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Everything posted by jemathonical

  1. Maybe a little bit of Fleetwood Mac but apart from that anything can send me to sleep. Normally I chuck the radio on and whatever plays rocks me to sleep.
  2. Ooh look, a fast reply section. This is definately different. I'm sure there's heaps of brand new features but I wouldn't know what to do or where to begin. We'll all get used to it.
  3. Do politicians really need to comment on these things?
  4. Good on him for saying that. Yeah it was rude and everything but someone had to say it. I'm just amazed at everyone getting all worked up about it "I'm going to shoot him in the head". I've seen that comment so many times. Settle down a bit. God forbid someone has an opinion in the world that isn't yours.
  5. Good on him for saying that. Yeah it was rude and everything but someone had to say it. I'm just amazed at everyone getting all worked up about it "I'm going to shoot him in the head". I've seen that comment so many times. Settle down a bit. God forbid someone has an opinion in the world that isn't yours.
  6. I support. If there's a sub-forum, the threads will come.
  7. Just don't think too hard about looking people in the eye. I know sometimes when I think to look someone in the eye it makes it harder because I feel like I'm staring.
  8. I dare say a fair chunk of the sub forum would be filled with homework help.
  9. I'm still going to go and rent a movie from the store. Half the fun is standing there for 30 mins looking at movies.
  10. Speaking of ROFL and LOL being used in 'the real world' - there was a question of "Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader" under the category 3rd Grade Computer Studies. "What does the abbreviation ROTFLOL mean?" I was wondering if they teach that in schools and why? Surely internet slang shouldn't be in the curriculum.
  11. jemathonical


    Oh that's better than over here. We 'have' to do 100 hours (majority just bodge the logbook anyway) but have to be on our L's for 1 year.
  12. jemathonical


    Do you have to do 100 hours in New Zealand? Or what's the go over there?
  13. jemathonical

    Moving Out?

    Live at home for as long as you can (especially if you only earn around $150). Rent sucks. Tell your parents that unless they pitch in money there is no way you can move out. What are you studying at TAFE?
  14. I suggest locking and removing this shame from public view...:P
  15. Muse has released 30 seconds of every track from The Resistance in there media player. http://muse.mu/media-player/albums/47/the-resistance/ Overall it sounds like an extraordinary album. The songs are catchy and I can really see Exogenesis being an absolute amazing song.
  16. Of course you would suggest to make the limit 4000 just as you pass it :) Apart from spamming up the boards, (which isn't really a decent excuse as it would be hard to spam up the forums without getting warnings for crap posts), there really is no point in getting bigger avatars. People with more posts don't need anything special.
  17. Still a few days left. Anything can happen..
  18. I don't get stressed, I cruise through life.
  19. Sure you didn't just fall asleep like normal and you just remember your dream vividly and think it happened instantly?
  20. Surely there's a limit to what the human body can actually achieve? You would think that this is the peak or pretty close to it.
  21. I reckon he can get down to under 9.50. But after that you would have to think this is the limit. What an amazing human being.
  22. I go clay target shooting every now and then with our PE class. I really enjoy it and there is nothing better than seeing your target get destroyed into nothing. I find I'm better at shooting the continental clays rather than the straight out ones. With the straight out it's like I have too much time and I overthink it whereas continental just go with instinct.] BOOM
  23. I'd prefer to do the 10,000 hours.
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