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Alg was Here

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Only playing for 2 years and your already this good? Oh crud... I've really fallen behind lol.




Been playing since 2002, and mah stats r nub. :lol:

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Would probably be a good goal plan too, just see how far there is to go.






Probably going to put up a few new goals, pics, and whatever else I can come up with.


At this point, I'm thinking of breaking from skilling and trying out attack. Already 80 attack without being able to use a dfs, would be a cool pure-type thing to continue that way.




Haven't posted too much recently, outside of this and a few others, though have finished Ratcatchers and that new quest as well.

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Your title is all but a lie, you are doing something and not tell us :o :ohnoes:


WHO TOLD YOU!-I mean no, I'm not. Seriously.




Did get this though. Spent about 800k for a fancy chair in the end. Too bad RuneScape doesn't have those fancy recliner things.




Thank ________ for Tea.




And also:


[hide=warning- language]20041105.jpg[/hide]

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And now there is time




I'm going to give Attack another try. How long will it last? Anyone willing to make bets?


Seriously though, may as well give it a shot. Not through Slayer though, hate the skill.


Plus, one goal may be to have an incredibly unusual combat build by the time I quit. Plan is 99 attack, 75 Def, 71-74 Strength, 99 Mage, 75 Range, 70 Prayer and Summoning, and however many hitpoints.


Currently 102/95 Combat. Want to end with, at most, 116/107.


Has that been done?

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Gratz on the full sets, though you cheated with the drag, Eagle did no pots lol. Or did he? I forgot 8-)

League of Legends Referal link: http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4e55a571778d2633364408

"Life is short, and shortly it will end, Death comes quickly which respects no one, Death destroys everything and takes pity on no one"

Drops: 8whips, 28dboots, 1hand cannon, 2 dmeds 3dskirts 2 dbows

99s(in order): Attack Constitution Defence

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Now to figure out what to do...




Probably going to get 60 Summoning, then drop the skill until I can get 70. Then Fletching for rank 100k. May just get 99 in it. Common cape, won't do any good to my "e-cred"*, but I like that cape. People may say it's hideous and nubby, I'd take it over Slayer.




[hide=*]:twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss:


Because E-cred isn't a real term as far as I know, and if it is...[/hide]

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