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Thiesje2's blog - Outdated - Retired

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looks like me is the only one who is bumping this :shock:


^click to visit my blog! And if u got some spare hammers for my collection, i will always take them just pm me :)

5743th with cooking 99!--8 november 2006--

16361st with str 99! --15 april 2007--

35000th with Attack 99! --20 June 2008--

29524th with Hitpoints 99! --3 August 2008--

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^click to visit my blog! And if u got some spare hammers for my collection, i will always take them just pm me :)

5743th with cooking 99!--8 november 2006--

16361st with str 99! --15 april 2007--

35000th with Attack 99! --20 June 2008--

29524th with Hitpoints 99! --3 August 2008--

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8-) Master thiesje gets free 1337 avvy from teh master of Ms Paint. \'










<3: If anyone else wants one pm me on tif :wink:


Retired as of August 23rd with 91 Firemaking and 6m xp in it.

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bump, thiesje back from holiday today wooohooo, to bad me goes tomorow on holiday :XD:


^click to visit my blog! And if u got some spare hammers for my collection, i will always take them just pm me :)

5743th with cooking 99!--8 november 2006--

16361st with str 99! --15 april 2007--

35000th with Attack 99! --20 June 2008--

29524th with Hitpoints 99! --3 August 2008--

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Isn't it:


~~Thiesje2's F2p blog!~~[29-06-2007] HOLIDAYS BACK 14-07




Just a suggestion....




Hmm yeah it is...












Isn't it:


~~Thiesje2's F2p blog!~~[29-06-2007] HOLIDAYS BACK 14-07




Just a suggestion....




A bit late now eh?






Come back !




I am back \'




I think he means the 14th of july...




That's right ^_^




Good luck with everything =D






If you have time.... look at my blog too




Thanks! I'll look on your blog












I bet Thiesje could quit RS and this blog and Nacfan would still bump this...




Why wouldn't he?




yeah of course BUMP =D








Hmm, I haven't seen you around lately... Oh well, I am bound to get lucky some day...




I just saw you online =D




Nac really needs to get up earlier....




Hope you're enjoying your vacation.




Nac has got to get up earlier




8-) Ill give you free membership if you touch the top of the ifle tower in Paris! xD




Ehmm the ifle tower is in France... not in Italy. So that's not a free membership for me...




Nac really needs to get up earlier....




Hope you're enjoying your vacation.




dang, you crazy??????? go get a life and go sleep at that time!












Heph is right




Nac really needs to get up earlier....




Hope you're enjoying your vacation.




:ohnoes: dang, you crazy??????? go get a life and go sleep at that time! :ohnoes:












:P, I usually get up early.


And it's pretty boring when you're awake


Didn't really mean it though.




Ehm right, Nac just has to get up earlier.




i dont care if you mean it or not =)




You should care nubcake




bump from page 5!








looks like me is the only one who is bumping this :shock:




Hmm yah, I really appreciate it tho




GL :mrgreen:




Thanks! :^_^:




Bump for my friend <3:








Theisjes probably eating a croissant now lol,. Bump it up




Croissant?!? That's French, how about a ciabatta? (sp?)




But, I'm going on holidays this night for 2 weeks to Italy.




Aren't you all thinking he's gone to France?




Hmm yeah think so, Nacceh is going to France






Have fun in Italy




Thanks, it was fun =D












Master thiesje gets free 1337 avvy from teh master of Ms Paint. \'










<3 If anyone else wants one pm me on tif




That's cool, I'll edit my profile. Thanksies =D




bump, thiesje back from holiday today wooohooo, to bad me goes tomorow on holiday




Thanks, yeah too bad you're gone now...




Welcome back Thiesje!




Thanks! Nice colours ;)




Yay i hope he bought me that souvenier that i forgot its name. = ) lol




I would have bought a pizza for you if I could bring it to you...

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Liek megaquoting...




Totally forgot the monthly comparissons...








Gained this month:




3 strength levels


2 runecrafting levels


2 hitpoints levels


3 crafting levels


2 fishing levels




My total xp is 36,799,309


I gained 2,189,520 xp this month, not bad :)

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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good luck on your goals, dont give up :shame:




post on meh blog to? <3:


`ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâø.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâôÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâø.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ*ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâôÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâè) ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâø.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ*ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâè)

(ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâø.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃââÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâô __(ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâø.ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãââ I Cuisine I


Click HEREfor my blog!

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good luck on your goals, dont give up :shame:




post on meh blog to? <3:




Thanks! I, give up?!? No wai :notalk:




You r back!!!11one2!












Glad to hear you had a great time in Fran...eh...Italy :P.




It was Italy!oneshiftone!11 Happy to be back ^_^




Hawt levels!


Now go post on my (hawt) blog!




Thanks, crafting is a bit slow now though...




Saw you smelting not too long ago \:D/ Good luck with your goals, hope to see you around more often! :thumbsup:






You'd better hyt me next time :wink: Thanks!

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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<3: Goodluck on all your secksay goals! :XD:




Uhhhh thanks :uhh:






8-) Wow Everyone is using my avatar :anxious:




Yeah, they're hawt <3:




6k xp to crafting lvl 66

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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Whoa, nice stats thiesje, didnt remember you were F2P, lol.The best of luck buddy.








Thanks! Didn't know you were retired :-s , why?

Animum debes mutare, non caelum.


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