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|\/\/| Shippooo Work In Progress


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Procrastinating on homework...








Good news: I got into college XD Should I now slack off for the rest of the year? Haha








- Will redo his mouth

































[sig inserted here....in few days]

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Lips too shiny, face too smooth, no male features. Basically, it looks like an ugly woman or a guy that used to get beat up in school... :-k


do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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I fixed the shiny-ness of the lips =) [and toned down the skin]




Male features? I guess in the west it must be harder to discern between male and women. But in Asia it's a bit different.








My attempt was to do something between anime-realism. In anime males tend to look feminine, bishounen I mean haha. Depends on the anime. Or preferences. AnYhow in my culture it's considered handsome if you look like a girl. I know that sounds wrong [having trouble translating], but it's HARD to explain. Um um ok pictures. Ok the guys below...some are modeled after asian males [like Cloud from FF]








refsyr0.jpg [aren't they cute?]








Ok now I forget what I trying to explain! Yaddiya, anyhow I'm trying to go for the soft and smooth look, rather than the rougish thug look. I guess that's why he may be perceived as an "ugly woman." Hahahah that made me laugh btw ^^








So yeah what I do retain is the larger anime eyes, the crazy hair, and the longer faces [as nazgul pointed out]. I'm not too sure on this style but I wanted to try something different anyhow.




This also makes me wonder how I could draw females if he already looks like one. Perhaps more rounded features, longer eyelashes, and super glossy lips?








Also I realize that I don't quite have the skills or ability to draw what I envision yet so I don't blame you for having difficulties with the gender.








Nazgul: It's ok, I do that all the time hahaha








RiK: WhOA you totally know what I use. But NO! You'ree wrong!!! This time I used...Photoshop, tablet, and and...strawberriES!!!








Veitchy: Using a graphics tablet is like driving a car...you just gotta get used to it? Bad metaphor. Or simile. I still can't tell the difference.

[sig inserted here....in few days]

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wow i love it, the hair looks so real im amazed what program you using to make this with?








one thing that i think needs doing is bone stricter in the face it seems to flat and plain. but it is a wip I'm shore you where going to get around to that anyway

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wow i love it, the hair looks so real im amazed what program you using to make this with?







she always uses adobe photoshop 7 for her graphical drawings ont his forum :wink:








and princessa, there is something with the neck what isn't right i can't see exectly what but it just looks rare :?

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The main thing that made it look like a girl was the shiney lips, now that you've fixed that, it looks much better. I could tell you were going for "anime-realism" but the shiney lips was kind of freaky. The shiney made it look like he was wearing lipstick or something. And also the pale skin didn't help much there. I'd say this is a major improvement and I like how you are doing Shippoo so far, all matured and such. I'll keep tracking this, I really want to see the end result.








BTW-that's weird that the more a guy looks like a girl the better ;O. Over where I live, it's dangerous to do such a thing. :ohnoes:


do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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BTW-that's weird that the more a guy looks like a girl the better ;O. Over where I live, it's dangerous to do such a thing. :ohnoes:








Yeah... I wouldn't want to try and mimic that in a highschool in america.. :ohnoes: I would get my hide beaten to a pulp... :shock:








Right now for C\C I think the lips look much better.... Good eyes kuroi i didn't even notice... But the skin tone looks a bit... ehh purpleish?? The kid in the picture has a more yellow tone then purple... so you might want to think about maybe giving his face a more healthy glow... it looks fine how it is...but i would add a touch more life...



New sigzor^^

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