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Everything posted by dave0293

  1. Is it confirmed that the next class update is the soldier? I can't wait for this update to come out. I'll need a hat to keep myself warm in the snow.
  2. dave0293


    Today, I had to take a full practice SAT (~4 hours), go to a 2 hour SAT prep class (parents' idea), and do the homework for the class (~2.5 hours). :cry: Tomorrow, I have to do tons of AP English summerwork. What happened to summer? I also played a couple of holes of golf.
  3. No offence, but wearing revealing clothes doesn't make someone hot. I'm with you on this one. I don't see why everyone idolizes celebrities.
  4. In addition to what barihawk said, it's extremely hard to do that for events that happened a long time ago, and every historian is incredibly biased. You could read one that focuses a lot more on political history, and another that focuses on economic or social or intellectual history. As to what the OP said, in future history textbooks, the US will be mentioned less and less. Just the same as Spain after the Age of Exploration, the Dutch after the 17th century, and Italy after the Renaissance.
  5. The last time you said that, I switched and haven't gone back since. It's so great against any ubers, and if a enemy's back is already turned, you can still get a lot of damage in. I'm still not very good, and am still having the problem with stats not saving. I got like 43 points on engineer the other day and it didn't save. I think it has to with dieing and server switching maps, but I'm not sure. Join the tip.it group. I'm most likely just as bad as you, but I'll play if we're both on. I can't play it on my computer; I have to use my parent's (at completely minimum settings).
  6. First off, I'm sorry I didn't post on your previous thread, as my situation is basically the same as you. The volunteering, straight As, them being overly controlling (I've never owned a console, etc.), the college consultant, texting, I'm sure you know it just as well as I do. There's two ways you can go about it. It's probably in your best interest to follow Lord's plan, and basically (however you choose) try to confront them, or explain how you feel. I can't be as much a help with you on that, and from my experience it hasn't always turned out that well. The main time I hinted that they were so controlling, they threatened to take away even more things... So on to what I've done. Spent a lot of time on the internet. The freedom of the internet basically what I've never got to have. Starting around school time last year, I got a lot more homework, some of it real some fictional. And spent some of the time I was in my room doing homework, on the internet. But it turned out that sometimes I would actually stay up later than them. And as soon as they go to bed, you're free to do whatever you want... Facebook? Get it. IM? Get it. Don't ask, just go right ahead and do it. Stop caring about how they might react, or what they think. Just face the consequences if you get caught. I got to the mindset where there was basically nothing left that they could take away from me. College, it seems that it's the only thing my parents talk about. So much, that it has turned me off about it. So much, that almost any college seems the same. I don't know how it is for you, but it seems like they've forgotten to almost include me in their discussions. Don't let it get to that. Remind them that you, not the college, is what is most important. And tell them that they're a lot of great colleges out there, and getting into the most prestigious probably won't change your life that much more than getting into one a little bit less prestigious. As for outlining, that would typically be to briefly summarize the main ideas of each section. Unless you're confusing it with annotating. I know it's horrible advice. If it gets to the point where you feel like talking to them doesn't do a thing, and you want to get on better relations, you could try Lord's plan or get someone else involved (i.e. a counselor). Or if you're a coward, like me, you could go behind their back and do whatever you want. Either way, the first step is talking to others and trying to figure out why your parents are the way they are because at least you're attempting to try and work things out. I wish you the best of luck.
  7. I still think that there should be a reason for why, when they have these supposed oppurtunities, they aren't taking advantage of these. Are they not victimized more, do they not have more crime? Is there no other reason for this?
  8. Is there no correlation between them being aboriginal and having more troubles than everyone else today? Is the whole reason that they haven't done as well because they don't want to?
  9. From what you've said, it sounds like they haven't adapted after these 200 years. And I still don't get why it was okay to force them to adapt, but I'll just leave it at that.
  10. But should they have been forced to get used to this? Presently, I guess they should just except that whatever happened in the past, wrong or right, happened and they should try the best to make the best of their situation.
