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Everything posted by ____

  1. Statutory Rape I believe is what you're thinking of, Lionheart_0.
  2. Don't supose something similiar could be causing my problems aswell? Random reboots with no blue screens. HJT is clean and Ad Aware only pulled up tracking cookies... Very odd indeed.
  3. I don't have much luck remembering names of half the creatures / races / etc in a lot of fantasy books.... :P
  4. Mate gave me a HDD from one of his own boxes a while ago. Threw it in to format it and turned out to have about 4 years of data from his old work. I just shrugged and attacked it with Partition Magic :rofl:
  5. Sit around long enough doing the same thing and DVT could happen. But even the most dedicated gamers know how to watch their health. Least the professional ones anyways... not outright addicts. *shrug*
  6. Hasn't happened to me or anyone I know yet. And we used to do such things fairly often over summer... Wonder if he ate... we always did :-?
  7. Speaking of relationships: I found it rather amusing really, the order of the phoenix :P
  8. This is what I'm talking about. They got the players. They just prefer to milk the best players they have for all they're worth instead of lifting the game of people who will eventually have to take up a position in the squad :x Makes me want to go out and smack some of them down.
  9. A lot of people new to Flash don't do this though. They like to cut corners (You really should've seen some of the assignments last semester.. shocking). I can see your point about AS though, but I take it as it stands. Untill it is officiall decalred a web language by the W3C, it won't be much more than a multimedia plugin. Not exactly elitist or unfair, IMO, just presenting the language as it is. Granted you can do some fairly impressive stuff with it but in the end the user comes first IMO (See Hannibals post for reference). Your point is taken and acknowledged with fair game. Design the site the suit the need (as I like to stick by) and don't really do anything you don't have to. I think we could both agree there are too many people like that who go overkill with any design sometimes :P @Kane: I like that site. Has a good balance to it. Nice and clean aswell. The news frame maks it look a bit cluttered though... ah well, still nicely made. @unknownmasterofnothing: dontclick.it is quite nice. Interface could've been a bit less sensative though... other than that. One of the few flash websites I'll probably remember for good reasons :P
  10. Mel got drugged on her second drink a few nights ago when she went clubbing. Lucky for her the only thing that happened was her phone and purse got stolen. And she is really carefull with her drinks. Hell some people have been killed from drink [bleep]ing. It's all about the sex out there. No one is really in it for the relationship unless it's like a really high quality establishment and not just some random pub down the road.
  11. It's the same file as: http://www.aldostools.com/macroexamples.zip Originating Page ] *shrug*
  12. Joined in 2004. It's 2005 now ;) Back on topic: http://avargas.tripod.com/macroexamples.zip Read them. Has everything you'll need.
  13. Post the one you're trying to use or I'm calling runescape macro.
  14. And I'm asking you where is, if not online?
  15. lol, I'm like 5kg under weight and those diet tips is basically my eating style :P Eat pretty much anything I feel like when I'm hungry. And I do pretty much nothing all day. Just type mainly. Little bit of walking, that's about it. My doctor says I'm weird like that :( *shrug*
  16. And that means what? If they want to go around sleeping together they will anyways. Only thing age will stop them doing is going out drinking and whatnot.
  17. lmao Dan. You're the man ;) rofl
  18. What do you expect. They are only like 14 or something like that in the book. Better than trying to pass off someone who is 25+ as being that age :ugh:
  19. Ah yeah.. hardware is as follows: - AMD64 3500+ - GA K8NSNXP-939 - ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 128mb (using Omega drivers) - Seagate Barracuda 200GB Serial ATA 7200rpm 8mb cache - 1.0GB Dual Channel Geil DDR
  20. For now anyways. If the Australian selectors don't pick up their feet and get some more people into the line up Australia is going to be left with most of the team being 35+ in a few years. Just doesn't look too good for the squads future. Heck, even one or two new faces in the team would be nice. But no, have to stick with the oldies. Granted they work but they aren't going to be playing forever. Need to get some others ready to fill in the holes before we're just a bunch of push-overs :-? Sucks really :(
  21. Ron doesn't look overly happy now does he ;) Finished reading the book today so it's clean fresh in my mind. If the movie turns out to be anything close to it the Triwizard championship whould be fairly impressive :D Mainly the second stage. That was rather entertaining. Now, off to check out this trailer. Edit: Yeah, trailor looks pretty good. Hope the rest of the movie is up to it. Although somehow I think a lot of things will be "cut" or heavily stripped back just to get it down to a reasonable time :(
  22. That's just wrong :ugh: Get that relationship finished ASAP. And depending on how the guy acts, considering getting him some help... Something doesn't seem to be quite right with him.
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