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Everything posted by yeah_you_are

  1. get an ordinary soda, but wait, somethings not ordinary. It has a note. What does the note say? "This note is just a distraction and if your reading it it means a tranined assasin is aimng a high calibur rifle at your. Nothing more needs to be said. Inserts a fancy coin
  2. bnnd fr sng vwls n r txt Translation: Banned for using vowles(spelling?) in your text
  3. lol some guy asks: whats runescape?
  4. 849 dates to homecoming? at one time? yes 8-)
  5. Becuase there not meowing. Why do they have signs that say "no dogs except seeing eye dogs" if the only people who that sign apllies to cant read the sign?
  6. Hello Tipiters. Guess what were going to do. Make tea you say? hahahhahahahah......NO. Were going to make a song. Its going to compose of 2 sets of two rymhing (spelling?) lines followed by someone with the guts to make a four line chorus. For all we know this song could be huge. But i suppose we could restart the song every once and a while. ill start you out Where the cheese at?
  7. used to reach those high cabinets pudding stain
  8. Racisim is a branch of hating. Racism is the hatred of a race of people. Hating is just a general term for strong feelings of dislike for someone else. Racism is a branch of that, its more specific than hating
  9. you get a leaking hydrogen fuel cell :twisted: [inserts coin]
  10. id like to see someone prove this statment wrong or right This statment is a lie.
  11. Oh you start making wishes, but in the middle of the wish a 3 legged ferret bites your spleen causing a massive blood rupture which involves in a cardiac arrest attack, and amongst the doctors frantically cleaning the mixture of vomit and blood from your mouth you scream the words" I wish i could eternally watch paint dry while listening to c-span and count my hairs at the same time" from a sudden seizure induced from the massive blood loss. Owned. :twisted:
  12. thats something good to know. you could melle like crypt rats or blood worms and get bonus to raise kill count
  13. can anyone pm me who has a stock of rabbit feet necklaces i would like one.
  14. Yeah no duh but its just an idea. Jesus christ yall are like broken records cut it with the freakin price stuff its an idea, would you like me to translate into 30 languages so everyone can undestand. And dont make some smart comment like "yes please", or "then you can pay for it". i dont want to hear it.
  15. ahahaha thats like someone with a d long comin up and askin if you could help them with lost city :lol:
  16. did u read the whole post? part of what the admin said was the people were, listen close, Refunded there money who were rebanned after being unbanned. so no Jagex didnt scam anyone, u had to read the whole post :roll:
  17. If anyones ever seen bill engvall then they know that one of the dudes main skits is heres your sign, where people ask him obvious or flat out dumb things. Have you ever had someone ask you a question that was probably one of the most obvious things ever. This has nothing to do with "noobs" or anything like that, its just dumb people in runescape. I love it whenever people see me acutally doing something like fishing and ask me if im fishing. Nope. Just rootin around in the water with a harpoon cause im bored :roll: .
  18. see heres the thing: i didnt ask for a freakin price tag. stop talking about price
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