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Everything posted by Zygimantas

  1. 14mil fltech xp Yay! :)
  2. And since everything comes and goes, nothing is reality. Everything is nothing; nothing is anything. Yep. Simple. The last few days I have been getting used to just being aware of everything. Being aware of my thoughts, feelings, and just enjoying them and observing how they come and go. This way, I don't feel attached to anything, though in a nice, peaceful, free way... whatever happens, just happens and its ok because it will leave like everything else :)
  3. Haha, I'll just do some farming/more fletching. It really doesn't matter now because I will barley be playing when break ends and school starts up again next week :)
  4. [hide] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4937q5jnvGI[/hide] Achieved 4th 99 :thumbsup: Stat pic after 99:
  5. Hmm.. Anything that comes and goes can not be absolute reality, it is only relative, only subjective. For example, fear, it only exists if you pay attention to it. It is merely just an idea when you don't pay attention to it, but when you draw all your attention to fear it it gives you the illusion that it is much more then an idea, but that is only because you give it attention...
  6. Haha, have fun with the slaying. I'm surprised to see you do something other then WC :P
  7. We can comprehend it just not in the way you think. You simply have to go beyond thoughts and ideas, you can not logically come to the comprehension of it. You have to go beyond logic. There is not much more I can say about this matter, if you want to find out more then I suggest you visit the following: http://www.youtube.com/user/Moojiji, http://www.youtube.com/user/adyashanti?blend=1&ob=4 If you don't want to then that is fine too. Both Mooji and Adyashanti are better at pointing to where I am trying to point. Anyways, thank you for the the conversation :)
  8. What about it? All phenomena appear to exist because we are there to be aware of them. We ( our minds that is) are there to be aware of them because nothing/infinity/god is aware of our awareness... which is the nothing/infinity/god itself. Singularities are just another a form of this nothingness that was already there, always, for infinity.
  9. Exactly. Now what was it we were discussing again? :) The origin of the Universe. Which I said was infinity, and you said was nothing. You implied that "nothing" is incomprehensible, just like infinity. Therefore it must be infinity. They are opposites. The definition of infinity is "(symbolically represented by ∞) is a concept in mathematics and philosophy that refers to a quantity without bound or end. People have developed various ideas throughout history about the nature of infinity. In mathematics, infinity is defined in the context of set theory." Link "...a quantity without bound or end..." The nothing you described is unquantifiable, and is therefore not included in the definition of infinity. Not to mention the fact you have no evidence to support your claim that everything came from nothing. I have stated that due to the nature of cause and effect, something must have existed to have caused something else. Just on an infinite scale. The concept of cause and effect can be comprehended, the infinite scale of it cannot. You are god then? I agree. No I am not God. Such a statement is foolish. I am obviously finite, possibly part of an infinite collective, or the result of an infinite being's will. That much is obvious. Or you couldn't think of a rebuttal, and decided to be rude instead. Rude? Infinity is without bound, therefore it must be everywhere. Everything and everyone is god. So you are saying it is impossible for there to be an infinite amount of finite objects? What makes you say that? Explain to me how I am saying that. It is impossible to have a finite amount of infinite, and that is what you are apparently trying to get at by saying god is infinite, but you are not. [/hide] You are saying any object is infinite. If that is true, why can't humans comprehend infinity? It's because we are finite. Infinity can take "forms" in a human sense, because well it is infinite, nothing is beyond it. Infinity can simply make and take the form of a human and experience its perceptions while still being infinite in essence. The way our mind works may not allow us to comprehend it because of our perceptions, but our perceptions are simply a looking glass of the infinite. Perceptions are a making of the infinite itself and the infinite is the perception. The infinite views the infinite. Our ideas and thoughts can not even convey this correctly, it can hint at it, but not correctly define it. True infinite is undefinable, but it can be realized, just not directly through thoughts or ideas. Oh and if god is infinite and we are finite then god is not infinite. Infinity can not have boundaries.
