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So, who else hit level 70 on WoW?


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Yea I got level 70 2 days ago...im a 70 human warrior on the realm gurubashi...being lvl 70 is mad boring and the non epic flying mounts are to dam slow!!

0phathead0 - unbanned baby



Whip drops: 1

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gratz ;p.








I haven't been leveling my shaman. I got him to 61 and then looked at the skills I was "looking foward" to... and yeah. Shaman got nothing in TBC so I'm actualy rolling a mage right now which I am really enjoying.








The outlands are nice but I also am kind of taking it slow and waiting for more people to get up to the endgame ;p. I should hopefully hit it at a decent time if I stick with this mage.

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I've recently hit 70 on my warlock as well. (15 minutes ago) It's 3:20 in the morning here and I wanted to grind my last 2 bars once i got home from work. Time to respec out of affliction like my old Sm/ruin build or maybe some heavy destro+DS.








I won't be buying a flying epic mount anytime soon with only 1400g to my name now. I'm sort of excited as our guild is preparing to get our D3 sets in the coming week. \'

The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard.

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Just got BC a few days ago and currently 62. I don't plan on leveling fast just for the sake of it. For every level I get for my main, I'm roughly leveling my Draenei 10 levels.








Not looking forward to all the attunement for heroic end-game raiding. :(

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:( I still have a long way to go. My shaman is lve 27... and school is starting up on monday... Oh well, i have less classes this semester, so ill try and level him up real fast.








at my level, do you guys think grinding, or questing is better? I have tons of quests i could do right now, but horde keeps coming into either ashenvale or stonetalon mountains and obliterating me. I even indicate that i want peace :(


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28 hours doesn't mean no life, it means mad skill








yeah. Who has less of a life, the guy who grinded out constantly for a week straight to hit 70 or the dude that could hit it in 28 hours and then take a break?








Btw, the guy had an entire raid guild helping him ;).












at my level, do you guys think grinding, or questing is better? I have tons of quests i could do right now, but horde keeps coming into either ashenvale or stonetalon mountains and obliterating me. I even indicate that i want peace








Heh. Lvl 30-40 on shaman are some of the WORST levels to go through. Really bad itemzation there and just in general kind of boring lol. I'd recomend questing though if you can.








ps: my mage is lvl 22 almost 23 , lol. (undead). Raising him up to hopefully hit 70.

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Me and a bunch of friends decided to roll on one of the new servers that launched 2 hours prior to the BC launch (to make a school/friends guild), and after roughly two weeks the server had its first level 70. Pretty insane.








We even have a few level 60+ in our guild (65 I believe is the highest).


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Didn't get level 60 - abandoned my old account over a year ago. However, upon seeing TBC it influenced me to get the game again and start on a mage.








Yeah, Burning Crusade does seem very interesting. I got a lv60 human warrior (shared by 2 other people) which was abandoned late year so if anybody from tip wants to level it, feel free to MSG... I can fork out the cash for the acc :P I can only play about 1-2 hours a day though, and some days 0.

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Didn't get level 60 - abandoned my old account over a year ago. However, upon seeing TBC it influenced me to get the game again and start on a mage.








Yeah, Burning Crusade does seem very interesting. I got a lv60 human warrior (shared by 2 other people) which was abandoned late year so if anybody from tip wants to level it, feel free to MSG... I can fork out the cash for the acc :P I can only play about 1-2 hours a day though, and some days 0.








Lol I'd think about taking up that offer except that warriors are completly gimp now a days, haha. :lol:

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There's a level 70 alliance shaman on my server, I haven't even hit 40 in that time.








yeh there are a lot of 70 blood elves / dranai lol.








*shudders* I hate the blood elves. It seems like horde is atracting some of the "oh kewl, an elf!" mentality people that plauged some of the alliance side. You can serriously tell a difference in BG's now. :(

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I had a go on my brother's 60 mage and gave it a 2/0/49 build - it is excellent fun so I think I'll play on that one.








Ordered the Burning Crusade. I think I'll make a Draenei warrior when I get it too. I have to play alliance because my dad does (with 4 lvl 60+!).

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I got TBC and went through the portal, when I had seen the maps on my dad's machine they didn't look too big - around the size of EPL, how wrong I was. I've only been on the Hellfire Peninsula and it's huge beyond words. I must say I'm very impressed, everything looks so awesome (not just meaning good, meaning awe inspiring).








I loved the gryphon bombing quests, a very good idea. I also loved how great all the new items are.

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I got TBC and went through the portal, when I had seen the maps on my dad's machine they didn't look too big - around the size of EPL, how wrong I was. I've only been on the Hellfire Peninsula and it's huge beyond words. I must say I'm very impressed, everything looks so awesome (not just meaning good, meaning awe inspiring).








I loved the gryphon bombing quests, a very good idea. I also loved how great all the new items are.








Yeah TBC is really a good expansion, and the new land looks fantastic.








I'm still a bit sore that shaman got nothing new (except for two useless pets on a 25min cooldown, a water sheild thats just meh and a 10min CD buff that is very situational).

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