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Everything posted by ____

  1. Diablo, Diablo II. Awesome, hands down 10/10
  2. Interesting situation Trapical. And a rather quiant end to it aswell :P But the answer the original Q: I would've handed it in. As much as I could've needed 3K, being in chips wasn't going to help me anyways for reasons Trapical pointed out later on.
  3. I like the beer ads. Those ones are always the best. Guys are moving furniture, back into the driveway, whole back of the truck of tilts like a dump truck and all the stuck just pours out onto the ground, half of it breaking. Next sceen the movers are at a barbie downing a few beers. Another for the same beer, guy is walking through a shopping center trying to get all the stuff on the list... starts to pass this lady getting something off the shelf, takes a look at the list, takes a look at her trolly, looks around then takes hers and runs off. And like them all, hext shot is of him at a barbie :P I think that's for Fosters or perhaps VB? Can't remember :( And then there's the Budy Rum ads. There's some sweedish chicks or what not setting up a tent under a tree and these guys are all: bloke1: "you don't to setup your tent there" chicks: "why?" bloke1: "because of the.. uh.. bloke2: "drop bears.." bloke1: "yeah the drop bears" chicks: "drop bears?" bloke2: "they're kind of a bigger meaner koala bear" chicks: "oh yeah sure.." *Bundy bear jumps out of the tree onto their tent* *chicks go running* *next shot has them all having a good drink and whatnot with them ;)* They're great.
  4. I've been doing 800+ word essays from 98. Most of my essays are 3K words or more and are a pushover now. Yeah that was pretty much it for me aswell. Although I was taught that it was more like: Opening paragraph This outlines the topic and your stance on said topic. Unlike the other paragraphs within an essay this is usually the only one which does not use the last sentence to 'give hints' to the next. Argument 1 Fairly straight forward, first paragraph in a string of n which you will use to give strength to your topic. The important thing to remember is that you do NOT put proof within this paragraph. Post your opinion only. Proof 1 This is where you put quotes, statististics and whatever else you might need to backup the previous paragraph. It is critical that you cite anything which isn't your own work. Sometimes you can chain these paragraphs together under one main issue broken into smaller sections, eg: Technology is good for society... past uses of technology... few quotes from various people along the years... Some more of your own work relating to the quotes above... Further proof... And remember that EVERY paragraph should relate in some way back to the topic you are writing about. Argument n Next argument in the essay Proof n The proof for the previous argument. Conclusion The summary of your entire essay. Usually it will only contain key points but still gets the overall message of the entire essay across. And don't forget that this is a recap of the essay, so NEVER put new content in here. If you find yourself with new content, create a new paragraph and proof for it if it is required. Overall that is how I've learnt to write them. Essay which are on a personal level are slightly different since you can get away with using personal opinions more and using "I" a lot more often since you and your experience is the topic being written about. And just for the record, the average paragraph should be around 200 words. So a standard essay with two supporting arguments should be about 1000-1200 words. They aren't hard to write PROVIDED that you have your content organised in a manner which flows smoothly. And then there is the usual rules for paragraphs which IMO you can disregard except for the topic sentence(s). Another thing to remember is to NOT beat around the bush. If you find yourself using 'padding' (using 4 words instead of 1) then go out and find more content or think about the issue more. It also teaches them wrong. People should be taught that the proof should not be interlaced with your own writing on the issue. --- I think that is all. Edit: :roll:
  5. /me eats the banana and feeds the little person to the goat
  6. Was official data from Foxtel or just the school population? If it was the latter then no [cabbage] mtv came up as most popular. Be like asking a bunch of 5 year olds what their favourite toy is. I can do things like this with a survey like that... New study shows that mud is the BEST toy ever! 90% of people we asked agree! That is fact. That survey done by your schools year 11 group is not a valid data set to represent Australia. Do some research before you start stating things as fact next time. Anyhow: half a million or more would do me fine. I would seriously do almost anything for cash :P So... bring it on?
  7. ____

    how HOT?