  10. Exactly. Now what was it we were discussing again? :) The origin of the Universe. Which I said was infinity, and you said was nothing. You implied that "nothing" is incomprehensible, just like infinity. Therefore it must be infinity. They are opposites. The definition of infinity is "(symbolically represented by ∞) is a concept in mathematics and philosophy that refers to a quantity without bound or end. People have developed various ideas throughout history about the nature of infinity. In mathematics, infinity is defined in the context of set theory." Link "...a quantity without bound or end..." The nothing you described is unquantifiable, and is therefore not included in the definition of infinity. Not to mention the fact you have no evidence to support your claim that everything came from nothing. I have stated that due to the nature of cause and effect, something must have existed to have caused something else. Just on an infinite scale. The concept of cause and effect can be comprehended, the infinite scale of it cannot. You are god then? I agree. No I am not God. Such a statement is foolish. I am obviously finite, possibly part of an infinite collective, or the result of an infinite being's will. That much is obvious. Or you couldn't think of a rebuttal, and decided to be rude instead. Rude? Infinity is without bound, therefore it must be everywhere. Everything and everyone is god. So you are saying it is impossible for there to be an infinite amount of finite objects? What makes you say that? Explain to me how I am saying that. It is impossible to have a finite amount of infinite, and that is what you are apparently trying to get at by saying god is infinite, but you are not.
  11. Exactly. Now what was it we were discussing again? :) The origin of the Universe. Which I said was infinity, and you said was nothing. You implied that "nothing" is incomprehensible, just like infinity. Therefore it must be infinity. They are opposites. The definition of infinity is "(symbolically represented by ∞) is a concept in mathematics and philosophy that refers to a quantity without bound or end. People have developed various ideas throughout history about the nature of infinity. In mathematics, infinity is defined in the context of set theory." Link "...a quantity without bound or end..." The nothing you described is unquantifiable, and is therefore not included in the definition of infinity. Not to mention the fact you have no evidence to support your claim that everything came from nothing. I have stated that due to the nature of cause and effect, something must have existed to have caused something else. Just on an infinite scale. The concept of cause and effect can be comprehended, the infinite scale of it cannot. You are god then? I agree. No I am not God. Such a statement is foolish. I am obviously finite, possibly part of an infinite collective, or the result of an infinite being's will. That much is obvious. Or you couldn't think of a rebuttal, and decided to be rude instead. Rude? Infinity is without bound, therefore it must be everywhere. Everything and everyone is god.
  12. Exactly. Now what was it we were discussing again? :) The origin of the Universe. Which I said was infinity, and you said was nothing. You implied that "nothing" is incomprehensible, just like infinity. Therefore it must be infinity. They are opposites. The definition of infinity is "(symbolically represented by ∞) is a concept in mathematics and philosophy that refers to a quantity without bound or end. People have developed various ideas throughout history about the nature of infinity. In mathematics, infinity is defined in the context of set theory." Link "...a quantity without bound or end..." The nothing you described is unquantifiable, and is therefore not included in the definition of infinity. Not to mention the fact you have no evidence to support your claim that everything came from nothing. I have stated that due to the nature of cause and effect, something must have existed to have caused something else. Just on an infinite scale. The concept of cause and effect can be comprehended, the infinite scale of it cannot. You are god then? I agree.
  13. Exactly. Now what was it we were discussing again? :)
  14. Yes, because naturally if someone says god created everything you ask: who created god? The response I often get is "nothing". So to me it seems like the nothing is before the God. Like you said before, there doesn't have to be a middle man. It makes sense if something came out of nothing, but if you say something came out of something that came out of nothing...then why are you worshiping the "something" that in essence is nothing, like everything else? ...because something can't come from nothing. It's physically impossible for something to come from nothing. Something must have always existed for it to come from something else, something beyond time, beyond our comprehension. Either that or there is an infinite cycle of causation. Either way infinity has to exist. And that something must have come from nothing. "Nothing" is also beyond our logical comprehension. "Nothing" is infinity, and that is god ;) Read the other posts I replied to yours. Nothing is a lack of matter/energy. Infinity is never ending matter/dimensions/energy/cycles of causation a/o a being. They're opposites, if anything. I can imagine and comprehend a vacuum. I cannot comprehend something that never ends. See, you can't comprehend nothingness... you see it as a vacuum, which is still something. How about infinite nothingness? [/hide] A (True, not partial)vacuum is a part of a space which has no matter in it. It isn't "something" it's a word to describe the lack of any matter. I can imagine an atom. The nucleus, and electron cloud. Then I imagine it being removed. No atoms. Nothing. Infinite nothingness? I cannot comprehend it, because it's infinite, not because of the nothingness. We are talking about two different nothings here. You are talking about space which has no matter in it, I am trying to emphasize the nothing even beyond our comprehension of "space". Nothing had to be there for space to be there. As soon as you label "nothing" it is already only relatively true. Even "nothing" is a false label for nothing, there is no correct label for it. In essence an atom is as much as nothing as a vacuum. Infinite Nothingness is surely beyond our comprehension as well, thats why I gave up trying to comprehend it and gave into just experiencing it.
