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Everything posted by foofoomagoo

  1. Congrats oreo, keep up the good work. And since you want an honest rate 6/10 :
  2. I doubt they will ever get that high, but im sure at some point they will all cost atleast 400m each with blues hitting close to 700m
  3. Im a guitarist, but anyways no there wont be a party not now not ever. Pretty sure im quitting just no real time to play anymore.
  4. Black Dahlia Murder (BDM), and yeah I doubt i'll level anything in the upcoming weeks, theres just no time.
  5. I actually have th3, and as a person he's probably one of the smartest people I have met in the music industry. I hold a lot of respect for him, and though i dont agree with everything there is alot of stuff that he says and writes that I hold very dear to my heart. I know that sounds very sappy and emotional, but I think thats what music is meant for.
  6. I havent talked to you ingame in over 2 weeks, this is strange :shock:
  7. Considering a lot of the people on the tour play WOW, and a few dabble in runescape, I am kind of curious on his reaction. Maybe I should ask him if he plays ;)
  8. I've seen Manson lets see almost every day this summer and when i log on here I see him every time as well. Its like an overload of manson. But on to my point its woodcutting week not agility
  9. Post a picture people will be kinder. Bank value isnt too important at this point for you so I wont rate that. Decent stats keep up the work 4/10. Yes I know the rate is low, but to be honest your stats are low.
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