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Adult Players!!


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Is there any worlds where the adults hang out,,,,,,ALL the rooms in my region seem to have nothing but 13 to 17 year olds,,,,,,,Im beginning to feel like Im the oldest person(51) playing this game!!! :anxious:





What we do in Life,,,echos in Eternity so always remember that one hand washes the other!

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Nope, not as far as I know. I believe some people did try to get such a world, but it didn't really work out.








As for an alternative, I guess the tip.it homeworld would be your best bet, since that houses the most players who don't act or are 5 year olds. ;)

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No offense but i dont think there's more than 2000 adults playing rs (besides jagex ) So i dont think there is a place where adults "chill"

_________________Lad ML_________________


*Warrior ~ Level 73*


*Total Level ~ 801*

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No offense but i dont think there's more than 2000 adults playing rs (besides jagex ) So i dont think there is a place where adults "chill"








Depending on what you define as an adult, I think you would be surprised.




Drgn, chat block works nicely for me if I get on :P


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When I look at the way you type etc, I seriously doubt that you are 51...








There is very little relation between typing skill and age. My 70 something grandmother can type like a pro, my father (45) types exactly like the OP, and my mother (42) types like a 3 year old. I'm 20 and I'd like to think that I fall somewhere in the "decent" range when it comes to typing skill.
















Now on topic, sadly there isn't an "adult world". It would be nice though, allowing mature players to not have to deal with "children". Maybe Jagex should open a few 18+ worlds and loosen up their stupid censor program (but knowing Jagex need for total control that isn't likely to happen).

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No offense but i dont think there's more than 2000 adults playing rs (besides jagex ) So i dont think there is a place where adults "chill"




Tip.it did a poll once, and found that 10% of tip.it'ers were 25 or older.








If the same ratio holds true for Runescape as a whole, that would mean there are about 50,000 members, and about 100K F2Pers.








However, I think that most adults who play are P2P, since they can probably afford the $5/month. As such, it could be up to 1/4 or 1/3rd of all members are 25 or older.








Explains why P2P is a bit more tolerable, at least for me.

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I'm a 28 year old married mother of 2 lol....I still love my RS. There isnt a certain place to hang out...but if you want to chat with other adults then i suggest we start exchanging names lol....
















thats me add me if ya like :)









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nice to see there are ppl around my age when ppl ask how old are u i say 25 and get moaned at called pedo and other stuff oh well cant help it if the game is fun and i have kids that come on here well best of luck to find a good world if u do plz let me know ty


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thank you Skull_Emblem for a great avatar

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Is there any worlds where the adults hang out,,,,,,ALL the rooms in my region seem to have nothing but 13 to 17 year olds,,,,,,,Im beginning to feel like Im the oldest person(51) playing this game!!! :anxious:




Sadly, there are no "adult worlds", to the best of my knowledge. Also, I'm 23 and kinda know how you feel. :| ... Seems like I keep running into people who are (or are acting like) little kids and finding ways to break rules 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, and a few others constantly. And worse, I am F2P not by choice (I am stuck living with my parents, who are both at least 29 years older than me), so I can't go to P2P to escape most of the awful banter I keep hearing. :( ... BTW, I'm sure there are people older than you, so go ahead and take a load off, because you're likely far from being the oldest RuneScaper out there. :)








~Mr. D. V. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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Is there any worlds where the adults hang out,,,,,,ALL the rooms in my region seem to have nothing but 13 to 17 year olds,,,,,,,Im beginning to feel like Im the oldest person(51) playing this game!!! :anxious:




BTW, I'm sure there are people older than you, so go ahead and take a load off, because you're likely far from being the oldest RuneScaper out there. :)








~Mr. D. V. Devnull








Agreed. Yea, there would be alot more mature players then you :mrgreen:

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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Agreed. Yea, there would be alot more mature players then you :mrgreen:




Uhm, was that an intent at an insult at somebody, or were you just a little off in your wording? <.< :-s ... I've got a headache, so maybe I didn't read that right... :(








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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Agreed. Yea, there would be alot more mature players then you :mrgreen:




Uhm, was that an intent at an insult at somebody, or were you just a little off in your wording? <.< :-s ... I've got a headache, so maybe I didn't read that right... :(








~Mr. Devnull








I ment older players :wall:, my bad.