  15. Yes, because naturally if someone says god created everything you ask: who created god? The response I often get is "nothing". So to me it seems like the nothing is before the God. Like you said before, there doesn't have to be a middle man. It makes sense if something came out of nothing, but if you say something came out of something that came out of nothing...then why are you worshiping the "something" that in essence is nothing, like everything else? ...because something can't come from nothing. It's physically impossible for something to come from nothing. Something must have always existed for it to come from something else, something beyond time, beyond our comprehension. Either that or there is an infinite cycle of causation. Either way infinity has to exist. And that something must have come from nothing. "Nothing" is also beyond our logical comprehension. "Nothing" is infinity, and that is god ;) Read the other posts I replied to yours. Nothing is a lack of matter/energy. Infinity is never ending matter/dimensions/energy/cycles of causation a/o a being. They're opposites, if anything. I can imagine and comprehend a vacuum. I cannot comprehend something that never ends. See, you can't comprehend nothingness... you see it as a vacuum, which is still something. How about infinite nothingness?
  16. Yes, because naturally if someone says god created everything you ask: who created god? The response I often get is "nothing". So to me it seems like the nothing is before the God. Like you said before, there doesn't have to be a middle man. It makes sense if something came out of nothing, but if you say something came out of something that came out of nothing...then why are you worshiping the "something" that in essence is nothing, like everything else? ...because something can't come from nothing. It's physically impossible for something to come from nothing. Something must have always existed for it to come from something else, something beyond time, beyond our comprehension. Either that or there is an infinite cycle of causation. Either way infinity has to exist. And that something must have come from nothing. "Nothing" is also beyond our logical comprehension. "Nothing" is infinity, and that is god ;) Read the other posts I replied to yours.
  17. Yes, because naturally if someone says god created everything you ask: who created god? The response I often get is "nothing". So to me it seems like the nothing is before the God. Like you said before, there doesn't have to be a middle man. It makes sense if something came out of nothing, but if you say something came out of something that came out of nothing...then why are you worshiping the "something" that in essence is nothing, like everything else?
  18. 2 more levels for my 4th 99 :)
  19. Nothing, nothing, nothing, and nothing. Win post.
  20. Wait wait wait, then if we can't be all powerful why does God be? If there's infinity as you said, then there's ALWAYS a being more wise and powerful than our God. Example: Bacteria -> Certain animals -> Humans -> Christ God -> His God -> His' his God -> His' his his God -> etc. No? Stopping at Christ God just makes no sense and plus not including kissing his ass too much. If there is infinity, then there is no more wise or powerful, you can not have more than infinity. Infinity is everywhere and everything. You are god, and so is everything else. But why does ONE single entity know everything? We know a tiny fraction, then BAM all-knowing God? Wouldn't there be limits to his own knowledge (since there's an infinite amounts of it) and thus he will have a God of his own, who knows more than him, and that new God has another, etc, forever and ever? It is incorrect to call god all-knowing, he is as much all-knowing as non-knowing. You contrast one single entity with "we", but that "one" is everything. Its we ,you, I, everything is one. All one. You can not label or describe nothingness can you? It is infinite, as much knowledgeable as un-knowledgeable.
  21. The question is, WHEN do we exist? Now. There is only now. Infinity is, well infinity. How long has it been since we started "existing" and what point of "infinity" are we at? (rhetorical question obviously) Infinity can not begin or end. We are at the "now" point.
  22. Mirror's article was beautiful. Reminds us that everything comes and goes and we should enjoy what we have at the present moment :)
  23. The question is, WHEN do we exist? Now. There is only now.
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