pure so they can attack people that they KNOW they can beat with no problem.

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You make some excellent points, Nadril, but I just don't think that you should give pures any MORE power than they already have. Because of their low combat level, they can attack people that don't stand much of a chance against them. The ability to eat fast is a sort of fail-safe against pures attacking a normal player. I take offense to people being called safers just for brining food, because I feel that pures are worse since they make a pure so they can attack people that they KNOW they can beat with no problem.








So you would rather gimp the entire wildernes just so that the mean pures can't get kills as easily?








The chances of a pure hitting a GOOD number through a good deffense rating is not high. However, the chance of you hitting well (as a ballanced player) through their low deffense is much better. Because of a cooldown on healing it would give those that are ballanced an edge too because right now they have no way of "KO'ing" an enemy player. If food was reduced to a 3 second cooldown everytime you ate it would give said player more of a chance to KO, because chances are the damage a ballanced player takes will not be much.

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You make some excellent points, Nadril, but I just don't think that you should give pures any MORE power than they already have. Because of their low combat level, they can attack people that don't stand much of a chance against them. The ability to eat fast is a sort of fail-safe against pures attacking a normal player. I take offense to people being called safers just for brining food, because I feel that pures are worse since they make a pure so they can attack people that they KNOW they can beat with no problem.








So you would rather gimp the entire wildernes just so that the mean pures can't get kills as easily?








The chances of a pure hitting a GOOD number through a good deffense rating is not high. However, the chance of you hitting well (as a ballanced player) through their low deffense is much better. Because of a cooldown on healing it would give those that are ballanced an edge too because right now they have no way of "KO'ing" an enemy player. If food was reduced to a 3 second cooldown everytime you ate it would give said player more of a chance to KO, because chances are the damage a ballanced player takes will not be much.








From a pkers point of view, I'd have to agree with you, Nadril. That makes perfect sense.








But from a skillers point of view, that's even more incentive not to go into the wild. Which a good number of suggestions here have been people wanting more resources out there to lure more skillers to the wild. Introducing something to give pkers an advantage against someone that isn't looking to fight would reduce the number of skillers out there already.








Unfortunately, there's no way to balance it for pkers and skillers. Is the wild just another place to train skills with an option to pk or is it a place to pk with a few extra places to skill?

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

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Isn't it true though that skillers generaly don't even take food into the wilderness usualy though? I don't see how it would be a huge blow to skillers if they don't even use food.

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That may be true, the only thing I've ever trained in the wild was agility. And I took a few cakes with me. In hopes of getting to stay there a while (that's funny, I couldn't even type that out with a straight face).

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

[hide=My Stats]Jake_Corsair.png[/hide]

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That may be true, the only thing I've ever trained in the wild was agility. And I took a few cakes with me. In hopes of getting to stay there a while (that's funny, I couldn't even type that out with a straight face).








Well from what I know most skillers won't take food so that they can fill their inventory up more with materials. Didn't think of agility.

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Its topic like these, that make me hit my head in not constantly looking at deabtes:




A redesigning of the wilderness, my little things:








Take the wilderness to begin with out of all servers(this would probably create less lag). Have the number needed of servers made, all in one central location so that everyone would be getting the same connection...almost.








Then when you log into this server your in an area that'd be 30x30 rs squares, it'd have a bank...and an area to trade and stuff.








As soon as you left this area you could go in any direction and the further away you went the higher the wildy count would go.








Also level 80 monsters would be almost everywhere(there'd be enough to cause haffic to lower levels and higher levels). Teleing there'd be one but like the home teleport...would take forever and is interruped by combat.








Prayer drains twice as fast.








Better graphics(as in more detail) and more lairs and dungeons i'd presume, also some stragetic areas i would hope for. A clan supportive device. No radar...more trees more objects....most of the wildy would be multi and only about 35% would be non-multi...








Yeah that sums my idea up nicely. Also run energy decrease twice as fast with the adding support of agility..

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There seems to be a fair amount of agreement that the current combat system is broken in the wildy. However, I'm not convinced by the solution currently on offer, of giving food a cooldown. It would mean that kills would go to the lucky, i.e. those who happened to hit the highest in the first few rounds, rather than the well-prepared. While of course luck should be a factor, making it the major factor in PvP would make it far less interesting.