  11. I wasn't saying they couldn't, I was saying that we shouldn't have forced them to. Yet it's obviously a little late for that now. You guys that live in Australia would easily know better than I do. Today, they may seem lazy, but we still have to look at the underlying cause, and I'm still going to say it's that Westerners forced them to adapt to their culture. Whether or not one culture is "superior" is irrelevant. If an individual wants to take advantage of the benefits of a society, they are obligated to contribute their own efforts and resources to maintaining and improving that society. If that means that they must integrate, then so be it. It is relevant. If we hadn't thought our culture was superior, we wouldn't have forced them to adapt to it. Instead we could have viewed neither one superior than the other. How do we know that they would have wanted to reap the benefits and negatives of Western society. I thought we hadn't given them a choice, but again as I don't know as much by not living in Australia or New Zealand. On another note, I thought it was obvious, but I wasn't talking about the current situation. In their current predicament, even though they were forced to adapt and however unfair it may seem to them, they are now obligated to participate in that society.
  12. I don't know if they lowered the price on steam, and I'm too lazy to check right now, but I found it online for 39.90 Link
  13. But "The Sneetches" was such a great book.
  14. Justified by social darwinism we have already convinced ourselves that Western civilization must be better, and in turn conquered anyone we deemed inferior. Obviously we can't go back now, nor could these two civilizations coexist. Yet it doesn't mean that since was able to capture the other that it is better. For example, lets say the whole point of our existence is happiness. Can you argue that someone in a Western Civilization is happier than someone in a hunter-gather based one? The problem is not that they can't integrate into our society, but our mindset that they, whether or not they wanted to, should be forced to integrate.
  15. Obviously I'm not Australian, but I think your problem is that you're comparing them to how they fit into your/Western society. Lets look at all the things Aboriginal Australia didn't have: writing, centralized governments, metal tools and weapons, domesticated animals for transport and food. So while New Zealand and Australia were still basically living in the stone age, the West had developed all these things. So it was not a surprise that the West was able to conquer Australia. So there was a huge difference in lifestyles between the two, but that doesn't mean the one of these is smarter than the other. How is a industrialized civilization better than a hunter-gatherer one? Sure the West has/had better medical care, longer life spans, but we also have less social support from relatives. So even though Aboriginals tend to perform poorly at tasks that Westerners have been trained to perform since childhood while they have not. But imagine how stupid a westerner might have looked trying to do a task that aboriginals have done for 40,000 years? I.e. tracking animals, surviving off the land etc. (Obviously that's not possible today with so much of their culture gone). Remember how much help the first Americans needed from the primitive Indians? Hell, aboriginals could even be smarter than us, with natural selection probably much stronger with so few of them left, and they used to have a much more active lifestyle than someone from an industrialized society. On another note, you should read Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond.
  16. No offense to anyone, but a lot of us have heard the answers to a fair amount of these before. Furthermore, the answers to most of these can be found on the internet (not that I'm condoning that you search for them). Be original people. And to all of you who keep posting answers to the op's riddles, if you took the couple of seconds to read even the first couple of pages, you'll find that they've already been answered. That said, Dusty is the answer to 3 [hide=]a candle? That's what I first thought of after seeing gauper's answer[/hide]
  17. Whats to learn? Just be like everyone else W+M1 hehe, nah don't just do that. Don't use backburner, put out teammates with compression blast, fire soldiers rockets back, use axtinguisher if you catch heavy on fire and he's close, use shotgun when they run away. Those are the basics for a good pyro. I meant more to get the hang of; thanks for the tips. Is it true that it only records points/stats at the end of games?
  18. I posted a few pages back, and I finally got the game to work about a week ago. \ So far I'm horrible, but I guess I just have to play a little bit more. Right now pyro seems the easier to learn, but hopefully I'll get better at everyone. One quick question: I keep breaking my record for damage/most points etc, but it doesn't save it when I quit/disconnect. Does it only record the points you got after each game/miniround/all the time. I was bummed when I booted steam back up and found it hadn't saved 'em. On another note, besides playing more (which I hope to do this summer), does anyone have any good resources that you good link me to? Maybe I'll be good enough to play with you guys sometime...
  19. Opera 10 (it's in beta right now), scores a hundred. http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/standards-support-in-opera-10-beta/#acid3
  20. None. :thumbsup: Yet. :ohnoes: Maybe it's because I only got my license a couple of weeks ago...
  21. I have the same thing. D is windows 7 RC, E the cd drive, and g/h partitions of an external hard drive.
  22. Thanks again. I hadn't seen that but had bookmarked a couple others, including that one, and a earthwatts 430.
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