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Everything posted by Bubsa

  1. You're right pal, let's move it on
  2. Sorry to say but thats a lie :-k It is THE BEST slow rock band to ever walk the face of the earth O:) Hah I'm gonna have to say Journey and Boston run them all the way.
  3. Bubsa

    Vote colbert!

    In order to further continue this debate (and a thrilling one at that), it would require an expert's opinion; someone suitable for this sort of subject -- namely backsides of the male sort. Where's Viktor when you so promptly need him? Oh wait. Good day indeed. Hahahaha. You win threads ^_^
  4. What's going on, Kurt Russell?!
  5. i hope thats not a hint that the food isn't good What do you mean? Our food isn't good. If Jamie Oliver can be celebrated as a saviour chef, it just goes to show how bad it is. If you're going Camden just be aware you are pretty much surrounded by freaky gothic gender confused individuals. You can find a few classics in there, though. I managed to piece together a Y.M.C.A Cowboy costume for about ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã10
  6. Pretty much anything Muhammad Ali said.
  7. I have to say, not only would that have made your crap even more satisfying, but your story had me gripped. Well played sir. Well smegging played.
  8. Wow, no wonder Will's mom made him move to his Auntie and Uncle in Bel-Air. Philly must be as backwards as the last 7 presidential years.
  9. Bubsa

    Vote colbert!

    The claim that no man would want orally moisten my backside, having been exposed to it on so many occassions, is frankly offending. Good day sir.
  10. Bubsa

    Vote colbert!

    Whoa there! This really makes you come off as a conceited [wagon]. Just sayin. I know mate, hence my hesitation in saying so, but to be honest, I'm sick of it after a number of cases.
  11. ....cute. It's like he thinks he knows FPS...or games for that matter. I would link you to this big 30 page thread we had over the discussion but, to be honest, 29.5 pages of that was just fanboy flaming. So no good there. Currently, I'd get a 360, for many of the reasons Nad has mentioned. Hm, do you feel subconscious desires to insult random people? You might want to see a therapist about that... I really don't see why everyone makes such a big deal about what FPS someone plays. Maybe I can like Halo 3 AND Gears of War AND COD3 all at the same time. All the screaming about which game is 't3h tR0o 0\/\/N4g3d3r' is really pathetic. He wasn't insulting you, plus he was attacking the fact that you made a very broad generalization. The game is not a MUST HAVE for ANY GAMER. A better statement would of been, "It's an excellent game that I recommend for 360 owners". Plus, I used to think halo was the best fps out there, but after playing half life... no way... Crazy Aaron is right, and I love how you insinuate I'm some leetspeaking human paraquat, where the only one making the big deal here is you. Halo's not even the best FPS on that console.
  12. I think you should stop bumping dead crap. I mean, for smeg's sake, it's dead. And crap.
  13. Guys, we have to help him. The more time he spends out with his friends, the less time he spends here! Think, people! Think!
  14. I'm all for funny paperposts, but this fails. Hard.
  15. Bubsa

    Vote colbert!

    Powman3, it would help if you knew what you were talking about for a change, rather than just posting for the sake of kissing my heiny.
  16. diablo 2 still has a lot of people playing :/. When you think how many people are playing without cheats though, the man's post has some merit.
  17. Halo thar. Hope you have luck finding your friends. This part of the forum is off-topic (anti-runescape, if you will), so you may have better luck posting in This introduction thread in RS General or posting here in the RS Classic boards ^_^
  18. Bubsa

    Vote colbert!

    Say no to zoos! We need more cowbell!!
  19. I was in London last year and all of this is very sound advice as well :)
  20. Halo thar GSM! How have things been for you? Hope all is well pal.
  21. Spot on, from what I gather from the Red Sox fans of the forum, you're right on track. Let them flame, we know we're right.
  22. It's like, you know how people all have good qualities and then bad qualities? Well, Mancs have the bad qualities of everyone you meet, and are so overawed by arrogance, petulance and a decent grasp of the language we speak, they have none of the good.
  23. My advice is to get out of Manchester ASAP. It's a lovely city, great architecture, history...there's only one, massive problem. Manchunians. Liverpool is close to Manchester, so you could explore your inner Beatle and go there. T'other side of this big hilly bit called the Pennines, you'll reach Yorkshire, the only county in England where the population are all related. And a bit further north of Manchester is the Lake District, in a place called Cumbria. Now, that place is a great place to visit. The one place in England that would blow you away with views. Especially if you go soon, so you see the orange leaves etc. And the best part about it? Kendal Mint Cake. Ooooooh that's good!! :D
  24. Playing 08 right now and, with this A.I., I'd probably kill myself before the end of the session. Mind you, I cracked 07, I'll crack this.
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