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Everything posted by ____

  1. Not if you know where to look ^_^ I'm going to assume you mean the Lethal Weapon ride at Warner Bros. Movie World Aus as the other one is in Germany ;) Good pics > * Those do nothing for it :P
  2. That isn't a rollercoaster. Lethal Weapon > * If you want pics of it, you'll have to sift through all the results from movies to find them, I don't want to do it :P
  3. I'll use formal language when I need to. Otherwise it's just very casual ;)
  4. You remind me of kids who would torture animals just to get a laugh out of watching it suffer.
  5. I wish my dad was still alive. Things would've been a lot better if he hadn't died when he did.
  6. Extreme but valid comparison.
  7. Someone needs to make a book like the Duff Book of Records except for the internet. And on topic, I call Yoda.
  8. Outlook exress does it for me. And I have Samurize setup to check it for me everyone 5 minutes or so.
  9. Correct, date / time of all posts cept mine so far:
  10. You would if you didn't want to get caught.
  11. I went to a public school and we had Christianity forced on us. The only people who really got out of it were Muslim and Buddist. And there weren't many of them at the school because Christianity was compulsary. And by this "what happened a few thousand years ago really doesnt have any base in this argument" I assume you're fine with people hence forth labeling the Christian (and any other) faith based on what it is now, not what it should be as the bible (or applicable text) says. You basically implied that so you really have no right to take shots at people who backup their opinion of religions based on current aspects of said religion. And I refer to BlueLancers opinion of Christianity. --- @Astralinre: From what I can gather there are too many people who would read Matthew 28:19-20 as telling them to go out and force people to be Christian. When I read it that's the impression that I get anyways. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't see any other meaning to it.
  12. ____


    So did I just to make sure I had the concept correct. And from what I can tell, my last post still stands. Some people like NinjaPirate Some people like Maddox /thread Their content is nothing you can't find elsewhere in some form or variation so what's the big deal?
  13. I'm doing an assignments, what's everyone else excuse :P *first up irc anyways*
  14. ____


    So Ninja Pirate openly ripped off Maddox. Have a cookie and shutup. If he posted all his articles in a webblog no one would really give a damn but because it looks like Maddox's site it's somehow unfunny and all that? Right.
  15. That's the thing Pip, the Customs officials [bleep]ed everything up and the Courts still ruled against her. If that sort of thing happened in a place of the UK, USA or Australia she would've been free and the Customs officials out on the street, and looking at something for tampering with evidence. Fair trial? Not even close.
  16. If that be the case, makes you wonder how this topic survived... http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=242028
  17. 1 more teaching week 2 weeks for study then 5 exams spread over the next 2 weeks then i'm on break
  18. Guess you woldn't mind putting in the point scores for each answer of questions 1 to 5.
  19. Can't arguee against someone who smokes weed. But that's the general impression I get from most people around here they'll got for quantity over quality :-? *shrug*
  20. @Mr_Alfabet: 3.1K for that is a major rip off. If the Sydney Umart store wasn't shut atm I'd point you there. Just for a sake of trivia... AMD AthlonÃÆââââ¬Ã¾Ãââ 64 4000+ Processor Retail (939) $739.00 2G GeIL PC3200 400MHz DDR Dual Channel Series (2X1024MB) $395.00 Radeon X800XT Platinum 256M ViVo Gecube $789.00 ASUS A8V Deluxe/WIFI-G K8T800Pro Motherboard (socket 939) $199.00 And depending on your case / cooling / monitor / keyboard+mouse The whole setup shouldn't even break 2.6K
  21. I like to block connections to people who try to make more than 8 :) So do a lot of websites now that I think about it.
  22. I have quite a few friends who practice Wicca. None of them are yet to fall into that generalisation that you stated, mayjest. I even used to browse the occultforums for a while and they had a big distaste for people who went around trolling that the Wiccans were devil worshipers and junk like you mentioned. IMO what she was involved in was not Wicca.
  23. And because no one can resists the power of the darkwebz side once it has them :P
  24. Her bag couldn't have been 4.1kg at checking. She would've been forced to open it. I think there's a missing word in that post from acidcantdie. And the Heroin bust in Adelaine. 100kg of it just rocking into the country. Then there was also the baggage handler who was caught ON TAP wearing some chicken suit belong to a passenger on a flight. If I could get more weed for less, I'll go with that option. When it comes to weed, if it gets you high, potency doesn't matter to most people. But they wouldn't have turned up on the BAG WITH THE WEED IN IT. Which was the whole point of finger printing it. But instead, the customers officers passed it around like a toy and not critical evidence. Basically the Bali custom officials did everything wrong and no one really gave a [cabbage]. And now shapple is looking at spending 20 years behind bars because of it.
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