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Everything posted by Barihawk

  1. Per day, not forever. But given inflation is soaring due to the bot nuke, 25K doesn't really buy a whole lot. From what I understand balanced trades are fine. If someone is buying an item with a GE price of 87,000 gold they can pay up to 112,000 gp for it, or whatnot.
  2. I don't have the exact numbers, but there have been posts on other threads about the amount of new players signing up and such and it has significantly dropped off over the past couple years. It's hardly speculation and very widely accepted. So in other words, things you pulled out of your rear or things that other people have pulled out of theirs. And by "very widely excepted" you mean "in your head." Less popular than OMG EVERYONE TRY THIS GAME NOW on miniclip doesn't necessarily mean it's in the tubes. Negativity is the new cool on gaming boards. It's a trend on every game. Is EVE Online failing because they have negative boards? Star Trek Online is still gaining subscriptions and they are going F2P next month with an explosion of population and people are still doing nothing but whining on the forums because they get attention for it. The minority will always be more vocal. The game will go on. It's a hiscores system. Most skill based games don't even have those.
  3. I'm building a massive tiered castle-city southeast of town. It's south of the big mountain ridge that Lang claimed. If you hit marsh you went too far.
  4. This is a shining example of how music and sound can enhance the ambiance of the quest. From the moment from the murder of Sister Cabbage on was pure joy and the voice acting made the final confrontation near epic in scope. I also appreciated having the ability to like to Sister Bernita at the end. It felt honorable. This quest was a 10 out of 10. Beautiful lore, music, sound, and scope. As for the sex and violence, it shows that Jagex is ready to move on beyond the children's game Runescape has been marketed as for years. It was refreshing and not at all over the top.
  5. Did you go ahead and make us full members or do we need to go through that referral thing?
  6. It's supposedly visceral and meaty. Instead of your weapon just slashing back and forth, it will actually recoil off of armor and catch on brain matter.
  7. Do you believe in spiritual baptism or physical?
  8. Evolution created what we are today, that is science not a belief. You really need to take some sociology classes, buddy.
  9. Age of Conan. I couldn't find a youtube link to the Rise of the Godslayer music, but it is even more amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzramGErItw
  10. I really want to create an arabic build now.
  11. Hold the right mouse button.
  12. That supposedly is a willow tree. I am more eager for real rivers and terraingen that has been normalized.
  13. Exact same thing happened to me. Logged in and discovered myself poorer at the green dragons. Luckily I managed to salvage 3 mil worth of hides and bones as well as two combat levels.
  14. They didn't even really silence him. He's more than welcome to continue to smack talk them as much as he wants, within forum rules. The reason he was deFmodded was because he was abusing his power to get attention/hits on his videos.
  15. Established a singleplayer world. It's a large archipelago with a Millenaire military village on a smaller island. I decided to build on a large island that has what looks to be the inactive caldera of a volcano. I have roofed the caldera and will be building a large pavillion inside the hollow (large centerpiece, maybe an orrerary, pillars, and rooms if I can). On top will be a large castle (irregular shaped).
  16. My point was that bots have always been a problem with free trade. They were the entire reason Free Trade and the Wilderness was removed. We the players demanded those features back, our new overlords allowed it, and now we have to deal with the consequences. Goldsellers and bots are in every mmo, we just have to report them and move on.

  17. What's so shocking? That video looks just like those areas before free trade was removed TO COMBAT BOTS. Players begged to have free trade back, they got it. Oh, look! Surprise that the bots are back and more persistent on free worlds, right?! As for him being removed, big shocker. If one of Tip.It's mods went off on rants about administration, they'd be removed as well.
  18. I won't be able to host it, but we could at least have them if someone can :).
  19. Can you at least upload the server level files?
  20. In patch notes. Drains stats, speeds up overload timer and does 100 damage. Woox said he's still (ab)using it though. Seems like a pointless change, honestly. There are probably less than 20 players who actually regularly solo Nex. It takes somewhere around 50 minutes to do ONE solo kill, and even then, you have to have all the best equipment in the game (Pernix + Divine) to stand a chance. Yet score big bucks that nobody else can match. Hence the problem.
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