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See, this is why 61% of the British Muslims want Sharia law


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Um.. anyone missing the part where she went AGAINST the damn law? So she brought it upon herself. I do feel sorry for her, but I'm in no position to question the law as I haven't lived in any Islamic country; nor are you.








Thats stupid.








It's the LAW.








And she isn't being punished for being a woman. She's being punished for doing something that isn't allowed.








You wouldn't know how it is because you haven't live there. If you've also noticed she isn't the only one being punished.








No she's not, the man was whipped which was the full extent of the law. The family members who beat the crap out of her are largely not being punished and they were not enforcing the law. They were enforcing their set of moral codes. Her crime was meeting a man who was not a relative, which is not a crime under sharia law.

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It's the LAW.








Yes, and the LAW is always right, and should NEVER be questioned, specially not if it's a useless law that forbids people to see eachother outside a wedding :roll:




Can't believe that laws like that are still in place...

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It's the LAW.








Yes, and the LAW is always right, and should NEVER be questioned, specially not if it's a useless law that forbids people to see eachother outside a wedding :roll:




Can't believe that laws like that are still in place...








Look what happens if it's questioned! You get killed. Don't like the law? Leave the country? Never been in the country? Don't criticize it.








Useless law? Why is it useless? Oh, you were raised with Western beliefs, of course YOU find it useless.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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"Leave the Country" - Yeah, of course. Pack up and leave behind your loved ones, all your possessions, to go to an alien country with probably very little money.








I love your little theories, Grim. Of course, they only seem to work in your little ignorant universe.

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Most people don't have the opportunity to leave their country as easily as you make it sound Grim...




What does having been in a country has to do with the fact that itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a stupid law? Just because itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a different location, doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t mean itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s suddenly alright to punish people for meeting up.




DonÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t criticize it? Right, we should all be brainless things, accepting whatever our government/religion/ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ tells us to do, anything better then having our own thoughts!








And as being raised with Western beliefs: there are plenty of Western laws I find stupid as well, but at least here you canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t get beaten up for being social

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And in countries like that - your family will quite happily kill you do something they don't like / think has brought shame on the rest of the family. Attempting to leave the countr to escape it is a sure way to get yourself killed if it went wrong.

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"Leave the Country" - Yeah, of course. Pack up and leave behind your loved ones, all your possessions, to go to an alien country with probably very little money.








I love your little theories, Grim. Of course, they only seem to work in your little ignorant universe.








I know damn well what I leave behind. So don't patronize me.




















She had a relationship out of wedlock. It's not her meeting up with the man, it's her having a relationship and then being blackmailed to meet up with the man again. That's why it brings shame to her family. It's why she's being punished. As are the men.








You can't really criticize what you haven't experienced, can you?








Criticize the Sharia Law once you've been in a country that enforces it. Maybe then you'd have a better insight about it than an article written by someone who is potentially bias.








I really doubt you'd criticize the law knowing full well that you'd be killed for it, regardless of where you live.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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You can't really criticize what you haven't experienced, can you?











Of course we can't. We should ignore facts even if it's dancing right in front of us.








I sure as hell hope "By dancing in front of us." you mean we're being judged under that particular law.

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"Leave the Country" - Yeah, of course. Pack up and leave behind your loved ones, all your possessions, to go to an alien country with probably very little money.








I love your little theories, Grim. Of course, they only seem to work in your little ignorant universe.




















Its complety disgusting what they do to women in SA




I dont care what you think grim but im not respecting their laws its utterly wrong..ud porbably think slavery was also good...if it was law hmmm








Ok grim how would you it if your whole family were killed cus u met another woman outside the family .








I think that muslims and their laws are stuck in the 16th. It basically comes down to Men ard the rulers and the woman are their slaves












There is something called equality....and you shouldnt have to leave your own country to find it

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n terms of religious obligations, such as the daily prayers, payment of Zakat, observance of the Ramadan fast and pilgrimage, women are treated no differently from men. There are, however, some exceptions made in the case of prayers and fasting. Women are not obliged to fast during menstruation, pregnancy, for forty days after childbirth or while nursing if there could be any threat to her health or her baby's.








Repeat that for me, please.








Slavery? Financially speaking Slavery was good. Free labour, extra profit. Humanly, no, I do not agree to slavery at all. Stop trying to put words into my mouth. You're bad at it.








If my entire family and I are killed for meeting a girl, I wouldn't care I'd be dead. I'd obviously be distraught myself. Altough I fail to see where I mentioned that I support the law 100%.








They do not kill people for having a relationship out of wedlock. They only lash 100 times. You are only stoned to death if you cheat on your spouse. Get it right.








You want equality? There's no such thing as equality. The radical feminists proved that well. Damn man-haters.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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You can't really criticize what you haven't experienced, can you?











Of course we can't. We should ignore facts even if it's dancing right in front of us.








I sure as hell hope "By dancing in front of us." you mean we're being judged under that particular law.








I'm guessing with your logic, we should not criticize killers because we've never killed either, right?

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Criticize the Sharia Law once you've been in a country that enforces it. Maybe then you'd have a better insight about it than an article written by someone who is potentially bias.








