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Plane Trip


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I'm actually serious, comedy isn't what I want at a time like this, you half-witted chipmunk!








okok, easy bro, im just trying to shed a little comedy on the situation.








just tell me why you hate flying, specify. are you afraid of a crash? does the flying make you nausous? do you not like the other people so close? talk to me.












PS: i take offence to being called a half witted chipmunk! cant you tell im a squirell :shame:








Sorry, anyway, I get SOOO scared of being delayed while in the air or at the airport.

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Bring some kind of handheld system like a PSP. It will make time go much faster. Or an iPod and just relax and you won't realize how much time passed.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

97/99 Defence : 99 Fletching : 99 Woodcutting

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Bring an iPod, PSP, DS, whatever. A book maybe? Something to entertain yourself.




For take-off and landing bring a packet of sweets. Takes your mind off it and it stops your ears popping.




Try and book night flights, easier to sleep.








I love flying, I used to live in singapore and would fly at least half a week per year. The only thing that I hate about flying is the boredom, from england to singapore it's 13 hours although most of them were night-flights so I could sleep/watch a movie.

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Turbulence is nothing, there is a very small chance your plane will crash.(Knock on wood)








Just enjoy the shaking, think as if you are on a rollercoaster or a simulator.








Bring a book, ipod, or dvd player.








Keep you window open so you can make sure there is nothing bad going on.
















Being delayed is nothing, it's just a little more time to wait, you'll get to where you're going eventually.

Isn't it lovely how having an opinion makes you hated around here?
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I'm actually serious, comedy isn't what I want at a time like this, you half-witted chipmunk!








okok, easy bro, im just trying to shed a little comedy on the situation.








just tell me why you hate flying, specify. are you afraid of a crash? does the flying make you nausous? do you not like the other people so close? talk to me.












PS: i take offence to being called a half witted chipmunk! cant you tell im a squirell :shame:








Sorry, anyway, I get SOOO scared of being delayed while in the air or at the airport.








Why are you afraid of being delayed? are you cloustrophobic....claustofobik...clostrophob oh forget it. anyway, tell me why your afraid. :)

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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I'm actually serious, comedy isn't what I want at a time like this, you half-witted chipmunk!








okok, easy bro, im just trying to shed a little comedy on the situation.








just tell me why you hate flying, specify. are you afraid of a crash? does the flying make you nausous? do you not like the other people so close? talk to me.












PS: i take offence to being called a half witted chipmunk! cant you tell im a squirell :shame:








Sorry, anyway, I get SOOO scared of being delayed while in the air or at the airport.








Why are you afraid of being delayed? are you claustrophobic....claustofobik...clostrophob oh forget it. anyway, tell me why your afraid. :)








Yea, maybe I am claustrophobic. :boohoo:








I don't like being delayed or circling in the air for countless hours...

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I'm actually serious, comedy isn't what I want at a time like this, you half-witted chipmunk!








okok, easy bro, im just trying to shed a little comedy on the situation.








just tell me why you hate flying, specify. are you afraid of a crash? does the flying make you nausous? do you not like the other people so close? talk to me.












PS: i take offence to being called a half witted chipmunk! cant you tell im a squirell :shame:








Sorry, anyway, I get SOOO scared of being delayed while in the air or at the airport.








Why are you afraid of being delayed? are you claustrophobic....claustofobik...clostrophob oh forget it. anyway, tell me why your afraid. :)








Yea, maybe I am claustrophobic. :boohoo:








I don't like being delayed or circling in the air for countless hours...








so, do you have an ipod, psp, gameboy? any of those and your hours just melt away. if not, a good book is the best, then you can just go to a different world altogether :ohnoes:








ok? any of thosse sound good?

Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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Yup, I have a book and a gameboy and a deck of cards, I will bring them all. Also, how long would a GBA take to run out (in hours) if it was fully charged?
















yays =D>

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Maybe you are planetrophobic :-k








bring a laptop and if you have internet play Runescape.








I first went on a plane when I was 7 and I had no form of entertainement, I don't know how I got through it.

"I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally." -W. C. Fields

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i just use a good set of noise cancelling headphones (they REALLY help, you cant hear the engines at all then), a good ipod cranked all the way to max, and either a good book or a laptop with a movie/game. also, if you were flying into arazona, like phenox, the airport there is usually on time, so no holding patterns

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Maybe you are planetrophobic :-k








bring a laptop and if you have internet play Runescape.








I first went on a plane when I was 7 and I had no form of entertainement, I don't know how I got through it.








cant have wireless on an airplane, screws with the sensors





Say what you mean and mean what you say because those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

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Make sure nobody ticks :-$








Comedy over now - I found my Mp3 player, DS and and The Times to be the best distraction going, but cards is goods as well if there is somebody to play with. Sleep as well if you can.








Hope it goes well :)

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Ugh, don't hate it. You have nothing to fear. There's people like me who have health issues and that kind of pressure change can cause a lung to collapse - where the pilot can't even land the plane for you and you have to wait for it to land before you can be rushed to a hospital.








So no. There are people that should worry about flying. Then there's you. Don't worry. You won't crash. You'll be fine.

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Good old Jack Daniels can get you through any situation. Remember that!


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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It's WAY safer then driving a car, honestly.








Think about the ratio of number of people to fly planes and number of people to get hurt on a plane (millions of people flying to several getting hurt). Now how many people have been in a car? I would say anybody in a first world country like ourselves (I'm assuming you live in one because you're on the internet...). And how many have crashed? Most of those have been part of a crash even if it was small.








Also statistically, you have a better chance of dieing from a bee sting or lightning then dieing from a plane crash. Even if you're not allergic to bees :lol:

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After 1999 I hadn't been on a plane flight out of fear of terrorists or plane crashes. I had to go on an 8 hour plane flight to london in 2004 but it was probably one of the best things that could of happened to me at the time because I got over my fear of flying.

123 Combat / 1900 Skill Total / 99 HP / 7x 99 Stats

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I like plane rides :D








But what makes you so afraid of flying?




Because statisticaly flying is the safest form of transportation.




Yes that's right I quoted Superman watcha gonna do about it?








But anyways...lol




Just don't worry about it.




Try to sit back and relax and forget your even flying.

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