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Your Light in Teh Dark?


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We all have one. A special person, a goal, a thought, that keeps us going in the hardest of times. So I have come to ask you this: What is your light in the dark, an entity that keeps you going in your darkest of days? Mine myself is my family, how they support me no matter what. I have a classmate who is the perfect example of how a light can save you in the dark.








I know a kid from my school. He moved to the United States when he was eight years old. Having to be in ESL for 3 years, he was always teased and made fun of for being "that kid". He wasn't that smart, he was ok at soccer, was quite poor, and seemed to never be mature. When he was in fifth grade, it was mandatory for you to pay an instrument. Pavel (the kid) chose the trumpet. His family barely had enough money to rent the instrument for a year. When he first played it, he wasn't the best, but he loved the feeling of it, so he continued to play it. By mowing lawns, he eventually got enough money to take private lessons. By the end of the year, he was a trumpet prodigy. Every day, he always could look forward to playing the trumpet, a familiar face, happiness. I met him in Jazz band, and seeing how lonely the kid was, I decided to be his friend and eventually knew him. To this day, he still seems very childish, and is bullied alot, but he always has shoulder to lean on, his trumpet. Hence, his light in the dark. Now tell me yours!












XD Cheesy thread, I know. I just posted it to get a debate going up about ethics and such.








Lights in teh darknessism
















Memories of my father, who passed away when I was 14. When I feel sad or depressed etc. I just think about him and know that he wouldn't want to see my like that. So I'll think about good times we had and it always cheers me up =)












My boyfriend and my friends. They mean the world to me. It's upset me recently because quite a few of my friends have disappointed me.












I think of my dreams and aspirations, and look around my room at all the flags I have. This relaxes me, and makes me realize there are bigger problems in the world.












The Bible.








Often when I'm about to do something stupid, something I know I'll regret later but ignore it anyways, a verse will pop into my head that has more power than my will or my intellect. It gets me through and I am totally undeserving of it.
















My girlfriend, shes the only one who helps me to hold onto the light.








My dad. Full of wisdom and good advice, dedicated to his family, but knows how to kick back and relax.












I'd have to say my boyfriend as well, it's been about 15 months since we first got together, and I really believe he is my soulmate as cheesey as that sounds! If ever I'm in trouble, he's the one I turn to first. He always brightens my day








People at school who make me feel special and respected. The people who appreciate my thoughts and ask for my help Which, unfortunately, isn't a lot of people, but they will change ......or else








Friends and people close to me








NadrilI'd have to agree although music is a large part in my life too. Generaly if I am feeling down I might think of a good song or, preferably, listen to it. It's amazing how a song can change your mood








Dude of war4




tbh runescape makes me feel happy, especially when talkin to friends












Myself, and the wonder of this world. Of course I love my family and friends, but i'm very independant and yet strangely attached to this rock that we live on zipping round the sun. I want to explore, travel and see the wonders of the world. I want to see what this place has to offer and make the most out of it, and in enjoying and getting the most out of my own life, so help others.

When sperm whales mate, 3/4 of the sperm goes into the sea, not his mate.

Thats why sea water tastes funny

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Memories of my father, who passed away when I was 14. When I feel sad or depressed etc. I just think about him and know that he wouldn't want to see my like that. So I'll think about good times we had and it always cheers me up =)

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The Bible.








Often when I'm about to do something stupid, something I know I'll regret later but ignore it anyways, a verse will pop into my head that has more power than my will or my intellect. It gets me through and I am totally undeserving of it.

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My dad. Full of wisdom and good advice, dedicated to his family, but knows how to kick back and relax.








I'd have to say my boyfriend as well, it's been about 15 months since we first got together, and I really believe he is my soulmate as cheesey as that sounds! If ever I'm in trouble, he's the one I turn to first. He always brightens my day <3:



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People at school who make me feel special and respected. The people who appreciate my thoughts and ask for my help :P Which, unfortunately, isn't a lot of people, but they will change ......or else :twisted:

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Friends and people close to me








I'd have to agree although music is a large part in my life too. Generaly if I am feeling down I might think of a good song or, preferably, listen to it. It's amazing how a song can change your mood :)

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Myself, and the wonder of this world. Of course I love my family and friends, but i'm very independant and yet strangely attached to this rock that we live on zipping round the sun. I want to explore, travel and see the wonders of the world. I want to see what this place has to offer and make the most out of it, and in enjoying and getting the most out of my own life, so help others.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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My Family have always been a big supporter of me. And I can't thank them enough. Their always there for me paying for my education and helping me towards my goals in sport. <3:

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The songs/poems i write and knowing that there are people in the world far worse off than me, so i should strive to acheive rather than waste my benefits

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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My guitar and the music I write. :boohoo: It's like counselling for me. Maybe one day you will all get to hear some. Although some of it is morbidly grotesque, and some is sad. It's almost a direct reflection of my feelings.








I'm looking forward to hearing it.




Australian Idol??...wait no....you want a career right?yeh, no aus idol


^Sir Jem 05-The Bunny Drinking Blog?^ Click it!


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My guitar and the music I write. :boohoo: It's like counselling for me. Maybe one day you will all get to hear some. Although some of it is morbidly grotesque, and some is sad. It's almost a direct reflection of my feelings.








I'm looking forward to hearing it.




Australian Idol??...wait no....you want a career right?yeh, no aus idol








Hahaha, well said. :lol: Aussie/American/any 'Idol' is so superficial.

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Not sure where I heard it from but: One day this will all be over, then the fun begins








But also: My friends at school (they rock) and my Family though not sure about my brother or sister, I'm the youngest and so I get picked on <.<









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I think of my dreams and aspirations, and look around my room at all the flags I have. This relaxes me, and makes me realize there are bigger problems in the world than mine.




Offtopic:You mean have like real life size flags on your room's walls or just many small ones?It this like your hobby?








Anyway for me it is mostly looking to future and just knowing that everything is going to be so much better then :) .Oh and also music helps too.

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