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kohe r (rich) nub






g1mm3 s0m3 m00n3y pl0x!!!!111!!!1




lol I need it all all for moi! about 30m from a yellow :D :mrgreen:


no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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kohe r (rich) nub






g1mm3 s0m3 m00n3y pl0x!!!!111!!!1




lol I need it all all for moi! about 30m from a yellow :D :mrgreen:




answered my question for me.




Im off to gain some slayer xp, as im only 2xp off 99 tbh :-w

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Wow grats on all them dark bows. Share I tb'ed? :-w


Thanks Jason321 for the sig!^


Proud to have served the Tip.it Crew


Drops: 2x D Chain, 1x D Legs, 2x D Left Half, 1x D spear, 2x D med (monsters), 5x D Med (Barrows), 4x D Axe, 2x Zerker, Abyssal whip x1, 7x D Boots

Barrows items: 55 (not counting the meds)

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3 dark bows :shock:




Lovely slayer btw <3: (Gimme teh dark bows now)




still need for my yellow :oops:






kohe r (rich) nub






g1mm3 s0m3 m00n3y pl0x!!!!111!!!1




lol I need it all all for moi! about 30m from a yellow :mrgreen:




answered my question for me.




Im off to gain some slayer xp, as im only 2xp off 99 tbh




Oh noes Ap caught up with me :ohnoes: and yeah I'm going for the yellow like you suggested :D




Wow grats on all them dark bows. Share I tb'ed?




Haha actually I kinda miss the teleing around of abyssals, so if you tbed beasts, me no likey :P




gratz on the 4th! =D> dark bow today, thats some crazy stuff right there. THE LUCK OF THE KILT! :shock: tehe, keep slaughtering those poor beasts cuz 21.5m in one day is so hawt <3:




Yeah I loved the day, so much cash o.o




You make me want 99 slayer tbh lol.




I'm slowly working on it..But i'm only 88..But! I'll be 99 one day.. 8-)




Hehe at the moment I'm not even slaying lol, Just making some cash at dark beasts and then restarting slayer hehe, good luck I hope you get the cape some day!




You is so cool I tooked a pictar of joo. Congrats you is in my ComputerDataFileSystemOf1337Pictars.










Grats on the bows.... and goodluck on slayerz.




oO you were there? Did I hyt you? If i didnt im sorry, its just I dont like big crowds in rs :oops: I just turn chat on friends and thats it, oh and look! Slagathor is there too!!!




Kohe owns <3:




you own cause you think i own <3:






Oh well not much done today just a couple of beasts, got some d stones and gonna get someone to make me some glorys.




Hopefully later I'll get another bow...or 2. =D


no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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Hey m8 thats alot of bows. If you get another one is there any chance that I could "borrow" it for a little. (I would give you plenty of money/items in return so there would be no point of stealing it). I'm just trying to figure out if it is a good weapon to train with like iron arrows.

Getting another sig


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Hey m8 thats alot of bows. If you get another one is there any chance that I could "borrow" it for a little. (I would give you plenty of money/items in return so there would be no point of stealing it). I'm just trying to figure out if it is a good weapon to train with like iron arrows.




Its pretty good, I think its around the crystal bow lvl - but alot more cheaper :P and I dont think I'll be able to do that as soon as I get them and my super set dose runs out I go to w2 and sell ::'


no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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aw man.. 21m for one bow? i wish i was 90 slayer <.<, training atm, lol(lvl 60 -.-) anyway, you pwn dem dark beasts(uglier than before btw) and get dem hwat yellow pee hats, you own dem beasties :wink:




Noes I wish, it was 21.5m for all of them put together lol and I like the new besties much more than the old ones :P


no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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You is so cool I tooked a pictar of joo. Congrats you is in my ComputerDataFileSystemOf1337Pictars.