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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I ment older players :wall:, my bad.




Ah, alright, no harm done then. :lol:








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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I ment older players :wall:, my bad.




Ah, alright, no harm done then. :lol:








~Mr. Devnull








:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:




:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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If the same ratio holds true for Runescape as a whole, that would mean there are about 50,000 members, and about 100K F2Pers.








And how many adult PK'ers is that? :-k :ohnoes:




I mean, gawd, haven't adults got something better to do than PK five year olds? :-s




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If the same ratio holds true for Runescape as a whole, that would mean there are about 50,000 members, and about 100K F2Pers.








And how many adult PK'ers is that? :-k :ohnoes:




I mean, gawd, haven't adults got something better to do than PK five year olds? :-s








This game is ment for fun, its ment so that you can enjoy your self. No matter what your age is. This game is intended to be played by ages 13 and up, which means that this game is not intended/made/supposed to be played by younger people.








Which means that adults have every right to play this game as you do. They can do what they like in the game (within reasons) and you have no authority (sp) to stop them.








Please, stop spamming and making a fool of your self. You are totaly wrong on the subject which you spoke of, so just stop now while you can.

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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And how many adult PK'ers is that? :-k :ohnoes:




I mean, gawd, haven't adults got something better to do than PK five year olds? :-s








Ah man, since I'm not a child anymore I shouldn't get angry about such a remark, but I just can't help myself. I can't believe these kids are so arrogant they think they have more of a right to play this game then adults.








That has always been one of the few remarks I just couldn't ignore, the: 'Omg, you are so old, you shouldn't play this game, it's meant for kids'




Or maybe this comes closer: 'p0mg, ur wai to old to pley dis game, its mend for kids!!1one!'.




I know that isn't really fair, since there are plenty of younger people in Runescape and especially at the tip.it forums that can first of all spell right and second act more mature then some of the adults, but those kids can be so good at annoying me it's almost as if they do nothing else then practice the whole day at annoying other people.








Just as micbar said, Runescape was even made for 13 year olds and up. Ofcourse there will always be annoying children and I would like to say that normally I am perfectly capable of ignoring them, but as I said this kind of remark is different. I'll let it rest now, since if I go further it will turn in flaming and I don't feel like hurting someone's feeling, nor do I feel the desire for a warning. :-w

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Regarding adults in game: yes, there are many of us. When talking to strangers though, we often dont tell our age since it more often than not lead to various comments like "omg get a life". There are students. There are parents who play when their small children has gone to sleep. There are parents who start to play to spend time with their kids who also play. There are people in between jobs. There are people signed off sick for various reasons. There are people who play in the evening after work. Playing games is a way to relax, just as watching TV. Age has nothing to do with it.








Most adult I know have high total skill. I mean they dont focus on one aspect in game, but do a little of each. Some like to pk, others dont, but the ones who pk usually work on their other skills as well.








There are clans who mainly have adult members. There are other more or less loose associations for adults. Usually the knowledge about it is spread from person to person, friends to friends, to friends of friends.








Yes, adults are a big part of the runescape players :)

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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Is there any worlds where the adults hang out,,,,,,ALL the rooms in my region seem to have nothing but 13 to 17 year olds,,,,,,,Im beginning to feel like Im the oldest person(51) playing this game!!! :anxious:




1: 8-) World 99 is the official tip.it world. Say HYT (Hey You Tip.iter) and see if anyone responds.








2: :shame: Age doesn't matter. Some 6 year old can act very grown up. Some 20+ can act like 6 year olds.








3: :thumbsup: I'm from Class of 1969 youngster. I can speel pretty good if I put on my glasses.

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i had this discussion with an RS Mod and a whole bunch of us fishing at Catherby on Saturday Night / Sunday Morning.








The Mod said that it should be put forward as a suggestion, nut whether anything will come of it is anybodys guess.








Personally, I was put onto Runescape by my 2 kids aged 7 and 10, so that will give you a rough idea of my age, as I was not still in my teens when the first one came along.








I'd tried some of the more "Adult" based MMORPG's based on criminal activity and the like, but the interactivity of RS pulled me in.








Surely the complexity of some of the quests, clue trails etc. shows that RS was indeed intended for all age groups.









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