Instead, I propose that we look at remedying the problem which has been alluded to as the reason why people need to get kills quickly: it's far too easy to run away. This can be solved, I propose, in two ways:








1)Firstly, lower the teleporting limit to level 10. Since it's necessary to maintain some teleporting up to at least level 9 wildy (to avoid the Zamorak Mage or the Chaos Altar becoming a way to escape, which would be ridiculous), and there's very little useful content there, 10 seems an appropriate number.








2) Secondly, give every combat type a way to hold their opponents in place. Mages already have a method which scales with level (and spellbook) - why not the others? Give melee fighters some sort of shield bash (stuns for 5, 10, 15s depending on defence level), and as I mentioned in my earlier post, rangers some sort of ranged net trap.








Combined, they would make combat much more difficult to escape (although not impossible, especially for the well-prepared), while remaining within current game mechanics.








I remember in my early days of f2p I was attacked in level 40 wildy by someone 10 levels or so higher than me. I was able to run all the way out with him chasing and occasionally hitting me. Something is rotten in the house of RS combat.

"Join me next week on 'Let's Make No Freaking Sense', when I shall be waxing an owl."

- Green Wing


Barrows Drops: 1x Verac's Flail, 2x Karil's Crossbow, 1x Torag's Hammers, 1x Karil's Leatherskirt, 1x Karil's Coif

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I think that they should introduce viewer capes to wild, they have 1 use (use= hour or exiting wild) and then crumble, this cape can be bought in edgeville for 25k or so. While wearing this cape you cant ...




-attack players or monsters




-be attacked




-pick up items




-gain exp.




-do any skill




-wear anything but this cape




-can type everyso often and only use letters to prevent you from going @@@@@@ over peoples heads








and about stopping prayer from wild- this would be unfair as prayer is part of a players cb lvl. Perhaps your prayer lvl could be reduced to 1 while in wild and your combat lvl would reflect that.

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Guest Cosinus

The Wilderness system works to a certain degree, but as all other system it has flaws.








The purpose of the Wilderness is to create fear and scary moments. It SHOULD be dangerous to enter the Wilderness, that's the whole idea of it. The Wilderness Levels creates a small safety factor tho, which is neccessary for people that don't tend to PK.








The problem with changing the Wilderness is that there are two diffrent views on the matter, the Non-PKers and the PKers view. Most of the PKers would agree on that the Wilderness Levels aren't fearful enough and they would want to get rid of it, while the Non-PKers would want more safety in the Wilderness with option on wheter you want to be able to be attacked or not.








In my oppinion the Non-PKers voice is smaller in this matter, the Wilderness is the only TRUE PvP-Combat Zone, while there are lots of places for Non-PKers to go to.








Now over to what I think Wilderness needs..

    [*:2vcltzo1] Wilderness Teleportation Block needs to be bigger, the fear-factor of the Wilderness would increase and the PKers would be able to have more entertaining fights.
    [*:2vcltzo1] The Wilderness should be a Multi-Combat Zone all through, with the exception of a few areas that are made for 1v1 Combat. (Note, these/this area(s) shouldn't be very big, like one castle or something.)
    [*:2vcltzo1] The Wilderness needs to modified so that PKers can "live" there, with "live" I mean that they should be able to do other things away from PKing within the Wilderness. This should be implented mainly for the fear-factor of Wilderness-Only players and the ability to create these kind of players.
    [*:2vcltzo1] A Wilderness City, with Bank and such things.
    [*:2vcltzo1] A Clan-War Arena.








The Wilderness should be the fear of Runescape, but with it's current state it's not a horrofying as it could be.

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Yeah I agree with you. The wild should be something bigger, with some banks, more mines, trees, fishing spots, like a city.




Maybe they can add that to the bandit city. There should be some teleports for it in F2P, like it has in members, group tele-block, etc.




There should be a part of wildy that a lvl 126 can fight a lvl 3...

No! You'll die if you try to kill that farmer!
nah whips should be as left as is. besides theyre the intestine of an abbysal demon (i think) have fun crafting that.
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i dont know if the wilderness should be changed. I personally alwasy thought of it as a one way ticket to lumbridge but hey, why not thorough in a couple of magical pixes and elves that hand out free money and beer and make your time in the wildy fun whil it lasts

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Reward people for taking risks, in other words, going to the wilderness.








