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Everything posted by kamil1210

  1. stay on dragontooth, go to desert or grind near elves?
  2. I would love to see more destruction, look at wilderness where everything is destoryed and then look at lumb, clean and nice looking city after gods war
  3. instant sold at 8k edit: sold another bones for 9700gp each, instant
  4. I like baby unicorns and i'm not fan of MLP.
  5. Sucking power from weapons and puting them in new weapon using divine power would be better than this:
  6. Church, please no. It sound like sect and I don't want to be a cult leader. I hope I will be able to rename it to guild and I will be able to send members to missions like sending ships in POP, giving them ranks, giving quest when new adventurers who want to join me, inviting other players to my guild, working with other guilds (hero/legends/cooking etc)
  7. The "god power" would act as it did when guthix died. We can't ascend to godhood. Are you 100% sure, god power wouldn't vanish?
  8. What would happen with god power if player would kill god?
  9. Not everyone who is going to reset skill is nolifer.
  10. I like this idea. I will probably reset one 99 after after 120 dg.
  11. Where? Nowhere. This is not money sink.
  12. lvl 90 tree for 60 lvl items... scales from 78-95 monsters for 90 lvl armour... WHY NOT LVL 90 LOGS FOR LVL 90 ARMOUR? WHY!? JAGEX WHY!?
  13. BoL is great, 10 weeks old and still not dead content...
  14. If ever jagex will have to do do big changes in runescape economy it is unlikely that it will be due to bonds. You are wrong beacuse you think bonds in runescape and in real wrold are the same. They are completely different. Also I won't debete if bonds are bad or good in real life.
  15. Bonds in Runescape doesn't create money, you can only remove money from runescape by changing bonds from untradeable to tradeable Again, bonds in real life and in runescape are different. You can't compare them. Money sink from bonds is small (10% of GE value) and many ppl won't use this option.
  16. And they put this in video because it looks cool and futuristic
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