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Marraige of Kimberly and Dragonkng198!



Hello users of the Tip.It forums.


You are cordially invited, to the union of two evil souls, to form the Anti-Christ.


Kimberly has graciously accepted my proposal for marraige, and as such, you are all invited to the blessed event.

There will be cake. (which may or may not be a lie)

There will be death. (What wedding isn't complete without a little MURDER! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :twisted:)


The staff present are as follows:


Bride: Dragonkng198

Groom: Kimberly (She wears the trousers in the relationship.)

Best Man: Omnitec

Maid of Honour: Ezkaton

Vicar: Salleh

Bridesmaids: Neddykins, Cowman_133, BloodAngel and MageUK

Flower Girls: Sangrina and WoodenFruit


The event will take place on Friday the 13th of September (I don't care if the 13th isn't a Friday, I said it is, and who's going to argue with me, when I have your life in my hands... and your spleen.)


It will take place at 6:66pm (7:06pm), and will be held at the Chaos Elemental in world 18. I hope you all come, and bring your most expensive items. You can trust me. I'm your friend. :twisted:


This will be the wedding cake:



P.S - Kimberly is going to murder me for posting this, so please don't expect me to be very responsive until I'm revived. Thank you. Have a nice day. Please try the fish.


P.S.S - I realise this is my fourth marraige in a row, but frankly, I'm a bigamist. Deal with it. <3:


P.S.S.S - The Game.


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Why aren't I a bridesmaid :(


I shall rectify that! Also should sort out the rest of the Bridesmaids...

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