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Everything posted by ____

  1. @punk4ever: apparently so. Since I just went there (via the link you posted :P) and all it has is a file: check.class ... :dunno: Anyhow: Is the Arenascape donations -> same fund as TIF? :shock:
  2. Drivers Licence Student ID card Library Card Heathcare Card Medicare Card Phone Card RACQ Membership Card Conrad Casino Rewards Card Co-op Bookstore Membership Card Expired Translink Ticket $1.90 That seems to be everything...
  3. There are many I see in myself. And oddly enough it just made me feel down :( I should've stopped reading after card one :-?
  4. Damn southeners. QLD has the strictest laws regarding fireworks in Australia IIRC. Can't purchase them legally ANYWHERE in the state. And to use them inside QLD you have to have a license. So if you got fireworks from NSW or something and came up here and set them off and got caught, you'd be screwed :P Anyhow, I believe to get fireworks in the ACT you have to be a permanent resident there. Not entirely sure - check their most recent Dangerous Goods / Substances act.
  5. that would be illegal, but good idea, ill try it :twisted: Only if you get caught ;)
  6. I can't recall anyone posting this but...
  7. I wouldn't even suggest overclocking a laptop. There' just no efficiant way to deliver the additional cooling which would be required to keep the CPU temp down.
  8. Or if you're really smart, remake the stuff which is generally scratched off (I can't remember what it's called atm) and cover up the losing side ;) Win?
  9. Isn't that illegal?? :? Only if he gets caught. You can tune into almost every single emergancy services frequency. So unless you transmit on the frequency, they won't catch you :P
  10. And could land the person who standard it in a [cabbage] load of trouble ;)
  11. Only problem with that is rsn_lead wasn't a troll.
  12. Noobs ask for help SHIPPOU helps out Noobs are totally 'wtf' SHIPPOU helps out a bit more Noobs seem to get the basics SHIPPOU leaves
  13. And Russell Crowe could've gotten 7 years for throwing a phone across a room giving a hotel working this pathetic 1" SCRATCH on his cheeck. Honestly, the justice system is just screwed up. And the hotel worker guy was going for 2mil comp, from what I've read in the papers / seen on tv and such. I don't know what's worse: That it probably would've been successfull, or that Crowe would've gotten 7 years for something that happens in suburban homes fairly often with no jailtime for any of those people :-?
  14. If he treatend your life -> Cops If it's a prank, then it's all good, the jackass who made the call will take the fall.
  15. Basics of XHTML + CSS to write a valid document will be fine for a novice ;) Neither are very hard to learn and can be done in a day (or two) if one really wanted to learn. Although if you want to go into the more complex aspects of each then yes , you would be correct, runesmithie ;) And I should really make a change to my original post and include something else... *goes off to edit* Edit: Learning XML and XSL are optional IMO. I'd be more towards only learning them if you plan on providing a RSS feeds or providing a service to people (eg: last-played song, game stats).
  16. ok w3schools seems to be... whacked or something, at least for me anyways. Just put "xhtml tutorial" and "css tutorial" into a search engine and work your way up. 1. Learn XHTML 2. Learn CSS Make a basic website and host it somewhere. Then: http://www.google.com 3. Learn PHP 4. Learn MySQL (basics) Improve the website so it's dynamic. And then if you wish: http://www.google.com 5. Learn XML 6. Learn XSL* Work in an order like that and you'll be fine :mrgreen: If you run into any problems, post in Tech and Computers and you'll get all the help you'll need :) * XSL is to XML as CSS is to [X]HTML.
  17. I'd put money on you having a collection of junk that reminds you of dusqi :P
  18. ____

    Ug boots...

    Hey, they might be a 3 month fad for you, but they've been going strong for a looooong time here ;)
  19. DJ Java Decompiler works for me. http://www.google.com + "java decompiler" = win ;)
  20. My mum is the one who always seems to get lost. She'll either be "wait here and I'll be right back" or "meet me here in x minutes" And she'll usually be late because she can't find the place :-? Been like that all my life :P Even and the EKKA. Place hasn't changed for years and she still can't find her way around the place :x
  21. Oddly enough, rsn_lead, even if he isn't a member of these forums :P And then maybe Herr, Merc and Rizla.
  22. Long game, but NSW took it with 10 minutes left. Late try by QLD (last minute :P) was better than nothing. Lot of nice plays from both sides, can't complain though. A decider makes the series all the better ;) I'm thinking Johns made a big impact in the play, lot of moves down the middle and the high kicks. Just enough the breakdown the QLD defence :( Break from Bowen was nice, same with Slater - rather suprised NSW didn't cover them more, would've thought that they'd be aware of their danger if they got a break. Anyhow, anything else. I misses a few plays in the first half so someone fill me in in the first 15 minutes or so aye :oops:
  23. I still have popups telling me I have updates waiting to be installled... from 3 months ago....... :D
  24. I could do back hops :D Soooo long ago though :( That's probably the most impressive thing I could ever do.
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