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Everything posted by ____

  1. I ripped off an entire assignment once. Only thing I did was put in comments. Everything else was exactly the same as the original. They never picked it up. Suprising aswell considering the fact that they were marked by the same person. *shrug* Other than that I haven't cheated on much. Might've etched a few things into the desks at school before an exam just in case. There's been the occasional time where the teacher has left things up on the wall (like periodic tables and whatnot) which have helped. That's basically about it.
  2. I've shaved 20sec off times before. Not exactly hard sometimes.
  3. Money on some crazy driving skills :P Maybe it was freaky penguin powers again :shock:
  4. WindowBlinds probably didn't know how to skin MS's pos interface :P If I were to apply the PARC principles to it, it'd fail without a problem. It's a bloody joke :-?
  5. ____

    Break-up advice

    I have two ex's. Both are from post-2yr relationships :P Most 25+ yo people I know max out on 1 year, sometimes less :ugh:
  6. No one likes you Ruzbeh, wtf are you doing back here anyways? [/thread-jack] @Bmw: Can't remember? Always usefull to start fresh :P
  7. Play runescape? Holy [cabbage] man you have no life either :roll:
  8. That's why you got a save box ;) And to get back on topic.... *Fluffles Demeige*
  9. I never said it had to be on TIF :P
  10. lol, make some of those public if Demeige doesn't mind :P
  11. @fellupahill: There's plenty of cats with spotted coats. Although there is an actual Tiger Cat. Which is kind of endangered iirc. So if cheeseman has one of those, that's kind of illegal I think :P
  12. Heard of but never watched. Not that I can recall anyways so *shrug*
  13. Run away from OT and I'll put a bounty on your head... or something like that :P Welcome back :D
  14. I've always been under the impression that it was illegal or something to give anyone (at least in school) any kind of drug (there's somethings you can but i dunno what they are) unless it was on one of those wrist band things which some people have... Hopefull you people get the point? Cliffs: Dude was wrong to tell you not to give the chick anything.
  15. I have a sense of humor, I just don't share yours. The only shirt posted so far I don't really have a problem is this one.. Since it doesn't exactly take a computer genius to work out what the hell you're talking about. Might be a bit ":-?" with the end. But most people should be able to figure it out. As for the rest, I pretty much agree with Chris for the most part. Not quite to the same extent but fairly close for most of them.
  16. ____

    Break-up advice

    Still friends with all my ex's. I can't even think of any my frieds who aren't friends with their ex's because of breaking up with them. For the most part they kept in touch, still do, but just hardly see or talk to each other any more because of work, uni or the like.
  17. I still can't work out which fool decided it would be good design to put the tabs ABOVE the file menu :-? You better be able to swap them in cofiguration, otherwise i'll have to slap someone down. @Bmw: Can you do that ^?
  18. Yeah that's what I was thinking but Sedna was eventually deemed to be not a planet, iirc.
  19. ____

    Break-up advice

    It sets the mature ones apart from the immature ones at least. If she's mature about it she won't create a scene. No matter where they are if they break up.
  20. ____

    Break-up advice

    To be perfectly honest about it... I've never had to end a relationship. We've always tried to pull it back and then have it just fall apart over night a short while later. Anyhow, try and sort out what isn't going to make it work. Talk with her about how you feel and see if you two can't patch the holes. When that starts to fail, best to end it there before it's messy.
  21. if you posted the hello world script, i would've kicked you :P
  22. I have an email ready to be sent to the OFLC which points them to an AO nudesims mod for The Sims 2 which they must've missed when giving it an M15+ rating. I don't really want to send it since it'd more than likely get The Sims 2 banned from Australia aswell. But then again it might make them realise how pathetic it is to ban GTA:SA over one short [wagon] hack which you can't even access without a serious amount of effort.
  23. To a point. And it wasn't just to post that. Least not yet anyways :P
  24. Sorry, but :roflbow: It wasn't the scammers fault he decided to kill himself. He obviously had deeper issues. He never tried to help himself and from the sounds of things no one around him ever noticed something was wrong either. Chances are he would've /himself because of the next thing to go wrong in his life anways if he unstable enough to /himself over a pixels in a game. It sucks that he died and all but laying the blame on a scammers or Arenanet is downright pathetic :ugh: And on a side note: Trying to sue anyone over this would result in the case getting thrown out. And Arenanet hands out bans depending on severity. Sounds like the scam wasn't a big enough deal for them to take action.
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