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Everything posted by jemathonical

  1. So there's 2 blogs now, and I suppose they are popular because they are the only ones around. If a sub-forum is created people will feel obliged to make one like Zierro mentioned. But if everyone had a blog, no one would read through every blog and then people will be fighting to be top of page 1 just like in Blogscape. But I suppose Real life could be more interesting then Runescape. But I really don't think anyone's life on here is that exciting to really grab my attention. Prove me wrong.
  2. That is strangely beautiful..
  3. B. Treat others how you'd like to be treated.
  4. Either drowning or freezing to death
  5. What exactly were you expecting, ratchet?
  6. Just select other and spend 4 seconds writing up a description. It's not like there is heaps of 'double-topics' around anyway, so adding in another option isn't necessary.
  7. I had a yarn with a mate about this. He was wondering if somewhere out in space there is a colour that we have never seen before and we wouldn't know what it would look like because we have never seen it before, I said that it would still be familair to us and yadda yadda yadda
  8. I used to have a normal pillow but for Xmas last year I got this flash new ergonomic pillow with a little arch and all that jazz. I haven't really noticed the difference as I lose it half way through the night anyway
  9. If I were the paper I wouldn't pay someone for a photo, especially if someone asked to get paid.
  10. Breakfast at Tiffany's - Deep Blue Something
  11. I won't be surprised when I go to the movies and see more teenagers than children
  12. Good to see Australia in the World Cup again. I hope we get past the group stages again
  13. Yet you still went ahead and did it. Great.
  14. You guys must be very busy, how on earth do you keep the good looks?
  15. Use a hammer. I crack my fingers nearly constantly. They obviously don't always crack, but whenever my hands are idle they're making the cracking motions. I also crack my knees, back, and occasionally my jaw cracks on its own. Bad for grip I guess, but I still have a firm handshake. But what kind of hammer do you use? Sledge
  16. Why? You do realise it's just trolls trolling trolls?
  17. I have this feeling that Australia will choke again..
  18. Lonely, desperate souls actually do these in the hope that it will magically improve their life and that sexy girl who they never talk to will marry them. :)
  19. Why can America have nuclear weapons but no other can?
  20. A mate of mine died today too. I don't know how I'm coping because it hasn't really sunk in that he's gone.
  21. I just wear a cap when riding a bike. I don't think I ever have worn a helmet..
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