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Alpha Koldes' Blog - Major updates coming feb 10th eve

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Welcome to my blog!
















My name is Alpha Koldes - I've been playing runescape now for just under three months, and been a member from day two, and a tipitier since day three.








So in this blog I'm pretty much going to have five or more goals going at once. Maybe some quest goals, skill goals, and other "work type goals." It's just going to be RANDOM.








I realized recently that this game is too much like work, unless you do the things that make you happy and have fun doing them.








So I won't be one of those "going to get 99 agility by ____" people where I'll be hoping people cheer me on. Instead, I'm just going to have multiple goals and help myself keep track of what I'm doing on them. Feel free to post and do what you need to do, but I won't be doing the "if you look please reply"ing type of command. Do what you want :)








Starting Skills:








These are about 3 months worth of skills. I worked pretty hard for the first two months, but have been slowing down as of late with my time in game.








Starting Bank: (January 22)








































So that's my bank. I did clean it up recently, but I'm not one who really cares when people say "organize your bank and i'll rate you higher"... Not really interested in rates here. But if anyone DOES see something that I have in my bank that's useless, let me know. Really need to conserve bank space.








Starting Outfits








Starting Ranging Outfit:








This is what I wear when ranging. I don't do a lot of ranging, but my new goal which you'll read involves it. The facemask is obviously there for Dust Devils - I'm looking to upgrade to Karils leathertop/skirt.




New Additions:




-Rune gloves over Ad gloves




-Accumulator over Ob Cape








Starting Melee Outfit:








Nothing special, but I worked hard to get this far.




New Additions




-Rune gloves over Ad Gloves




-Full Veracs over Torags












Starting Mage Starting Outfit!








Again, nothing too special. I'd like to get rid of the blue stuff and get the red, just so it matches a little better, but I'm not 100% on looks. And the gauntlets/shield is there for steel dragons, of course. :)




New Additions




-Rune gloves over Ad Gloves












Goals: Skill, Quests, then Non-Skill




My skill goals that I'd like to achieve.








80 Ranging - Undecided on how to get this done. Probably greater daemons with a crystal bow, when I get it.




70/71/80 - Undecided












85 Fishing - Just hit 79




78/79/85 - Will be doing monkfish at the colony when I have stuff to do while "afk" fishing. Researching fire cape, forums, etc.








Substantial Skill Pics:








































Quests I'd like to achieve




Regicide - Completed - February 6th




Desert Treasure - Completed - February 6th




Recipe for Disaster - Completed all but last part, Feb 4th




Monkey Madness - Completed - January 26th




Fairy Tale 1 - Completed - January 27th




Fairy Tale 2 - Got enough into it for Ring System - January 27th




Animal Magnetism - Completed - January 22nd




Roving Elves - Completed - February 7th




Legends - Completed - February 4th




Tree Gnome Villiage - Completed - January 25th




Troll Romance - Completed- January 25th




Tears of Guthix - Completed - February 4th




Fight Arena - Completed - February 2nd




Spirits of the Elid - Completed - February 2nd




Recruitment Drive - Completed - February 2nd




The Feud - Completed - February 2nd




Underground Pass - Completed - February 4th




Dwarf Cannon












Non Skill To Do List/Goals




Craft 9410 p ess into natures - I bought 20k p ess a while ago and I'd like to finish them off and sell the natures.








0/3000/9410 - About 6500 to go!








Five Kalphite Queens A Day




All depends if my KQ buddy is on, if so, going to do five runs a day. Don't want to go hardcore on it, but atleast put ourselves in the position for some money.








Get Barrows Gloves!




I've done EVERYTHING except I need 22 more quest points before I can do the final showdown with Culin and get my barrows gloves!








Full Veracs - Completed January 23rd!








Bones to Peahces Not a priority quite yet.. barrows gloves first! Will hopfully be starting soon, though.
















-------- Firecape in the future? ---------












Daily/Bi-Daily Log




Jan 22-Animal Magnetism Complete - Steel arrow collecting begin! -




Jan 23-Got Full Veracs and killed Five Kalphite queens with a friend! (I'm combat 90) and didn't die!