    According to http://www.weather.com's latest xml render.
  8. Well, I have IE, FireFox and Opera installed. I've had the urge to go out and download 15 odd extensions for FF so it behaves in a similar fashion to Opera but in the end I really can't be bothered to hunt down the extensions which I'll need. Or not exactly need but prefer to have just to make it easier to use. Straight out of the box, the only difference I see between IE and FF is speed and tabbed browser. If you honestly want to make something great of FF you'd have to tweak it more than Opera. IMO.
  9. I'd play Poker more often if I could afford to do so. Running low on cash atm. Have enough for like 3 hands at most :(
  10. That's a tragic event :( Never seen an accident like that in the 10 or so years I was in the Scouting movement. The worst stuff was generally a broken bone or something like that due to some kind of random chance. No deaths though. Few lost scouts in the bush... maybe about it :-? --- On an up note, Jamboree's are awesome. If I could've gone to the Jamboree in Chillie a few years back I would've :P Went to the Springfield one though the year or two before :D
  11. That one could've been avoided VERY easily. But as you say, accidental shooting. It happened 6 years ago, so whatever.
  12. 4.4K Not a bad game really :)
  13. Initial media reports said the guy had a bomb. Now police reports are saying he didn't? Was just a possibility or something like that. Least to my knowledge. Another 24 hours will more than likely clear up any ambiguity about it.
  14. True, Bubsa. I can understand the use, I was just skeptical about it since the story broke. Something didn't sound right from the start hence why I really didn't want to post till I knew more. And know we all know the police botch something up. So I still stand with my comment, but more leaning towards general panic on the part of the officers. People panic and lose focus of the situation. Seems like that's all that happened here. :dunno: @Noobinated: If that was directed at me then... 1. He wasn't going to kill people (that was assumed). 2. Having someone come after you perosnally is worse than being the victim of randomness. I know the first feeling. 3. Don't be racist 4. Don't abuse the censor 5. Come back when you mature
  15. Cops made a bad call -> innocent person got killed. Or not quite innocent as most people but still, he wasn't a bomber. Tunnel vision perhaps? (if you're not familar with that term in reference to combat situations don't reply to it :P) Wouldn't exactly suprise me given how paranoid they would be over there :-?
  16. Excessive force plain and simple. I don't give a damn if the reason was he was a suspected terrorist. Shooting someone 5 times when they're down is not law enforcement, that's execution. I don't care if they assumed he was a terrorist, the only proof they had was VERY WEAK at the most. Looks like Daan's general statement stands. Rather ironic really.
  17. ____


    I don't notice much difference. Personally I think my dodge webcam makes me look better than a mirror does because the noise in the webcam kind of hides any problems :P But I don't really care either way. I seem to think I look fine either way and meah *shrug*
  18. I could've met Runegirlie when she was here in Aussie a while ago :( Damn Navy or whatnot, another few days and it would've been possible :P
  19. I met Trin online and long story short: Win :P I also met I_goddess_I (Mel) once in the city, and again on my 18th (that didn't go down well though) and um i3lacki2ose (Emma) twice.
  20. I don't have a problem with either aswell. TBH though, the only reason I would get an iBook is if I was going to be doing a lot of multimedia work while I travel or something. And even then it wouldn't just be multimedia work.... :dunno: Just got with whatever suits your pupose really.
  21. Griffith University, Nathan Campus -> B. Information Technology majoring in Interactive Web Development and Computer Science.
  22. There's going to be a problem the day someone rigs up one to blow up when the heart stops beating...
  23. The more embarassing aspects of my life aren't suitable to share on TIF. But something further down the ranks is... Was running around school one day (primary school like year 5 or something) shotcutted through a garden to catch someone, branch caught my shorts just under the elastic waist band, ripped frfom the front of the rip right round just passed the hit. Could see the undies man :P Embarassing for about 2 minutes before I realised I could just untuck my shirt to cover the tear :lol:
  24. Did you read my post :P (bottom of previous post). And Nvm mind about that ... is a grammical error. Since the expanded form is actually Nevermind mind about that ... Anything else?
  25. What's the weight offset? And from the looks of things, keeping it centered MIGHT actually leave you with more room.
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