    [*:2noyjnt6]Unique monsters with high exp. rate
    [*:2noyjnt6]4x XP rate on all monsters found in the wilderness
    [*:2noyjnt6]Add decent respawns worth guarding/raiding, like spawns of 10000 gold per 5 minutes, treasure chests with mid-range rune items, etc.
    [*:2noyjnt6]No 3 item rule at all. Instant skull when entering the wilderness.
    [*:2noyjnt6]3xp XP rate on mining and woodcutting








That way, by choosing the more dangerous route, you can be rewarded by taking the risk instead of being safe in a non-wilderness area, but you also can lose all the gear you carry.








Give incentives to people going in the wilderness, otherwise it's meaningless. The risk rate is significant anyways.

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I don't think incentives really would help. All that would do would be to attract more pkers camping out those spots.








What good is it to get 3 times the xp for a monster, when you probably will only get one kill before pkers get a chance to fight you. In the time tht you would go there, fight one monster, get pked (or escape) and re-equip yourself, you could have got the same amount of xp somewhere else.








Basically you have two types of people in the wild. People that want to pk and those that don't. Increasing the incentive for those that don't, won't matter if they can't get the benefit from it.

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

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Basically you have two types of people in the wild. People that want to pk and those that don't. Increasing the incentive for those that don't, won't matter if they can't get the benefit from it.








True, it would be sort of like pking old women and kindergarteners.
















What is Jagex up to? They keep releasing untradable gear that removes more and more incentive for people to PK. Even a skiller like me thinks this is a bad thing.








Is there any hope? Is Jagex moving in the wrong direction? Is there any positive side to these changes? I don't know, I don't pk.

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The below coming from the mouth of a former abyss runner and completely inexperienced pker:








I'm dissatisfied with the limited opportunity to pk solo in the wilderness. Pking multiway combat should only be encouraged in the higher levels and only be motivated by group vs. group combat, not pile jumping. Aggressive monsters ought to lay off in non-multiway combat.








In regards to teleportation, I think people looking to make a run for it should have some sort of delay when casting teleport spells: similar to the delay of the Home Port spell, but with milder restrictions.








Instead of huge, dead forests blocking the flight path of pkers, more maze-like areas should be implemented. Not quite like the Lava maze, but with doors or some kind of temporary obstacles.








This goes without saying: Randoms, OUT of the wilderness.


The Once and Future Quest Guru

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Instead of pk-only servers, introduce a new quest. Something to do with Guthix and balance and Void Knights and all that jazz. When you beat it, you can talk to this wise sage dude that shows you what it would be like if Guthix hadn't shown up in the god wars --a world where Saradomin wins, and a world where Zamorak wins. (Something like an alternate plane of RuneScape.)








Sara world would be boring. Zammy world would be wilderness practically everywhere, the level varying, depending on how far you are from a city. (Such as making level 1-5 in a city, but increasing outside the walls.) Maybe even throw in a nice xp bonus for training there thanks to all the extra risks. (5 xp per hit or something.) If you die, you lose everything.








On second thought, scratch it. People would still hug the safer areas. <.<








...Aggressive monsters ought to lay off in non-multiway combat.








Or maybe single combat means you are limited to being attacked by one NPC and one player at a time? No monster-hugging. \' Sure, it'd be rougher fighting the chaos elemental. (But then, you can get any of his drops outside the wildy anyway.)

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I don't think incentives really would help. All that would do would be to attract more pkers camping out those spots.








What good is it to get 3 times the xp for a monster, when you probably will only get one kill before pkers get a chance to fight you. In the time tht you would go there, fight one monster, get pked (or escape) and re-equip yourself, you could have got the same amount of xp somewhere else.








In RSC, all the best XP spots were in the wilderness. The hobgoblin mine (and later the axe hut/pirate house) was easily the best XP in the whole game.








Yeah, sometimes people died there after being raided by PK'ers. But it doesn't happen as much as you'd think. It was fairly worth the risk, and you could kill hundreds of monsters before being at risk.








If there isn't some incentive to go to the wilderness, nobody will go there. Everyone wants to gain something by doing an action, i.e. entering the wilderness. Currently, it's stealing items from other players by killing them. Fair enough, but other incentives are good too since the risk is high.

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