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Everything posted by ____

  1. Saw it today, and I can say that it was worth the $9.50 it cost to see it. First time i've been able to say that for a long time. 7.5/10 from me. The whole "Nooooo" thing at the end was kind of *shrug*
  2. Does your firewall allow it access the internet?
  3. 20 years of Nintendo gaming history > Anything the PS3 & XBox2 have to offer
  4. No. A movie is made by every single compent which is involved with it. Some things weight more heavily on it's rating than others. Granted story is up near the top but it isn't the deciding factor. None of them are.
  5. Untill the final specs are relased, I'll judge on what's available ;) That goes for all the systems :)
  6. Tools > Internet Options > Advanced Tab Scroll down to the Multimedia section and ucheck 'Enable Automatic Image Resizing'.
  7. Ok, someone posted this on the phpbb.com forums... had to show it here :)
  8. ____


    I have 1 DVD and it's stored somewhere among the 100's of VHS tapes I got....
  9. No, the PS2 looks more like a book. The Revolution looks more like a standard CD-ROM drive, just a bit bigger.
  10. Or first-party cookies :) Nothing better than auto-login to help laziness ;)
  11. You can never compare the specs from Nintendo against those for the xbox or PSX since Sony and Microsoft use raw data, not what it actually manages to run in a live enviroment.
  12. Well it is only slightly bigger than a standard CD-ROM drive... I haven't seen any dimensional specs fro it yet, but the images get you a pretty good estimate of it's size :)
  13. @Daan: if you keep going through the gallery you notice that the Revolution is actually in a stand thingy, kind of like how the PS2 could be kept horizontally or vertically ;)
  14. Haven't cried in a movie since Bambi :-? I think I've seen too many movies for any emotional impact to actually set in... *shrug*
  15. Aye. Put some overhang around the place a few notches and such, and what do you get? The Revolution is clean. Very clean. And if you curve it out a bit, change its colour to silver... wham, PS3 :-? *shrug*
  16. As bad as that is, I can't help but laugh.... You got owned by the drugs.. lmao :P
  17. The issue was more of people deleteing the ENTIRE question than just changing the topic ;)
  18. ____


    I tried trillian once, but I didn't like it much. I only use MSN and IRC. I got the same thing setup for MSN. And I also have nickname display caped to 12 chars. So Trillian doesn't really provide me with anything I don't already have setup...
  19. http://gcc.gnu.org/
  20. I'm willing to bet the reference to the form is wrong.
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