Jan 24-Killed a bunch of green dragons, collecting dhides/dbones.




Jan 25-Continuing green dragons.




Jan 26-More quests, now working agility for rfd.




Jan 27-More quests, agility to 50, bought 2k iron bars.




Jan 28-Feb 2nd - No internet!




Feb 2- Questing, KQs, Barrows..




Feb 3-Monkfish while fixing blog... and underground pass... more to come




Feb 4-Underground pass done, Legends done, dgloves for rfd, working on some things, like getting thieving up for DT, a little DT, monfkish, tears of guthix,etc.
























The next page I'm going to leave up to decent drops I get along the way, and the page after that will be random pictures/Rants.








I'm also going to reply to my thread with updates, but will also update in this post, so if you want you can see individual updates as time goes along or just see the big picture. Your choice.








This was a bunch of writing, so thanks to anyone who read it all.








Friends' Blogs
















Trunk's Achievement
















-PM me if I forgot ya



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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Reserved for my pictures of my decent drops!








halfkeydustdevils27bq.png - January 22nd, after about 5 dust devils.












-40 or so barrows dry streak ends!



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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Reserved for my Random Pictures:








- January 22nd, A spotting of a tipiter down at Dust Devils!




























January 23rd- I get a PM from Yo0 Mother asking me if I want to buy a party hat. I have like 4m in my bank, so obviously I say yes! I say "Yeah, but I only have 2m." He replies with "Okay, they're only worth 2.4m anyway. Meet at edge general store?" I said yes and then it goes from there. I don't have the greatest pictures, but you can see I only brought 4 gp. I knew the jig. Except it didnt' go down as well as I thought.. I thought they would kill me and then find nothing, but instead he didn't have his buddy attack (or make a move to try to bring me into the wild) until he fully saw the money.... Unfortunate, but pathetic nonetheless! Glad that my buddies skilli and trunksbomb were there. Made it funner :)
























-January 24th, I'm at edgeville bank and I hear this kid say "noob sellers". See, personally I think anyone in this game can sell ANYTHING for ANY price - who cares? Just dont business with them. Asking for too much doesn't make you a newb, it makes you greedy. I hate it when people say it... so I had a little reply to what he said. So then off I go to green dragons, and who do I get attacked by? None other than Mr. Noob Seller Accuser himself! The reason why this is cool is because he's the first person I've ever killed. At this point in my RS career I could care less about being the agressor, so it teh sweetest :)
















-January 25th, I get called a newb buy a guy dressed in full pvp gear (i assume with full food stock) with a friend next to him. Check out my outfit and my inventory. Gotta love it!
















-January 25th, he just WOULDNT put pants on... or take that bucket off his head.




















February 3rd, Fishing some monkfish, and I wasn't paying attention, but then noticed a Hyt, and even noticed all 4 of us standing on one spot. Ultimania92 even joined in after Lee left.
































Legends done! And that meant more RfD!



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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Very nice blog...'Specially you bank, seeing as thats a 3 month old bank there :D Anyways, I found some junk, like that 2M black mask, torags, full rune, ect....I'll take it off your hands :XD: . Anyways, I'm sure you'll get everythign acomplished, and...first (rule following!) post! W007!

R.I.P Shiva and The Old Nite

Visit My Huge Goals!!! <---- Click This

My Pk Gallery


GWD: 3x Saradomin Sword, 2x Saradomin Hilt, 2X B Boots, 1x Tasset, 2X B Plate, 2X Shard, 1X D Med

TDs: 3x Solo Claws, 1x Solo Armour Piece

99 Untrimmed HP, 0% Pc'd and before Soul Wars -- Trimmed July 1, 2009

First Untrimmed HP Cape to 96 summon, top 300 to 96 summon

Proud owner of the strength, magic, range, and hitpoints capes.


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Go Alpha! Remember, always always have fun with RS :wink:








I'll race you to 1500 total....I win. :P








Hope you get a chain so you can buy Verac and do some KQ qith me. Then get you another chain.


Need assistance in any of these skills? PM me in game, my private chat is always ON

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Remember, always always have fun with RS








That's definatly something I've learned in the past week - and I will always remember it!



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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Welcome to my blog!