I agree, I might not be perfect to judge their laws and habits, but you'd have to agree that their punishments are out of proportions to the crime done. Especially if you have lived there like you did (I take it from your previous posts that you did?)




It might be a different culture and what not, and I can even respect that, but to punish someone this severe for having a relationship out of wedlockÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s just wrong, no matter where you live or what believe you follow.








I think that muslims... ... ...








Generalisation is mostly a bad idea. Not all muslims apply these laws.

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n terms of religious obligations, such as the daily prayers, payment of Zakat, observance of the Ramadan fast and pilgrimage, women are treated no differently from men. There are, however, some exceptions made in the case of prayers and fasting. Women are not obliged to fast during menstruation, pregnancy, for forty days after childbirth or while nursing if there could be any threat to her health or her baby's.








Repeat that for me, please.








Slavery? Financially speaking Slavery was good. Free labour, extra profit. Humanly, no, I do not agree to slavery at all. Stop trying to put words into my mouth. You're bad at it.








If my entire family and I are killed for meeting a girl, I wouldn't care I'd be dead. I'd obviously be distraught myself. Altough I fail to see where I mentioned that I support the law 100%.








They do not kill people for having a relationship out of wedlock. They only lash 100 times. You are only stoned to death if you cheat on your spouse. Get it right.








You want equality? There's no such thing as equality. The radical feminists proved that well. Damn man-haters.




















The penalty for adultery




Main article: Stoning to Death in Islam




In accordance with hadith, stoning to death is the penalty for married men and women who commit adultery.[7] For unmarried men and women, the punishment prescribed in the Qur'an and hadith is 100 lashes.[8]












If they have some fun with a man then they get death.








how can you agree with the laws ur a complete idiot and a tw@t m8.

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I'm guessing with your logic, we should not criticize killers because we've never killed either, right?








That's right, unless you happen to be in the extremely similar situation as they are but you didn't kill anyone. Have fun criticizing.








I agree, I might not be perfect to judge their laws and habits, but you'd have to agree that their punishments are out of proportions to the crime done. Especially if you have lived there like you did (I take it from your previous posts that you did?)




It might be a different culture and what not, and I can even respect that, but to punish someone this severe for having a relationship out of wedlockÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ ThatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s just wrong, no matter where you live or what believe you follow.








I didn't. I just try to keep an open mind. I don't exactly agree with the law myself. But that's because it's the way I was raised. But think about it. We weren't raised the way they were. We were raised thinking it's ok to have a relationship out of wedlock.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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I've given up hope now. You're so far into your archaic black hole that you can't hear us and you're beyond help.








Good luck in life. You'll need it.












+1 grim you need to listen to other peoples opinons












U say you keep an open mind but when as it ever been ok to gang rape and lash women>

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I've given up hope now. You're so far into your archaic black hole that you can't hear us and you're beyond help.








Good luck in life. You'll need it.








It's a debate. What else am I supposed to do?



















The penalty for adultery




Main article: Stoning to Death in Islam




In accordance with hadith, stoning to death is the penalty for married men and women who commit adultery.[7] For unmarried men and women, the punishment prescribed in the Qur'an and hadith is 100 lashes.












If they have some fun with a man then they get death.








how can you agree with the laws ur a complete idiot and a tw@t m8.








Are you stupid? Read that again.








For unmarried MAN AND WOMEN. MAN AND WOMEN. Women don't get treated like animals at all.











+1 grim you need to listen to other peoples opinons












U say you keep an open mind but when as it ever been ok to gang [assault] and last women>








Seriously, I'm so close to flaming you.








She's not being punished for being raped!

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I didn't. I just try to keep an open mind. I don't exactly agree with the law myself. But that's because it's the way I was raised. But think about it. We weren't raised the way they were. We were raised thinking it's ok to have a relationship out of wedlock.








Open mind? You're as close minded as the people who enforce the damn law :lol:








How is "don't criticize because you haven't experienced it" being open minded?

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I didn't. I just try to keep an open mind. I don't exactly agree with the law myself. But that's because it's the way I was raised. But think about it. We weren't raised the way they were. We were raised thinking it's ok to have a relationship out of wedlock.








Open mind? You're as close minded as the people who enforce the damn law :lol:








How is "don't criticize because you haven't experienced it" being open minded?








Being open minded is giving new things a try. No? I can't make fun of Islam if I've never practiced it. Same with Christianity. Same goes for this law. Until you've been living with it, you can't knock it.








Im so close to finidng out ur ip address , going to ur house and slapping some sense in too you boy








Just come, I'll probably teach you to read and write. Looks like you need to learn all over again.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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I can knock it, because I have common sense. You don't have to be stoned or raped or w/e to know it's bad :?
















You're being stoned because you've done something they find extremely serious.








To them, marriage is very important, if you've noticed. They punish people their way, you punish your people your way.








I'm sure you'd be mad if they criticized the way you handled criminals.








What kinda comeback is that...its just because im typing fast








Mabye you cant admit when your wrong.








I will find you and will gang [assault] you....I bet u will agree to that too...actually of course you will since you already have








You know, I think you also need to learn how to debate. If I were wrong, I'd be the one hurling insults at you. Not vice versa.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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