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Spell Checker

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I think there should be a spell checker incase you cant spell a word or you just made a mistake and havent noticed it.









Runescape - Currently In-active and a cancelled membership due to a broken computer and a cabbage laptop!



(Previously 'Darkknightider', wow that was a bad name :p)

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I second that motion.








this must of been mentioned somewheres around heer before but im always getting critisized about my poor spelling. well for every ones information its a life long problem. that said Id love to see a spell check program incorperated into the forums.

Clan Moderator from December 15th 2006- August 20th 2007

Founder of: Terran Gamers, formerly known as Militos Deci

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I second that motion.








this must of been mentioned somewheres around here before but im always getting criticised about my poor spelling. well for every ones information its a life long problem. that said Id love to see a spell check program incorporated into the forums.








Case in point... I actually have a toolbar in Firefox (Google Toolbar) with a spell checker which caught the 3 things I bolded. It also caught "im" (I'm) and your name...








While it would be nice, so long as the spelling isn't ridiculously off, it isn't exactly needed.


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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Yeah, it would be a nice feature, but I'm wondering how many people actually use it. I know I wouldn't, because my browser automatically checks my spelling as I type. If someone really wants to know how to spell a word, it doesn't take that long to type the word (how they think it's spelled) into Google, and Google will automatically correct it for you. It really takes like a matter of seconds. So I don't think it's entirely necessary.

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It's called FireFox2.




It isn't perfect, but it does the job rather well. Even if it can't correct your spelling it can at least point out that it doesn't know the word, leaving you to look it up as needed. Using the built in Firefox spell check also saves server resources since it doesn't have to run your text threw the server for spelling (or send you a huge dictionary script for checking).








Changing 'layout.spellcheckDefault' to 2 in about:config will force spell checking of single line text fields too. :mrgreen:








Said Firefox spell check corrected me 3 times during this reply. :lol:

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Yeah, it would be a nice feature, but I'm wondering how many people actually use it. I know I wouldn't, because my browser automatically checks my spelling as I type. If someone really wants to know how to spell a word, it doesn't take that long to type the word (how they think it's spelled) into Google, and Google will automatically correct it for you. It really takes like a matter of seconds. So I don't think it's entirely necessary.
There are quite a number of people who have openly admitted to "I can spell good, I just type like this on the internet" :uhh: Go figure - that's the point really. How many people are actually going to use it even when it's there? If they can spell good offline, but can't be bothered to online, what point is there is putting in a spell checker if they wont use it anyways?
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My point exactly, darkrick :P And those of us who actually care about our spelling, I'm sure wouldn't mind spending an extra 2 seconds typing the word into Google to spell-check it for us.

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When in doubt: spell it like it sounds ;)












Google is for the spelling gods :ohnoes:













































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Spelling shouldn't be a problem...








As there is alot of people from non-english-speaking-countries (including me :D), there also will be spelling mistakes.








IMHO the important thing is to make other people understand your point of what you are saying.








Though, that spell checking thing (FireFox2, Google toolbar, dictionary [which I use most of times]) wouldn't hurt :D

[4Th in Finland to achieve 99 mining. 3Rd of June 2007]

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As stated in previous posts when this has been suggested , unfortunately its not a possible option.








phpBB Spellcheck modifications are rather rare, outdated, or commercial in some form. Even the ones that are free display their own adverts in the window and as we would not be able to control the content, we simply cant use them. We have enough problems with our own advertisements to deal with somebody else's.








FireFox 2 with the US and/or UK dictionaries installed are great though, it automatically underlines words spelled incorrectly and right clicking the word gives suggested proper spellings and can correct them with a simply click of the mouse. :)

I like to fart silently but deadly in movie theaters
Ard Choille says (11:41 PM):

I wouldn't dare tell you what to do m'dear

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phpBB Spellcheck modifications are rather rare, outdated, or commercial in some form. Even the ones that are free display their own adverts in the window and as we would not be able to control the content, we simply cant use them. We have enough problems with our own advertisements to deal with somebody else's.











Are you talking about that SpellingCow thing? I can't believe they actually allowed that into the MOD database. It is chopped full of cookies and spam.

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