Feel free to post and do what you need to do, but I won't be doing the "if you look please reply"ing type of thing.











Thank God lol. Whenever I see someone say, "If you have time to read this you have time to post" I think "They're right, I don't have time to read it." :P








Good luck with your goals.

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Here's a sweet fircape Guide. Hope it helps you with your firecaping needs. :wink:

R.I.P Shiva and The Old Nite

Visit My Huge Goals!!! <---- Click This

My Pk Gallery


GWD: 3x Saradomin Sword, 2x Saradomin Hilt, 2X B Boots, 1x Tasset, 2X B Plate, 2X Shard, 1X D Med

TDs: 3x Solo Claws, 1x Solo Armour Piece

99 Untrimmed HP, 0% Pc'd and before Soul Wars -- Trimmed July 1, 2009

First Untrimmed HP Cape to 96 summon, top 300 to 96 summon

Proud owner of the strength, magic, range, and hitpoints capes.


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Hey thanks everybody!








Yeah - "if you read it you must reply" = not for me








Firecape guide = will read during fishing or something...








And yes, KQ pics soon!








And of course I'm a sir!



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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Doing those KQ with weaponsgood was a ton of fun, but I'd like s'more prayer, for sure.








Currently killing green dragons for them dere dbones :)








Staying happy/having fun
















I accidentily buried one dragon bone at green dragons. Gained 54 prayer level AND combat level 91.











Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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An update on my activities..








So I'm killing green dragons, and obviously.... a pk'er attacks me.








He's a little better than normal, and I actually have to run to the safe. So I'm making my way there, and I run out of monkfish. (I was pretty full on dbones/hides and was about to bank run..)I get out of his reach and I'm at 9 hp and ddp+ (one hit for 6 and i'm at 3, and another and i'm dead).








I immediately log out and try to calm myself and think of what to do.








The first thing I knew I'd have to do get is private chat off so my attacker can't follow me. I log on, turn it off, and log out.








So I figured I have two options:








Change to the most unpopulated world I can, and teleport to Karmaja. Since I logged out, I won't be able to get into my bank that fast... And that might stop me if I were to glory to edge.. and other people could be there. I figure I could get a few steps off and when I die, get a glory and tele there and prolly not be looted.








My other option was to glory to edge, and try to get into the bank.








I did the second one. :) I get into my bank, and before I can click a shark (I figure giving me 20hp is faster than trying to find my anti pot and click it) Bam, I get hit with my 6 hp poison and have 3hp. Teleported to lumbridge due to my life ring! I figure there is no point in trying to get to the bank. What I would do is just die, and re-loot myself since I was standing on my own loot! I did that, got 100% of everything back (which would have only been an anti shield and the bones/hides)








All I have to do is go get another pair of addy gloves out of the bank, go up and grab another god cape... and I'm all set.








Woohoo... Loosing the dbones and hides (not that big of the deal, but its the PRINCIPAL!) and allowing my attacker to get my items EVADED.








Go me!



Man, I really do love Runescape, and I'm sure if it was a real person I would of asked it to marry me by now.

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A lucky one, you be. Gotta love the good ol' ring of life!




Actually I think the ring of life doomed him. Otherwise he coulda got a shark or 2, then potted... #-o

R.I.P Shiva and The Old Nite

Visit My Huge Goals!!! <---- Click This

My Pk Gallery


GWD: 3x Saradomin Sword, 2x Saradomin Hilt, 2X B Boots, 1x Tasset, 2X B Plate, 2X Shard, 1X D Med

TDs: 3x Solo Claws, 1x Solo Armour Piece

99 Untrimmed HP, 0% Pc'd and before Soul Wars -- Trimmed July 1, 2009

First Untrimmed HP Cape to 96 summon, top 300 to 96 summon

Proud owner of the strength, magic, range, and hitpoints capes.


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Hey good luck gettin some drops at dust devils :P








Looks like some good goals. Good luck achieving them. Talk to you ingame.. i gotta study now :P











[Admin Edit: Attempting to publicly humiliate a user in your signature is inappropriate]


Quit Runescape... Dec 2001 - Jan 2008 on and off... mostly off.

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