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imp in cw


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just like imp in the bank... (at the bankers)








nothing special... saw it way too many times...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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eh i figured that




still funny though








he dropped bronze bolts

[omg] who cares if its nerfed or fixed....

you people will argue over the color of a green apple if it was a topic on this fourm god.

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that happens when someone attacks the imp and it teleports into the arena, i got an imp into the wild once doing this lol



click link to go to ganon95 productions

runescape requires a lot of skills, napoleon dynamyte would love this game

i am the proud owner of the quest point cape; all quests done 12/04/06

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hummm.....looks like hes on zammy <.< *mumbles*zammy scum*mummbles*








Psshh, what are you talking about? He's most certainly on Saradomin's side..








Funny bug though, even if it's common. ::'



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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