Grats on the bows.... and goodluck on slayerz.


im the hawt guy in the torag legs, fighter torso, d2h, infin boots. =[] =[] =[]

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Well today was an odd day...I home In the afternoon - Logged on rs, was at dark beasts...was going to open my blog and then all of a sudden BAM SS shuts down while I killed dark beasts, I lost my guthans etc in the accident...after that I didn't feel like playing at all... I was talking with Vold and I was like meh - Imma go stake all my cash :XD: so I went to the duel arena, lost a couple of stakes, but won more - all of a sudden I had regained the losses... I was hitting good, I was having fun so I did something risky - I kept staking and staking big (big for my taste) won a couple of 5-10m stake then a biggy 25m - WON! - there I was with 160m and then this guy comes along I had seen him in a couple of staking vids and I'm like ok - I'm gonna risk it, staked him 10m - and i WON!. With a smile from ear to ear I logged off and with my 170m cash pile I bought a yellow phat for 158m! so here it is, the proof as the saying goes 1 picture is worth more than a thousend words.






no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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Woot! We look hot in those outfits. <3: You got really lucky today, it's unbelievable. Now go slayer it up bro.

~Retired 10/17/07~



"One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures." - George W. Bush

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Duuude that's one seriously hawt outfit you got there. Amazing luck at the duel arena man but please go back to slayer, don't want you gettin to rich tehe! You gunna save for green p hat upgrade now? Yellow probaly looks nicer with the 3rd age but thats just my worthless opinion lol.


Keep up the great work dude.

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wish i could get a yellow for 158m -.-, or add money with purple, any way extreme luck there at duel arena, or was it skill :-k, any1 way get back to slaying and only kill them beasts if they your task



180th to 99 Divination + 1st W36er


Rambo, cannot pk call your friends bro :). Wait nevermind none of SAPK/PKS can. Kappa.

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wish i could get a yellow for 158m -.-, or add money with purple, any way extreme luck there at duel arena, or was it skill :-k, any1 way get back to slaying and only kill them beasts if they your task




Hehe it was luck I think - I was hitting like mad and I made about 42m from boxing - did very well there, didnt concetrate on ddsing like I usually do but I did make a couple of mills there too. And yea! Im back to slayer full time now and now I got dark beasts for slayer as I wrote this - If I got a bow...what a week :XD:


no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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You is so cool I tooked a pictar of joo. Congrats you is in my ComputerDataFileSystemOf1337Pictars.










Grats on the bows.... and goodluck on slayerz.




oO you were there? Did I hyt you? If i didnt im sorry, its just I dont like big crowds in rs :oops: I just turn chat on friends and thats it, oh and look! Slagathor is there too!!!





Yaaar joo said hi..... You even put on brassy with 3a legs for me and confirmed that you have no sence in fashion by saying it wsnt hawt.




Stinks about dieing but meh, at least you didn't well....*real fast* fall asleep while at metal drags <.< *you can stop reading real fast now* I know, it takes skill to be so stupid but who needs them darn infinity boots, hood, and 5k firebolts. :boohoo:




BTW.... hawt phat..... dont get carried away with staking and lose it please :P

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You is so cool I tooked a pictar of joo. Congrats you is in my ComputerDataFileSystemOf1337Pictars.










Grats on the bows.... and goodluck on slayerz.




oO you were there? Did I hyt you? If i didnt im sorry, its just I dont like big crowds in rs :oops: I just turn chat on friends and thats it, oh and look! Slagathor is there too!!!





Yaaar joo said hi..... You even put on brassy with 3a legs for me and confirmed that you have no sence in fashion by saying it wsnt hawt.




Stinks about dieing but meh, at least you didn't well....*real fast* fall asleep while at metal drags <.< *you can stop reading real fast now* I know, it takes skill to be so stupid but who needs them darn infinity boots, hood, and 5k firebolts. :boohoo:




BTW.... hawt phat..... dont get carried away with staking and lose it please :P




Hehe thanks, dying stupidly sucks I think I've told everyone here how I died at aberrant specerts losing about 30m or so - lol so I think I win at stupid deaths :P and dont worry I know my limits well - Im not a gambling addict - I danced with the devil and got out of it pretty well - I've been on the other side of the blade though and it's hurt just toooo bad so I'm not gonna stake anymore so from now on its pure slayer hehe.


no tẻ̮̱̉o boca pa te xupar los cojones

Vold failed spanish class. I love Vold.

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