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Everything posted by ____

  1. Don't supose you could hit us up with some test scenarios? At least something more solid than what's been said so far :-?
  2. hjt, ad aware, spybot. if they're all good -> run less processes / do less stuff at the same time or you could just OC everything or get new hardware :run:
  3. See you later Zonda. Catch you around yea :D
  4. There's an eppisode of McGyver about that. Can't remember much about that one though :( I just remember some volcanic activity and something about scrolls. Like they were the treasure of Atlantis or something. Some ancient city :dunno:
  5. Seems so. Although I wouldn't really say "nerd" is name calling. However I would think "geek" is more fitting given the circumstances. *shrug* Speaking of which, anyone got any new info? The only thing I really know of is Square getting a deal good enough from Microsoft to have them considering a change of system... No idea if that's old news or not :P
  6. It's not that hard. Just have to make sure you have the clutch and accelorator in a position to hold the car in place once you take off the hand brake. Then it's just easing out the clutch while upping acceloration :)
  7. Slow moving vehicles are always bad. Although I hate people who don't indicate the most. Or even if they idicate AFTER they start to turn / change lanes /etc. It's meant to single your intentions, not what you're doing. You can see what they're doing :x
  8. Ouch pyro, don't supose you would be willing to back up the need for a 10K rpm hdd? They're nice, but i'd be more inclined to suggest them for people looking for heavy media editing pc's than gaming :-? Also, if you want a TFT, then you better be getting a single figure ms. And depending on size, chances are you'll be looking at 300-400 on that for a decent brand. But I'm with pyro with most of it other than the 10k rpm WD drive. - AMD Athlon 64 3500+ - 1GB dual channel DDR - 200GB 7200 rpm SATA HDD Can't argue with the video card. Not familiar with their price so whichever. The only other thing which will posibbly run you into some trouble is the motherboard and a GOOD case. And knowing the purpose, I'd go with either two 80mm intake front bottom, with either two 80mm exhaust top back. Or 120mm fans. Probably wouldn't hurt to pickup a few meters of cable sleving and heat shrink aswell. Actually, you could possibly bump that up to a 3800+ or perhaps 2GB dual channel ddr. doubtfull on both though since I'm not 100% sure on the cost of the 3800+ in the states. It's fairly cheap in Australia though. I used both in a similar setup a few weeks ago which got up to about 2.7K Australian. I'll just get the list now. Take note these are Australia prices listed.... CPU - $739.00 AMD AthlonÃÆââââ¬Ã¾Ãââ 64 4000+ Processor Retail (939) HDD - $158.00 Seagate Serial ATA 200GB 7200RPM 8mb Cache RAM - $395.00 2G GeIL PC3200 400MHz DDR Dual Channel Series (2X1024MB) MOB - $165.00 Gigabyte K8NSULTRA-939 nForce3 Ultra Chipset Motherboard (socket 939) Monitor - $399.00 Samsung 713N 17 inch TFT Silver 8ms Case - $175.00 Antec Superlanboy Aluminum Case( with PSU) And I think that's just over AU$2K without stuff like keyboard, cd-rom drives, etc. Might need some slight tweaking or you could get come c/c on this system which is listed as being a "gaming beast" by the company staff: AMD AthlonÃÆââââ¬Ã¾Ãââ 64 3500+ Processor Retail (939) ASUS A8N-SLI nForce 4 SLI Socket 939 Motherboard 1024 GeIL PC3200 DDR Dual Channel Series (2X512MB) Western Digital 200G SATA 7200 rpmHDD 2 x Gigabyte GV-NX66T128D GF6600GT 128M PCI-EX16TV-OUT/DVI in SLI Mode LG DVD16X+- Super Multi DVD Rewriter with Software (Dual Layer Black ) Panasonic 1.44 Floppy(black) XG Viper Black/Blue 500W Case With 4 in 1 Acrylic window That's just over AU$2K aswell but you don't have a monitor with that...
  9. As much as I'd like to support the Lions, I really don't see them winning. So I'm just going to assume the Kiwi's are going to kick [wagon] and go on with life :P
  10. If you want really alien stuff -> Area 51, or another one of those supposedly 'non-existant' USA bases ;)
  11. I don't know who is saying the truth, but either way the store was shut and that should've been the end of it. If she cbf to go to a store during it's business hours then tought luck for her. I highly doubt any other store which had just closed for the day would let her, or any other celb, in after it's operating hours on the fly.* Makes me wonder what other celebs think they own the rest of us and that they can do what ever they feel like just because they have money :ugh: Personally, I wouldn't care if Bill Gates turned up to my business (assuming I had one), after I closed, wanting to shop. I wouldn't open for anyone one else, having a wad of cash and being famous isn't going to change that fact that the only time they can shop is during business hours, just like everyone else. --- *I don't know if they (Hermes) might've let Oprah in if they weren't setting up a PR. Could very well be possible since she missed by 15 minutes. But in the end, they're just another customer, and to quote Ami: "If you're gonna run a business you SHOULD keep it open for all, and CLOSE it for all." Although, TBH, I'd have no problem accomodating them if they requested to shop outside normal business hours in advance, but not on-the-fly. Oprah obviously had plans that night - she should've gone to the Hermes earlier or sent one of her people down sometime during the day instead of leaving it to the last minute. --- Cliffs: Herems did the right thing. Oprahs ego got butt hurt and call racism.
  12. So do I. If I don't get my hair cut in the next month, so will I :noes:
  13. That's an awesome collectors item Daan. Nice score ;) What's left on your list of stuff to get :P
  14. As in the matrix, I'm guilty of virtually (almost) every computer crime we (America) has a law for. Only problem is, they can't touch me :wiggle:
  15. I'd expect to be payed bloody well, least in Australia, if I was a tuckie. A lot of companies are forcing their drivers (mainly interstate) to drive 20hr+ shifts or face the chance of losing their jobs. And most drivers are driving for over a day straight, either using caffine or some other stimulant to keep them awake. Not alert, just awake. So... not exactly the best career path IMO. Although it's probably much different in other countries. Although I wouldn't exactly be suprised if it wasn't.
  16. It's not dead yet. If you honestly want to write, sit down and write. Don't think about it - just sit down and do it ;) Anyhow, dream job? I honestly don't know. CEO of a software company most likely. I honestly don't know. The subjects I did in HS could've let me into any career path. I ultimately chose IT though... So I guess, IT for the win. :dunno:
  17. 70% major (group) assignment. No one else in the group did any work :eivl:
  18. My Samurize plugin still works fine...
  19. I know what you're talking about. Although it happened to me on Opera. The sites are in the history. Just... auto complete doesn't work :-? I don't know how FireFox works, but my problem got solved by wiping my cache... Might work in FF, might not :dunno:
  20. and such? I know most of us have probably pulled at least one all-nighter. But how long can you keep going after the intial 24hrs before you start to feel like you're dying or something... My longest sits just about 80hrs... then I like collapsed from exhaustion. Woke up an hour later perfectly fine :-? Scary stuff :shock:
  21. And I'll be there to laugh when you get the short end of the stick.
  22. You'd be suprised how much a text based game can you use :P check your pm's, I don't know if my logic is right so I don't really want to post it. Leave grin make any kind of occicial statement on that ;)
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